
How do I maintain deserialization compatibility across obfuscated and debug builds?

Hi all, I'm trying to get the {smartassembly} .NET obfuscator to work with my system. I currently store user data in a series of serialized dictionary classes, and then deserialize those classes to get the data back. I'm already ignoring assembly version information, just because that way making life a pain. That code is adapted from...

Pitfalls of UI Control Librarys

I am building a c# winform app and the framework I inherited uses UI Controls from this library LumiSoft These seem fine but aged and buggy. The previous developer preferred them for the smaller sizes they allowed. I recently discovered these controls for free as well: DevExpress These are much newer and more full featured. My questio...

Is it possible to build .NET 1.1 apps with VS.NET 2008?

I'm going to maintain an existing .NET 1.1 app for my client. VS.NET 2008 seems not to be able to build .NET 1.1 projects out-of-the-box but I don't want to install VS.NET 2003 just for this particular project. Is it possible to use VS.NET 2008 for .NET 1.1 development? How? ...

Is the DirectX input the right choice for keyboard handling in games?

What is the prefered way of handling keyboard input in programs like games? Is directX input the easiest choice? What are the other options? ...

Is there a way to generate a DLL file from Visual Studio Express without explicitly creating a DLL project?

Is there a way to generate a DLL file from Visual Studio Express without explicitly creating a DLL project? EDIT: Maybe my thinking process has gone astray on me, but I am trying to setup NUnit, and thought is needed a dll to run it... Please correct me if I am wrong. ...

connection error while connecting to csv file

hi, I have following code and i got the "Unspecified error" when executed. OleDbConnection ExcelConnection = new oleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pathName + "; Extended Properties=Text;"); ExcelConnection.Open(); Many thanks in advance ...

Reading and writing XLS files

Im searching for a .Net component to read and write xls files from an application in working on. I dont want use automation with Excel. It should support reading and write Excel 97 and newer versions. And it would be great if its open source or free since its a very low budget project. I have found this one: MyXLS that looks very promi...

Setter / property injection in Unity without attributes

I am working on a project where the Unity framework is used as the IoC container. My question relates to injecting an optional dependency (in this case a logger) into several classes using property- or setter injection. I do not want to clutter the constructors of all my classes with these optional dependencies, but I cannot find a goo...

LINQ TO SQL Designer Not Working

After installing vs 2008 sp1 , linq to sql designer is not generating the code, an error message Could not load type ' r' from assembly 'System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. ...

How to detect shift key pressed state when on mouse move.

I'm trying to show a zoomed in overlay on an image when mouse over and shift key pressed. The problem is that user might have pressed the shift key before even the window has focus, so KeyDown monitoring is not a solution. Is there a way to access modifier key states during mouse events? In Java for example the mouse event contains fla...

Does someone have experience with Script#

Possible Duplicate: Should I use ScriptSharp Hi I'm looking for some information and user experience on Script#. I don't know much about JavaScript and I've always avoided it. Is it reliable ? Does it work well with complex classes? Do you know any good website aside from the official one, speaking about it ? Thanks a lot. ...

Can ClickOnce deployed application setup be compressed?

I publish Windows Forms application using ClickOnce. The installation is quite big considering the overall size of this app. It's something over 15 MB. If I compress locally built application it is squeezed to 2.5 MB. Can ClickOnce deployment be compressed somehow? If not, is anyone using IIS compression to speed up transfers? Would t...

XPath Version Search

How would I find the node(s) with the max version from the following document: <GateKeeperFiles> <File> <Name>GateKeeper.exe</Name> <Major>2</Major> <Minor>1</Minor> <Build>1</Build> <Revision>6</Revision> </File> <File> <Name>GateKeeper.exe</Name> <Major>1</Major> <Minor>1</Minor> <Build>1</Bui...

SimpleDB dialect for NHibernate

Do you know if there is a way of using Amazon SimpleDB with NHibernate? LightSpeed seems to be compatible. ...

.Net winform button bug?

There seems to be a bug with .Net winform's button. If you left click and hold it on a winform button, then right click (while holding down your left click), then release your right click, then drag your button to outside of the button, then release your left click, it seems that your button will be "stucked" - it won't back to depressed...

How to log Trace messages with log4net?

I'm using log4net to log write log message to a rolling log file. Now I would also redirect all trace messages from System.Diagnostics.Trace to that log file. How can I configure that? I tried to find anything about that in the log4net documentation, but without success. Is it possible at all? The reason I want to do that is because I...

Looking for a .NET 3.5 / J2EE architecture concept comparison article/chart

We are thinking about combining .NET technology with Java technology (WCF, JBoss/ESB, MOM, WPF, WF) and I need to have a high-level idea of what are the apples and oranges in the .NET 3.5 and Java worlds. Does anyone know of a good, clear article or better yet a simple chart which answers questions such as: WCF in the Java world is _...

Any experience combining .NET with JBossESB?

We are thinking of using: WPF UI JBossESB WCF / C# Web Services SQL Server 2005 Does anyone have real-world experience here that you would like to share? ...

How can I check whether a (TCP) socket is (dis)connected in C#?

How should I check a (TCP) socket to find out whether it is connected? I have read about the Socket.Connected property in MSDN, but it says it only shows the state according to the last I/O. This isn't useful for me, since I want to do this before trying to read from the socket. The remarks section also notes that: If you need to de...

How to display .net automation add-in functions in excel's formula autocomplete

I have an automation add-in written in c# that exposes some functions to be used as formulas in Excel. The formulas can be successfully used from an Excel sheet but they do not appear in Excel2007's formula autocomplete lists. i.e. If I want to use the function AddNums(x,y) within an excel sheet then I must know what the function is c...