
Google Chrome broke ShellExecute() ?

For years I've been using ShellExecute() API to launch the default web browser from within my applications. Like this: ShellExecute( hwnd, _T("open"), _T("http://www.winability.com/home/"), NULL, NULL, SW_NORMAL ); It's been working fine until a couple of weeks ago, when Google released its Chrome browser. Now, if Chrome is ...

Consistently retrieve "From" email addresses across Outlook versions

I am working a standalone c# desktop application that sends out documents and then imports them from Outlook when they are sent back. The application picks up the emails from a specified folder processes them and then saves the senders name plus other stuff to a database. This works well for Outlook 2003 and 2007 which has the SenderEma...

.NET - Can you over interface, and when shouldn't you interface.

Is it possible to over interface? when designing an system now, I will start from interfaces and progressively write unit tests along with the interfaces until I have a pattern that works well.. I'll move onto writing some concrete classes and set the unit tests up against these.. Now I'm someone who loves interfaces, I will generally e...

What WPF Datagrid controls are worth the money and/or effort?

Looking for a good WPF Datagrid. I'm currently doing a "survey" of my available options. However, that survey is not going great. Edit Yes, I'm aware of many of the actual possibilities for WPF datagrids - but what I'm looking for is people who have used one or more to chime in lessons learned from real-world usage. So infragistic...

== vs. Object.Equals(object) in .NET

So, when I was a comparitive novice to the novice I am right now, I used to think that these two things were syntactic sugar for each other, ie. that using one over the other was simply a personal preference. Over time, I'm come to find that these two are not the same thing, even in a default implementation (see this and this). To furthe...

Relative path in web config

How can I have a relative path in the web.config file. This value is not in the connection string so I cannot use |DataDirectory| (I think), so what can I do? ...

Selenium internals

How does selenium work? Can you explain the internal working of it. ...

How to create basic Adobe Illustrator files programatically?

I need to create a really basic Adobe Illustrator file on the clipboard that I can paste in Adobe Illustrator or Expression Design. I'm looking for code samples on how to programaticaly generate Adobe Illustrator Files, preferably from C# or some other .NET language (but at the moment any language goes). I have found the Adobe Illustrat...

Recommended WPF Calendar

What WPF Calendar control would you recommend? I am looking for something that will let me display a variable amount of weeks potentially spanning multiple months. ...

Large Image resizing libraries

Does anyone know of any good image resizing libraries that will handling resizing large images(~7573 x ~9485). Something that is fast and doesn't chew to much memory would be great. At the moment I am using IrfanView and just shell invoking it with arguments but I would like to find something that integrates into .net a bit more. Than...

Set operation in .NET C#

I'm working on a something related to roughset right now. The project uses alot of sets operation and manipulation. I've been using string operations as a stop gap measure for set operation. It has worked fine until we need to process some ungodly amount of data ( 500,000 records with about 40+ columns each ) through the algorithm. I ...

Hidden markov models implementation in .net?

Does anyone know of any HMM implementation in .net? I've some stuff that I did that was basicly reverse engineered from what little knowledge that I have regarding the subject and some c++ code of a very domain specific application that one of my professors did. I want to improve it somewhat and having another's work that is in the sa...

How to release .Net apps without bundling .Net framework?

I have a strange requirement to ship an application without bundling .Net framework (to save memory footprint and bandwidth). Is this possible? Customers may or may not have .Net runtime installed on their systems. Will doing Ngen take care of this problem? I was looking for something like the good old ways of releasing C++ apps (usin...

How do I connect to a USB webcam in .NET?

I want to connect to a USB Webcam in .NET, specifically using C#. Being new to .NET I don't know what kind of support there is in the standard libraries for doing so. I found one example on the web that copies bitmaps through the clipboard, but that seems very hacky (and probably slow). Is there a better way? ...

Including a WebService reference in a control

I've written a control in C# that overrides the built-in DropDownList control. For this I need a javascript resource included, which I'm including as an embedded resource then adding the WebResource attribute, which works fine. However, I also need to reference a webservice, which I would normally include in the scriptmanager on the p...

Best OpenGL wrapper for Mono and .Net?

This is a follow up to another question. What is the best OpenGL wrapper usable both under Linux and Windows, with Mono (or .Net)? I have already evaluated Tao Framework, but I am unimpressed by how the APIs are put together. Any other better options? ...

Test if a Font is installed

Is there an easy way (in .Net) to test if a Font is installed on the current machine? ...

Error 1150 genasm.exe(1) : error There was an error finalizing type . Method 'DoParse'

oOo a highly exciting build issue. Compact framework occasionally goes funny when building. Usually when messing with xmta files but this is the first time i've seen it go awry in this scenario. I created a abstract base class with an abstract method. Placed this in one of my core dlls. This was fine. I then, in a "later" .dll inherited...

Updating reference to a member variable in use.

I got this síngleton cache object and it exposes an IEnumerable property which just returns a private IEnumerable variable. I have a static method on my singleton object that updates this member variable (that exists on the single 'Instance' instance of this cache object). Let's say some thread is currently iterating over this IEnumer...

Loading DLL from a /bin directory

I have created a web project which references a class library project. When deployed to the local machine the web/classes all work fine but deployed on a ‘shared’ IIS site, the class DLLs exist in the /bin directory, but the web page generates the following error: can’t find file “Documents and settings/….” when trying to access the ...