
Generate XML documentation for private members

Is there a way to generate XML documentation for private members? Be default it only generates it for public members, which is correct for published code but not for code only used within a company. ...

.NET Class Refactoring Dilemma

So I'm refactoring a legacy codebase I've inherited, and in the process I found a static class that encapsulates the logic for launching 3rd party applications. It essentially looks like this (shortened for brevity to only show one application): using System.IO; using System.Configuration; public static class ExternalApplications { ...

How to Indexing and searching business entities using Lucene.Net?

I would like to know how to use Lucene.NET for indexing and searching my business entities. I see NHibernate.Search has nice features for this issue, but it still needs DB. I don't need DB, I only want to store all data in my Lucene.NET's index. I also see java framework like Compass can do that stuff easily, but it's not .NET library. ...

When should I use a compiled Regex vs. interpreted?

After reading this article http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000228.html I understand the benefits of compiled regular expressions a little better, however in what personal scenarios would you consider mandates the use of a compiled Reg Ex? For instance, I am using a regex in a loop and the regular expression string utilises dif...

MSTest Code Coverage

Is there a way to test code coverage within visual studio if I'm using MSTest? Or do I have to buy NCover? Is the NCover Enterprise worth the money or are the old betas good enough if Microsoft doesn't provide built in tools to do code coverage? EDIT: Description of VS Products and which ones include code coverage http://www.microsoft...

Redirect console output to textbox in separate program C#

I'm developing an Windows Forms application that requires me to call a separate program to perform a task. The program is a console application and I need to redirect standard output from the console to a TextBox in my program. I have no problem executing the program from my application, but I don't know how to redirect the output to...

Expression.Dynamic and Operators.Assign?

I'm trying to use Expression.Dynamic() to build an assignment operation... I want to use this to selectively offer value type semantics to certain custom type instances in my language. I can't do this with a "static" (?) Expression because I don't know what the actual type is (I need the MetaObject instance and its LimitType... hence Exp...

FxCop rule that checks for NotImplementedExceptions

I'd like to have the nightly build check for how many NotImplementedExeptions there are in my .NET code so hopefully we can remove them all before releasing. My first thought is that FxCop might be a good tool to do this. Does anyone have a custom FxCop rule for this? How would I go about creating one myself? ...

Visual Studio + Crystal Reports + SourceSafe = auto checkout

I have a simple VS2008 project with several crystal reports, created with Crystal Reports 2008 (outside Visual Studio). The solution is added to source control (Visual SourceSafe 6.0). Now every time I open the solution all the reports are checked out together with their corresponding cs files. No changes are made to the files, so I can ...

How to carry out Cross Domain request in a Webbrowser Control?

As you know doing Cross Domain XMLHTTP requests is not allowed for security reasons under Internet Explorer. I have a WebBrowser Control and I'm using DocumentText instead of Navigate to a URL. Since the current domain is about:blank when the page tries to do a request to itself or other domain I'm getting Access is denied Javascript er...

WPF Paragraph InlineUIContainer Replace

I have a string for a WPF Paragraph that I would like to replace certain words with InlineUIContainers. Would would be the best method to do this? As I am comparing words, would it be best to split the string of the Paragraph text into and ArrayList of words and then compare each word and replace the ArrayList object with the InlineUIC...

Modularising a C# Compact Framework 2.0 Application

Morning guys, We're currently developing a new piece of hand-held software. I cant discuss the nature of the application, so I'll use an example instead. We've designing hand-held software for managing a school. We want to modularise each aspect of the system so that different schools can use different features. Our system will start...

Garbage collection for ValueType wrappers

Quoting from the MSDN Link for ValueType Class In cases where it is necessary for a value type to behave like an object, a wrapper that makes the value type look like a reference object is allocated on the heap, and the value type's value is copied into it. The wrapper is marked so the system knows that it contains a value type. Th...


When i trying to run or create a new website using NHibernate in my PC on behalf of some NHibernate Projects there, But Now i am getting NHibernateSessionManager nested expection reptly, So pls ask the reason for this issue and avoid in future. ...

Adding a License to your .Net Web Application

Hi, I am currently looking at adding some licensy type software which will protect my .net web application source code. Was wondering if you guys had any experience with this and knew perhaps any companies or sources which provide such utilities ? So my main aim is to protect the actual files i.e Default.aspx Default.aspx.cs .... being...

[.NET] Should I roll my own version of ParseInt32?

I am writing a high performance parser, and it seems to me that Int32.Parse can be too slow. I wrote a simple version that assumes correct input, and it's performing much better. So should I create my own version instead? Or is there another faster method already available? My method is like this: // parse simple int, assuming relative...

What are the main differences between ASP.NET MVC and FubuMVC?

A developer I know just showed me FubuMVC and there was some question whether or not we should attempt to use it on a real live project or not. The current design choice so far has been ASP.NET MVC. What I'm interested in finding out is: What are the core differences between ASP.NET MVC and FubuMVC? What are the gains/loses with eith...

Performance of HttpWebRequest using POST

I have a small tool I use for testing a webservice. It can either call the webservice using POST or using GET. The code for using POST is public void PerformRequest() { WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(_uri); webRequest.ContentType = "application/ocsp-request"; webRequest.Method = "POST"; webRequest.Credentials = _cr...

Best way to use a List<T> in a Key/Value collection?

Hi, What's the best way to keep a collection-object (List in example) in a Key/Value situation, where the key is a ID and the value is a collection of a type T? Is this the only option or is there a better solution/another collection for this in .NET 3.5? var x = new Dictionary<int, List<type>>(); ...

VB.NET- Peformance when testing an empty string

In VB6, I was told that when testing for an empty string, it would be much faster to check this by verifying the length of the string by using : If Len("ABC") = 0 then 'fast or If LenB("ABC") = 0 then 'even faster instead of: If "ABC" = "" then 'slower Do you know by any chance if this is true also in VB.NET? Thank you. ...