
Send message from one running console app to another

I have one console app that is doing some lengthy syncing to an ftp server. Another console app prepares a local filesystem with some needed updated files. Then the second one will wait for the first one to finish before swapping a final directory name so it becomes visible on the web. I searched for the best way to make the syncing app...

In F#, can I have a function that is called on one thread, but returns on another?

I really want to be able to have a function pass some responsiblity to another object and then return on a different thread. I know this means the caller would not know that it had switched threads, but I REALLY want to know if there is ANY way to have the function return on a different thread than it was called on. ...

Where is IPasswordProvider for WSE services?

Hi, I can't find IPasswordProvider interface in my WSE project. I want to create a custom password provider so I have to implement this interface. Which namespace is it in? In VS.NET, I can't find Microsoft.Web.Services.Security anywhere? Update I found Microsoft.Web.Services3, is that .net 3.5 or it still works in .net 2.0? But I...

Architecting/Maintaining/Deploying large applications

Here at work we have a very large application with multiple sub applications. (500 + dlls) As a developer it is very frustrating working with all these dlls and dependencies. You create a new project and add 5+ dlls to get core pieces of the system to work (Logging, Auditing, security, messaging ect). Each new subapplication we add, we ...

Access App_Data in WCF service

How to access App_Data folder in WCF service? I have placed a xslt file and I am not able to find the path. ...

Use XML includes or config references in app.config to include other config files' settings

I have standard logging, nhibernate, etc configuration blocks in my app.config and I'd like to extract them into a common xml file that can be included as a reference by all of my applications' app.config files. Is this possible? ...

scala -> use .net (linq) and java (various frameworks) in the same program?

Hi, Newbie here...can I write one program which incorporates .NET LINQ and also various Java frameworks in the same scala program? Or when I compile, at that time the decision is made either one or the other, .NET or Java Thanks. ...

Best Blogging Platforms (.NET)

What are your thoughts on the best blogging platforms for .NET bloggers? I've used BlogEngine.NET and it was ok. I've never used SubText or dasBlog. There are some commercial products which have free editions, such as Telerik's Sitefinity and Telligent's Community Server or Graffiti. Anyone have any thoughts? ...

How to find if native dll is compiled as x64 or x86?

Hi I want to if native assembly is complied as x64 or x86 from a managed code application (c#). I think it must somewhere in the PE header since the OS loader needs to know this info but I couldn't find it. I prefer of course to do it in managed code but if it necessary I can use native C++. Thanks in advance for any help. ...

CLR and CLI - What is the difference?

I am quite new .NET framework, hence I want to know what exactly is the difference between CLR & CLI ? From whatever I have read so far, it seems to indicate that CLI is a subset of CLR. But isn't everything in the CLR mandatory ? What exactly may be left out of CLR to create a CLI? ...

WCF Streaming contract

I am trying to set up a streaming WCF service using basicHttpBinding. The service is hosted in an IIS7 process. The contract contains a simple Stream GetStream() operation. When I connect with a simple client using a Service Reference I get the following result from the server. Content Type multipart/related; type="application/xop+xm...

Official LINQ Extension Methods

With .NET 3.5 a large amount of extension methods were added to the core base of code. I've noticed that in MSDN, IEnumerable<> etc have a section on Extension methods that have been added. Is there a list of ALL the extension methods that have been added for reference? EDIT Thanks for the answers but I'm looking for a full list, not ...

LinqToSQL Select and SelectMany vs Join

Are Select and SelectMany preferrable to Joins? The reason I'm wondering is because I use LinqPad and in one section there are comments that say: // Note: before delving into this section, make sure you've read the preceding two // sections: Select and SelectMany. The Join operators are actually unnecessary // in LINQ to SQL, and the e...

How to corretly load DataContext of Conditional Linq-to-SQL Stored Proc

I have a Stored Proc that do a validation on a parameter ex. IF @SearchType = 'BNa' BEGIN ... DO something END ELSE IF @SearchType = 'SNa' BEGIN ... DO something END So by default the Stored Proc return a scalar value and if SearchType = something valid it will return a IMultipleValues. The problem is that when I drop my Sto...

Where can I find a free masked TextBox in WPF?

Do you know any freely available WPF component for using masks (regex) in textbox? ...

Return Inherited Generics as Base Generic

I have BaseAbstractClass(of T as WebControl) (VB Generics) which inherits WebControl. BaseAbstractClass is inherited by ConcreteWrapper1, ConcreteWrapper2, and lastly, to shake things up a bit, ConcreteWrapper4. Each of these would inherit BaseAbstractClass using a different class inherited from WebControl. What I would like to do is...

Multiple LinqToSQL queries and performance

Does something like this affect performance badly? var myQuery = from c in Customers select c; var filter1 = from c in myQuery where c.ID > 2 select c; myQuery = filter1; var filter2 = from c in myQuery where c.Name.Contains("r") select c; myQuery = filter2; When I do this it seems to only do the actual query at the end, not on ev...

Linq to SQL object child properties in GridView

For example, in my WCF, if I have a Customer table and an Order table that have an association to each other on Customer ID. I want to get the Count of the number of Orders for each Customer. In regular VB code I can just do this: Dim CustID As Integer = 1234 Dim cust As New MyService.Customer() cust = cust.GetCustomer(CustID) Respons...

RedirectedThreadFrame in Callstack

Has anyone seen a RedirectedThreadFrame in a callstack in windbg? That is from the managed callstack. I am seeing alot of exceptions being thrown inside the framework that I am never seeing bubbled to me and I am trying to figure out why. The native callstack just has: 0526f6b0 79f63d27 KERNEL32!RaiseException+0x53 0526f718 79f6410...

Empty while loop with linq/lamba expression

Where I work we're still on .Net 2.0, but I'm somewhat familiar with the 3.0/3.5 stuff. I wanted to get some practice using linq/lambda expression in C# so I wrote a simple Sudoku solver using a lot of generic List<T> and lambda expressions with the aggregate methods it provides. In my solver, I have this at the top of the solver algor...