

Hi, I made a small desktop app in .net c# using IBM.Data.DB2 provider connecting to IMB DB2 on z/OS. When i deployed this app on a machine i faced issues for runtime for IBM DB Connect then i found that i had to install the DB2 Run-Time Client Lite and i did so. Now when i run the application an error is coming "ERROR[42968][IBM] SQL800...

mscorlib.dll & System.dll

Why did MS originally make the decision to maintain these two separate core libs? Maybe they had some scalability issue in mind, but nowadays I never see an application, of any type, that doesn't need both. Does anyone have any inside information on this? It's not really important, but been on my mind for years. PS. I know what's in the...

Preferred development platform for cross-platform desktop GUI?

The answers to this related question of mine lead me to choose Java for most of my backend services (it's a multi-component system). Now, I'm not sure whether that would be a good choice for cross-platform desktop GUI apps, as well. The Java desktop applications I remember using have that non-native look that I don't like, but I'm not su...

Debugging .NET assemblies built outside of Dev Studio

I have a .NET project which references another assembly that is built outside of the solution. I have all of the source code to the other assembly - but I can only add it as a ".DLL" reference rather than adding the actual project as a dependency. The problem is that when I step into the external code, the debugger "steps over" it. Ho...

What makes the Java compiler so fast?

I was wondering about what makes the primary Java compiler (javac by sun) so fast at compilation? ..as well as the C# .NET compiler from Microsoft. I am comparing them with C++ compilers (such as G++), so maybe my question should have been, what makes C++ compilers so slow :) ...

Check for Existance of column in DataReader OR Not make debugger break on certain exceptions

I have code that looks like: //System.Data.IDataRecord dr try { Consolidated = Utility.NullConvert.ToBool(dr[Constants.Data.Columns.cConsolidated], false); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { } //swallow I don't know if the consolidated column will be present in the datareader, so I do that to check, works fine (little hackish...

How can I maintain child objects with LinqToSql over WCF?

I am currently stuck in the design of this solution. The data layer design consists of the following: Recipe (parent high level object) Language Detail (name, description by language) (many) Headers (many) Steps (many) Ingredients (many) Quantities (many) Procedures (many) Notes (many) The challenge that I am having is how to ...

C# MySQL Connection problems

I'm trying to connect a C# application (using Visual C# 2008 Express Edition) to a remote MySQL server. I have the drivers for this, but when I followed the tutorials (including adding the pooling and connection reset properties), I get an error that: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I've included the two lines of co...

Using "var" to declare variables in C#

When using "var" to declare variables in C#, is there boxing/unboxing taking place? Also is there a chance of a runtime type mis-match when using var to declare variables? ...

Is Silverlight Secure?

We have a need for an application that runs on an end user's machine and provides us with score results, and we need to results to be accurate (i.e. not tampered with). Currently, there is a debate between Flash and Silverlight, and it looks like Silverlight is going to be the winner. Aside from the agurment that anything on an end us...

What are Extension Methods?

What are extension methods in .NET? EDIT: I have posted a follow up question at Usage of Extension Methods ...

How to get random double value out of random byte array values?

I would like to use RNGCryptoServiceProvider as my source of random numbers. As it only can output them as an array of byte values how can I convert them to 0 to 1 double value while preserving uniformity of results? ...

Usage of Extension Methods

When does using extension methods make sense? Does adding extension methods to a type affect performance? These questions are follow up to the question i asked earlier about Extension Methods. ...

Treatment of Shared in GAC Included Assemblies

I know that when creating a DLL and declaring items as "Shared" (Static in C#) that they are instantiated when first called, and then that object reference lives on as the single reference. So declaring a shared string property once set can be called again to retreive the same value. And that thread safety is then a Major concern withi...

Best documentation system for .NET?

I've never used a documentation system before, typically using commenting by hand but I think it would be nice to do so for a new project. What do you guys/gals advise? I've heard of Sandcastle but not sure if that's the best out. (This is for an open-source project so it needs to be free unfortunately.) ...

What Exception should be thrown from Propery Set?

In .NET, what type of exception should be thrown if someone passes an illegal value to the set { } part of a property? Example: public string Provider { get { return _provider; } set { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) throw new Exception("Provider cannot be null or empty."); //what type of exception should be thrown...

Can't find Dotnet install optimizer, any ideas?

Back in 2005 I worked on a dotnet desktop application. At the time I was looking for installers to create the install package. During my search I cam across a neat tool that would bind your application with dotnet itself only including the parts of dotnet that were required for the application to run. It did this using dependency resolut...

WCF - Who is connecting to me

With WCF, how can I determine who is connecting to my server? Background: I have a set of WCF clients and servers. I suspect one client is pointed to the wrong server, so I want to log all the connections to that server. I don't know which client it is, so I have to check it on the server side. ...

How to properly document an extension method

So, I have a few extension methods, for commonly used stuff, and in documenting them, it's occurred to me that I have no idea how to consistently write the summary tag in the XML comments. For example: /// <summary> /// Gets a subset of characters from the left-hand side of a string. /// </summary> public static stri...

Use of Print Preview in .Net Winforms

I am writing c# code in .Net 2008 Winforms. I created a print preview window to create a report. It works fine I can preview the report and then print it. The only problem is it is not as flexible as the Office Print preview. The users cannot chose a printer other that the default printer and they cannot limit the print to certain pages...