
Weird behaviour when mixing loading of assemblies using Assembly.LoadFrom and Assembly.Load

Weird behavior when mixing loading of assemblies using Assembly.LoadFrom and Assembly.Load I have encountered a weird behavior when loading assemblies with Assembly.LoadFrom and later on with Assembly.Load. I am loading an assembly using Assembly.LoadFrom, where the assembly is located in a folder which is not the execution folder. La...

Choosing a .Net Inversion of Control container for first attempt at Dependency Injection

Which IoC container is the easiest to get started with. This probably equates to which ones have the friendliest documentation. Not too worried about number of features. ...

How to determine whether an IP is from the same LAN programatically in .NET C#

I know that if an IP falls outside the Subnet Mask + Local IP rules, it will be only reachable through an Gateway. The problem is that I don't know how to obtain the local IP address, neither the local subnet mask, programatically using .NET. Any of you can help me? I will use this information to squeeze the maximum performance from my ...

deployment tools under .NET solutions

Hi guys, We all do code, small (like one .exe) or big applications (complete solutions) with web applications, windows applications, databases, help files, configuration files and registry values... my question is simple, in my opinion that is, now that I need to deploy a web application and a windows application in just one installati...

How do I insert entities with Linq To SQL where I wish to specify their identities - eg, pre-populating tables on DB creation?

I'm engaged in writing a product using LinqToSql for data-access. While we're rapidly developing, the model changes often. This means we dump and reload the database lots while developing. Thus, overhead is involved to recreate baseline data each time. A process that restores a DB backup is not useful, because we would need to update...

How can I profile the performance of a .NET app already deployed to a customer?

I have several customers where my WinForms app does not perform as well as at other customers. I use JetBrain's dotTrace here in the office, but that does not help me find bottlenecks on the machines of our customers. How can I profile the performance of a .NET app already deployed to a customer? Are there any profiling tools with a redi...

Component reuse between ASP.NET and C#.NET

This might seem like a ridiculous question since I'm quite inexperienced in .NET. Is it possible to build components in C#, using .NET, which can be reused in ASP.NET. For example if one would like to port an application onto the web. If possible, how portable are they? I.e. can GUI be reused in some extent? Is there an intermediate fo...

How do you determine the values in a binding?

I have defined a binding that I use to connect to two different services. One I call my Master service that provides configuration information to my program and tells it which Local service to connect to. The Local service returns, along with other things, items that allow me to draw map lines and an MP3 as a file stream. The MP3 can...

Common Runtime ?

Hi Something I'm not to clear about, I understand there are differences between C# and VB.NET (mainly in the use of pointers) but why if both have a Common CLR, does XNA (for example) only work with C# and not VB.NET, or is it that the add ins to visual studio have been aimed at C# rather than VB.Net, and infact the language extensions ...

Join and Include in Entity Framework

I have the following query in linq to entities. The problem is that i doesn't seems to load the "Tags" relation even thou i have a include thingy for it. It works fine if i do not join on tags but i need to do that. var items = from i in db.Items.Include("Tags") from t in i.Tags ...

How to get dialog result from WebBrowser.ShowPageSetupDialog

I'm using a WebBrowser control in my Visual C# (.net 2.0) application. Now I'd like to add a print button which shows the page setup dialog and then directly prints when the user presses the OK button or cancels the printing when the user presses the cancel button. However WebBrowser.ShowPageSetupDialog doesn't return DialogResult, but j...

XmlSerializer, sgen.exe and generics

I have a generic type: public class Packet<T> where T : IContent { private int id; public int Id { get { return this.id; } } private T content; public T Content { get { return this.content; } } } I want to deserialize/serialize instances of this type from/to XML. IContent is defined like that: public interface IConte...

Can I Use a .NET DLL in "Delphi 2007 for Win32"?

Is it possible to use a .NET DLL in Delphi 2007 for Win32? I've tried to import the DLL in the same way I've done for an ActiveX component, but it doesn't appear to work (Component Menu -> Import Component -> Import .NET Assembly. Is it possible and if so what are the steps? ...

Can I get a reference to a pending transaction from a SqlConnection object?

Hey, Suppose someone (other than me) writes the following code and compiles it into an assembly: using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()) { /* Update something in the database */ /* Then call any registered OnUpdate handlers */ ...

Has anyone created a "defaulting map" data structure, or have any ideas?

I have some configuration data that I'd like to model in code as so: Key1, Key2, Key3, Value null, null, null, 1 1, null, null, 2 9, null, null, 21 1, null, 3, 3 null, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 5 With this configuration set, I then need to do lookups on bazillion (give or take) {Key1, Key2, Key3}...

WebBrowser control: How to overwrite URL property

This is a bit special: I'm loading some HTML in string form into the WebBrowser control via the DocumentText property. Now when I print the page with a PDF printer (Bullzip PDF Printer in my case) it always takes the URL as document name which is "about:blank". Is there any way to change this to another value by either changing the URL p...

Why are there dashes in a .NET GUID?

Why are there dashes in a .NET GUID? Are there dashes in most implementations of a GUID, or is it just a Microsoft thing? Signed, 741ecf77-9c92-4435-8e6b-85975bd13452 ...

.NET force COM objects release

Hi ! I have an ASP.NET 2.0 application under IIS that has the functionnality of exporting some data to a software called HFM (Oracle Hyperion Financial Management). To perform that export, the .net application uses an API based on COM objects provided by the HFM client (the client is installed on the same machine that the server, etc.)...

How can I programatically translate a MSSQL server alias to an IP address using .NET?

The Windows default instalation comes with MSSQL client has a cliconfg application that is used to set aliases to Servers IP addresses and ports. Sometimes we use in our ConnectionStrings some of those aliases instead of IP address,port. How can I programatically translate that alias to an address using .NET? Update: .NET + Windows auto...

add rows to a dataset

is it possible to add rows to a dataset ...