
Best Way to get Whole Number part of a Decimal Number

What is the best way to return the whole number part of a decimal (in c#)? (This has to work for very large numbers that may not fit into an int). GetIntPart(343564564.4342) >> 343564564 GetIntPart(-323489.32) >> -323489 GetIntPart(324) >> 324 The purpose of this is: I am inserting into a decimal (30,4) field in the db, and want to e...

How to bind in WPF a whole object to an user control?

People use frequently something like: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=thisControl, Path=ListIndexes}"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <Label Content="{Binding Path=IndexName}"/> <Label Content="{Binding Path=IndexValue}"/> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> But I would like ...

Windows Mobile dll for a standard .NET projects

Hi Guys, Quick question (I hope), how do I include a window 6 class library dll in a standard net project? I seem to be able to just add a reference via VS in earlier editions of windows mobile projects, but not with version 6. From what I read it should be possible as long as not CE specific libraries have been used. Any help appreci...

Setting Foreign keys in Linq to SQL

It's well known that you cannot set foreign key IDs directly in Linq to SQL if the entities have already been loaded. You can however look up the entity by it's foreign key and then set the entity as the foreign entity using the entity relationship. (I've taken out the enum here and used integer values for simplicity). i.e. If I have a...

C#/.NET: Replace host in Uri

What is the nicest way of replacing the host-part of an Uri using .NET? I.e.: string ReplaceHost(string original, string newHostName); //... string s = ReplaceHost("http://oldhostname/index.html", "newhostname"); Assert.AreEqual("http://newhostname/index.html", s); //... string s = ReplaceHost("http://user:pass@oldhostname/index.html",...

z-Order of application windows - WPF

Is there a way to find out the z-order of all active windows in my application (application.current.windows) or any other way to find out what is the "parent" window of a modal window? I am trying to implement a "shader" functionality, that should fade the parent window when a modal window is shown. (the only way I have found so far i...

What is the .NET DataTable best usecase?

I have three Tables Customers, Jobs, Orders I Also have these tables in the a DataSet, which conforms to the same constraints as those in the Database itself. Originally, my intention was to keep the Data in the DataSet, and create various DataView objects to display this data to the user, and also to perform any required manipulations...

How good is the C# type inference?

Title says it all, how good is C# type inference? I read somewhere that it's only for local variables? Does it work for class level attributes? For method signatures? Method return types? etc. ...

msbuild, defining Conditional Compilation Symbols

I'm possibly just blind, but is there a command line to specify conditional compilation symbols in MSBUILD? I currently have this Line in my buildscript: SET MSBUILD=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe SET CONFIG=Debug %MSBUILD% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG% /p:OutputPath=..\..\output source\MyProject\MyProject.csproj...

Is it possible to customize a WindowsForms ColorDialog in .NET?

Is it somehow possible to customize or subclass System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog to add a few buttons? I know that it uses the native Windows color dialog, but is there a way to customize it from .NET? ...

Does GetCustomAttributes() preserve the attribute order in .NET?

The title pretty much says it all. When I'm doing some reflection through my classes, will the MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes() method preserve the order of attributes on a member, or not? The official documentation does not say anything one way or the other. In case you're wondering why I would need this, here's the full explanation....

WCF Service Throttling

Lets assume that I'm dealing with a service that involves sending large amounts of data. If I implement this with WCF, will WCF throttle the service based on how much memory each request takes to serve? Or will I be getting continuous out of memory exceptions each time I receive a large number of hits to my service? I'm quite curious a...

Check two List<int>'s for the same numbers

I have two List's which I want to check for corresponding numbers. for example List<int> a = new List<int>(){1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; List<int> b = new List<int>() {0, 4, 8, 12}; Should give the result 4. Is there an easy way to do this without too much looping through the lists? I'm on 3.0 for the project where I need this so no Linq. ...

Equivalent of Java's "LookingAt()" in .net?

Java has a regex function called "LookingAt()" which will allow partial matches against patterns, my question is: Does .net have an equivalent of "LookingAt()"? I may or may not use it for KeyPress validation but I just would like to know for future reference. Thanks in advance Jon ...

Set a non-column property value in Linq to SQL query

Is there any way to set a property that is not generated by Linq to SQL designer (is not a column in database) in a query? For example is there such a method like SomeMethod(): IQuaryable<T> query = (from t in context.MyTable where {some conditions} select t).SomeMethod("MyPropertyName", valu...

How do I tell if a Drag Drop has ended in Winforms?

How do I tell is a Drag Drop has ended WinForms .net. I need to stop part of my form from refreshing it's view of data when a drag drop is in progress. I have tried using a flag but I don't seem to be capturing all the events I need to to keep the flag in sync with the progress of drag drop. Specifically I can't tell when the drag dro...

How do you deal with exceptions in UserControls constructors when using the .net Winform Designer ?

When you load an UserControl in the WinForm designer, VisualStudio executes the InitializeComponent() method of the control, but not its constructor. This really makes a difference because it's quite common to have some code in the constructor which cannot run at design time. Unfortunately, when you add an UserControl to another control...

Length of string variables & char columns

I tend to make the length of character strings some power of two (16, 32, 64). Is there any optimaztion benefit in doing this for objects of type string such as a string variable, a collection of strings, or a column in a database of type string? This is in a .net/sql server environment. ...

What are the default intialization options for Regex?

The .Net C# offers two (well four) constructors: Regex(String) Regex(String,RegexOptions) The first constructs a regular expression with default options, while the second gives you somewhat more control. Take a peak under the hood with Reflector shows that the first constructor calls the second with a RegexOptions.None as second para...

ASP.Net Validating Culture Names

We have a multilingual site that utilizes asp.net 2.0 cultures. The current culture is set through the url rewritten as a query string. (~/es/blah.aspx is the spanish version of ~/blah.aspx - rewritten as ~/blah.aspx?lang=es) The code that tests the culture is as follows: System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci; try { ...