
How to add a property to a Table Adapter that can be bound to?

I have a database table TravelRequest that contains, amongst other things, the fields SignOffName and SignOffDate. I have a table adapter TravelRequestTable based on this table. I have a DetailsView control which uses this via an ObjectDataSource. Should be all fairly standard stuff. What I want to do is add a property called SignOffNam...

How can I tell if my process is running As Administrator?

I would like to display some extra UI elements when the process is being run as Administrator as opposed to when it isn't, similar to how Visual Studio 2008 displays 'Administrator' in its title bar when running as admin. How can I tell? ...

Is there a predefined class for 3 linked values like the Hashtable?

Is there a built in object that handles 3 linked values in a similar fashion to the hashtable? i.e. Key, Value1, Value2? ...

XmlSerialization and Attributes - Preventing a Property from being Serialized

Is there a way to get XmlSerialization in .NET to ignore certain properties while serializing? For example, I have a public bool Property called IsValid and its the only Property of the object that I don't want serialized. How could I do this? ...

Flex, .NET Web Service and Numeric Enums

We're using Flex 3 to consume a .NET Web Service. The web service uses an enum and we use Flex Builder to automatically generate the web service objects. Here is the .NET web service enum definition: /// <summary>    /// User type    /// </summary>    public enum UserTypeEnum    {        Admin = 1,        User = 3,        Manager = 4  ...

Is it possible to have arbitrary XML in a custom configuration section?

Suppose I define a configuration section in an ASP.NET web.config like: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="system.web"> <section name="MySettings" type="MyCompany.MyProject.Configuration.MySettings" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" restartOnExternalChanges="false" /> ...

.NET and Dynamic Languages

When Microsoft gets around to releasing the DLR and related languages are you planning on utilising those languages (such as Iron Ruby or Iron Python)? If so, what are your motivations for doing so? ...

Difference between VB.Net and C# "As New WebControl"

I was refactoring some code, and part of it included moving it from VB.Net to C#. The old code declared a member like this: Protected viewMode As New WebControl The new code, I eventually got working, like this: protected WebControl _viewMode = new WebControl(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span); I can presume that the "New" keyword mean...

What .NET libraries are available for sending instant messages?

What .NET libraries are available for sending instant messages? If you have experience with them, what were your impressions? ...

How to get visible row count of DataGridView after BindingSource.Filter?

I have a table with say 1640 items. I set bindingSource.Filter = "some filter query string"; and most of the rows disappear, leaving, say, 400 rows. I'd like to be able to tell the user "Showing 400 of 1640 items" as they click some textboxes which change the filter string and hence which rows are visible in the dataGridView object (m...

Multi-line PL/SQL command with .NET OracleCommand

Hi all, I'm using System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand to create a table and fill it out with some data. The query I am using runs OK in PS/SQL Developer, however when I'm trying to execute it from within .NET application I'm getting this error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 20: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of ...

Adding Wordnet.net dictionary in c#

How can i add Wordnet dictionary or msword dictionary in my application?I am developing the Application in .NET C#. Its very urgent ! thanx F ...

Overhead for native interop using only primitive types

I am considering porting a small portion of the code in a C# project of mine to C/ASM for performance benefits. (This section of code uses many bitwise operations and is one of the few places where there may exist a real performance increase by using native code.) I then plan to simply call the native function in the separate DLL via P/I...

NHibernate programmatic mapping file loading with embedded resources

My application supports both Oracle and MS SQL databases, with slightly different schemas having been implemented for each. One issue I've run into is a class that has an auto-increment primary key under MS SQL, but a manually-inserted primary key under Oracle. Right now, the two different mappings for the class look like this: Oracle:...

How can I implement live chat on website?

I am wondering how to implement a live chat on a web site using .NET (C#) And whether it can be linked to your Windows Live Messenger somehow. ...

What Does 'Insert = true' mean on an Castle Active Record Association

I am working on a project using Castle Active Record. I stumbled across the "Insert = true" attribute argument on the AR association today, but I couldnt workout what it actually does. [BelongsTo("UserId",Insert = true)] public ARUser User { get { return mUser; } set { mUser = value; } } Can someone give me a clue? I couldn't fi...

Do WCF Web Service components have to be coupled to the web?

I'm learning about WCF Web Services and I'm concerned about all of the coupling that I'm seeing. The way I see it, I should be able to write a component and then use it just about anywhere - in-proc, across the intranet or from an ASP.NET page and only ever need to just change the way it's hosted. Once you start working with System.Ser...

How can one find unknown XML namespaces in a document?

Specifically (taking a deep breath): How would you go about finding all the XML name spaces within a C#/.NET XmlDocument for which there are no applicable schemas in the instance's XmlSchemaSet (Schemas property)? My XPath magic is lacking the sophistication to do something like this, but I will keep looking in the meantime ... ...

What library can you recommend to capture image from a webcam in .Net?

What library can you recommend to capture image from a webcam in .Net? ...

Capture a Microphone Audio Stream Using .NET Framework

I need to capture the input stream from a microphone in my application, which is written in VB.NET. I need to be able to stream this data to a file or over HTTP and possibly encode it using LAME MP3. Can anybody help me get started with this? Thank you! ...