
./ changes target when i use OpenFileDialog

I'm using a streamwriter to log errors the way it has been designed (please dont ask why) is to open a new streamwriter everytime the application has to log a message. It outputs everything to ./Logs/[current-date].txt which usually resolves to "c:\myappfolder\logs[current-date].txt" Everything works correctly, but after I use an open ...

How can i start a console application using the 'network service' account

Hello, I have a console application that i would like to run as 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService', but i cant remember how to do so - the only reason is that i will be hosting my service in a windows service, but for kerberos authentication testing i want to use the spn that is already at the domain (it does have delegation enabled) In sho...

Winforms + MDI children

In WinForms, is there a way to specify initial starting locations of MDI Child windows in a somewhat intelligent manner? I can apply a manual position, or have it center parent, but neither of these options take much thought into existing windows. I'd like to know if there is built in way to do a "smart arrangement", or if I need to im...

Silverlight: How to force binding after setting the DataContext property

Is it possible to set the DataContext property of a usercontrol after the user control has been loaded, and force the usercontrol to rebind? ...

Why is there no IronPerl (Perl for .NET)?

I'm a bit disappointed that there doesn't seem to be any effort to make Perl a first-class citizen of the .NET world. I've read a few 'reasons' in the past, but I don't see why they can't be overcome (different garbage collectors, hard-to-parse syntax, part of CPAN modules couldn't be ported, different communities, ...). Activestate ha...

Remote debugging - Getting errors

I have an XP client that is experiencing an issue. My dev box is Vista Home 64. I start up the debugger on the client machine and when i try to run on the dev box, it says 'Unable to debug. Remote debugger doesn't support this version of windows'. Looks like I'm sol. is there another way to find out how to debug this? The application i...

Multiple Clients writing to a single file using Logging Application Block

I have the following scenario: 1. .NET UI side uses Logging App Block to write to a flat file 2. Unmanaged Windows Service uses a proprietary logger to write to the same file as 1. Question: Is there a way to enable FlatFile TraceListener to close it's file handle once the entry is logged so that the Windows Service could also write to ...

Is there a free alternative to ReSharper?

I'm wondering if there's a freeware and/or open source alternative to ReSharper on the market. ...

Best Product to Obfuscate a Mixed .NET DLL

I have a .NET DLL and application. The DLL is written in C++/CLI and it's "mixed", i.e., partially managed code and partially native. I have two goals: 1. Obfuscate all the managed code so it can't be disassembled 2. Obfuscate the public methods/classes of the mixed DLL so no one can use the DLL in their own applications, i.e., scramb...

What's the best way to write a Windows client app other than .NET?

I'm trying to evaluate whether I should make the .NET Framework a requirement for my new Windows app. I believe .NET is the best and most efficient way to write Windows client apps, so it comes down to how painful the next best alternative is. Specifically, I'm trying to avoid the installation of the .NET Client Profile, which downloads ...

HTTP 403 Error while accessing web service

Im trying to access a web service from a remote computer. I managed to access the web service from the browser. But Im getting HTTP 403 when I try to call the web service from the application. Any idea why? ...

.NET - Error trying to compile Automatic Properties

I'm trying to compile a POCO with this code public class MenuItem { public string Name { get; set; } public string Url { get; set; } } I keep getting compile errors on the gets and sets with messages like: 'MenuItem.Name.get' must declare a body because it is not marked abstract or extern. What am I missing? I'm com...

Trouble with StructureMap and a public property I need to set

Hi folks, I've got an interface which i've used StructureMap to Dependency Inject. public interface IFileStorageService { void SaveFile(string fileName, byte[] data); } The interface doesn't care WHERE the data is saved. Be it to the memory, a file, a network resource, a satellite in space.... So, i've got two classes that imple...

.net drawing: problems scaling a pen

System.Drawing: I found a post (with no answer) that explains my problem very nicely: http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.test.here/browse_thread/thread/21b768eb66270b9d?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=Pen+width+scaletransform+group:microsoft*#47964cfcad0d0bc8 I'm having trouble controlling the Pen width where the graphics are tr...

How do i populate a POCO (child) IList property from a Linq2Sql query?

Hi folks, I have a two classes: public class Question { public IList<Answer> Answers { get; set; } } public class Answer { .. } In my Linq2Sql designer, there's two L2S objects on designer, with the correct 0<->many arrow between them. Kewl. I'm not sure how i can retrieve these questions/answers in a single call and populate m...

convert a keycode to the relevant display character

In a C# Windows.Forms project I have a control that does not supply the KeyPressed event (It’s a COM control – ESRI map). It only supplies the KeyUp and KeyDown events, containing the KeyEventArgs structure. How can I convert the information in KeyEventArgs to a displayable Unicode character, taking the current active keyboard layout ...

internal constructor

Yesterday I thought it would be nice to implement my own Trigger in a WPF app. I created a class MyTrigger which inherited TriggerBase. TriggerBase is a public abstract class. So inheritance isn't a problem. But the constructors inside this class are marked internal. The compiler throws an error because the is no valid constructor. Why d...

Best data access method in .NET 2.0

When developing with .NET 3.5 I naturally use LINQ for data access. But for .NET 2.0 projects, what data access model is the best one to use? I tend to use TableAdapters mainly, but sometimes also write my own SQL depending on the situation. ...

Server-side paging with DevExpress without XPO

Is there any (relatively) easy way to implement server-side paging using DevExpress controls (either Win- or Web-ones) without using an XPO data source? By server-side paging I mean control retrieving only the records it needs to display from the database, not the whole table. ...

BaseCodeGeneratorWithSite: supported SDK versions?

I checked that BaseCodeGeneratorWithSite is supported in VS 2008 SDK 1.1. Since the MSDN page is from Nov. 2007 presumably in the 1.0 SDK too. There is a CodeProject article claiming that the class was "public in VS.NET 2002 and made internal in the VS.NET 2003". Contrary to other references on the MSDN the BaseCodeGeneratorWithSite d...