
screen scraping a command window using .net managed code

I am writing a program in dot net that will execute scripts and command line programs using the framework 2.0's Process object. I want to be able to access the screen buffers of the process in my program. I've investigated this and it appears that I need to access console stdout and stderr buffers. Anyone know how this is accomplished us...

How to get someone started with ALT.NET

What is the order of topics to explain to a .NET developer or user group to get them started and interested with alt.net tools and practices. ORM IoC TDD DDD DSL CI MVC - MVP Version Control (I think this is the one they get the fastest) Agile Etc, etc... ...

How can I build a 'dependency tree diagram' from my .NET solution

I can get easily see what projects and dlls a single project references from within a Visual Studio .NET project. Is there any application or use of reflection that can build me a full dependency tree that I can use to plot a graphical chart of dependencies? ...

Enabling embedded controls in a FlowDocument

I have a FlowDocument in a standard WPF application window where I have some text, and in this text some hyperlinks and buttons. The problem is, if I put this FlowDocument inside anything except a FlowDocumentPageViewer the hyperlinks and buttons are disabled ("grayed out"). <FlowDocumentScrollViewer> <FlowDocument> <Paragraph>...

Best approach to write/read binary data in Little or Big Endian with C#?

Ok, if i've got a binary file encoded either in little endian or big endian under .NET, what is the best way to read / write to it? In the .NET framework i've only managed to found BinaryWritters / BinaryReaders which use little endian as default, so my approach was implement my own BinaryReader / BinaryWritter for reading / writting da...

Fatal Error C1083 - Cannot open include file: "windows.h": No such file or directory

Hey guys, I'm trying to get IKVM to build (see this question) but now have encountered a problem not having to do with IKVM so I'm opening up a new question: When running nant on the IKVM directory with the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt (from the Start Menu), I get the following error: ikvm-native-win32: [c...

In Visual Studio 2008, how can I make control+click do a "Go To Definition"?

I know this is not strictly about programming, but it's pretty close. Anyway, in Delphi, you can hold control and click on a method to jump to its definition. In VS2008, you have to right-click and select "Go To Definition". I use this function quite often, so I'd really like to get VS to behave like delphi in this regard - its so much...

.Net 2.0: How to subscribe to a event publisher on a remote computer using transient subscriptions?

My problem is that I want to have a server application (on a remote computer) to publish certain events to several client computers. The server and client communicate using .Net-Remoting so currently I am using remoted .Net-Events to get the functionality. But there is one drawback: when the server (the event publisher) comes offline and...

When should a class member be declared virtual (C#)/Overridable (VB.NET)?

Why wouldn't I choose abstract? What are the limitations to declaring a class member virtual? Can only methods be declared virtual? ...

Is there a more efficient text spooler than TextWriter/StringBuilder

For a situation like capturing text incrementally, for example if you were receiving all of the output.write calls when a page was rendering, and those were being appended into a textwriter over a stringbuilder. Is there a more efficient way to do this? Something that exists in dotnet already preferably? Especially if there's a total si...

.NET NumericTextBox

Does anyone know why Microsoft does not ship a numeric text box with its .NET framework e.g. a text box which would ensure that the characters entered are always a valid number? It's something which is commonly used across applications of different flavours and indeed something which most GUI libraries (well, those that I know) deliver i...

Where to put the dependency injection framework config file?

I've got a solution with several different projects in it, some are pure class libraries and some are web app projects. If I want my default types to be available to all projects, where should I put the config file for the container? ...

Enabling single sign-on between Desktop Application and Website

We have a client/server application with a rich client front end (in .Net) and also an administration portal (Asp.Net). Currently users have to sign on in both the rich client and on the website. We'd like to enable them to sign into the rich client, but not have to sign on to the website if they launch it from within the client. How ca...

How do I check ClickOnce prerequisites after first install?

If I understand correctly, ClickOnce only checks for prerequisites with the first install of an application through the setup.exe file that contains the prerequisite information. If the user opens the app in the future it will check for new versions, but it does not launch the setup.exe again, thus not checking for any NEW prerequisites ...

Remove unused references (!= "using")

How can I find and delete unused references in my projects? I know you can easily remove the using statements in vs 2008, but this doesn't remove the actual reference in your projects. The referenced dll will still be copied in your bin/setup package. ...

What Prevents a Thread in C# from being Collected?

In .NET, after this code, what mechanism stops the Thread object from being garbage collected? new Thread(Foo).Start(); GC.Collect(); Yes, it's safe to assume something has a reference to the thread, I was just wandering what exactly. For some reason Reflector doesn't show me System.Threading, so I can't dig it myself (I know MS relea...

C# - Excluding unit tests from the release version of your project

How do you usually go about separating your codebase and associated unit tests? I know people who create a separate project for unit tests, which I personally find confusing and difficult to maintain. On the other hand, if you mix up code and its tests in a single project, you end up with binaries related to your unit test framework (be ...

What 3rd Party Controls are .Net Developers using

I am re-evaluating my 3rd party controls. I currently use the Infragistic suite for ASP.Net and WinForms. What controls do you use and would you recommend them? ...

Are .NET languages really making any kind of dent in consumer desktop applications?

Do you write consumer desktop applications with .NET languages? If so what type? My impression is that most consumer desktop applications are still native compiled applications in C, C++ and the like. Whilst .NET languages are growing in up take and popularity, do these new breed of applications ever break out of the enterprise & web d...

Y-Modem Implementaion for .Net

Is there a ready and free Y-Modem Implemantion for .Net, preferrable C#? I found only C/C++ Solutions. ...