
Will MS drop support for XP in .Net 4.* or 5.*?

Does it matter to developers that the current, and newer versions of .Net don't support windows 2000? It scares me to think that several of my clients still use Windows 2000 and although I may decide to stop supporting Windows 2000 one day, I don't like that Microsoft is pushing it on people's products. Could anyone see Microsoft doin...

System.IO.FileSystemWatcher to monitor a network-server folder - Performance considerations

I want to watch a folder tree on a network server for changes. The files all have a specific extension. There are about 200 folders in the tree and about 1200 files with the extension I am watching. I can't write a service to run on the server (off-limits!) so the solution has to be local to the client. Timeliness is not particularly im...

Search for information on building large enterprise systems.

How do you organize DB layer, business logic and cross-platform API of your information management system, if uploading and processing 500000 data records in one session is a normal operation (C# .NET 3.5 + MS SQL 2005)? I’m specifically interested in production-proven paging patterns that behave well with the concurrency, scalability a...

Does an empty array in .NET use any space?

I have some code where I'm returning an array of objects. Here's a simplified example: string[] GetTheStuff() { List<string> s = null; if( somePredicate() ) { s = new List<string>(); // imagine we load some data or something } return (s == null) ? new string[0] : s.ToArray(); } The question is...

No Symbols loaded when remote debugging

Hi there, I hope someone can help me with my problem. I want to use remote debugging. The Program, that I want to debug runs on machine b. Visual Studio runs on machine a. On machine b I have a folder with the following files msvcr72.dll msvsmon.exe NatDbgDE.dll NatDbgDEUI.dll NatDbgEE.dll NatDbgEEUI.dll If you think, there are file...

Does the GroupBox Header in WPF swallow mouse-clicks?

Hi guys, Have a look at this very simple example WPF program: <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <GroupBox> <GroupBox.Header> <Che...

Will a future version of .NET support tuples in C#?

.Net 3.5 doesn't support tuples. Too bad, But not sure whether the future version of .net will support tuples or not? ...

Are there any 'ok' Image Recognition libraries for .NET?

I want to be able to compare an image taken from a webcam to an image stored on my computer. The library doesn't need to be one hundred percent accurate as it won't be used in anything mission critical (e.g. Police investigation), I just want something 'ok' I can work with. I have tried a demonstration project for Image Recognition fr...

If you change RightToLeft, ShowInTaskbar properties, Form.ShowDialog() unexpectedly ends.

Dialog closes with Cancel result, no exceptions, as if you have pressed its close button. The only safe place to set RightToLeft property is in the form constructor. It occured to me that this information might save somebody else's time. If you are able to elaborate on the issue: if there is an official bug confirmation, what else mig...

What authentication to pick for the cross-platform WCF service?

What type of authentication would you suggest for the service that is: implemented as WCF and exposed via varios enpoints (including XML-RPC) has to be consumed easily by various cross-platform clients Why? Options that I'm aware of are: Forms-based authentication for IIS-hosted WCF (easy to implement, but has horrible cross-platf...

Can I create a desktop icon for a ClickOnce application?

I have read in some of the ClickOnce posts that ClickOnce does not allow you to create a desktop icon for you application. Is there any way around this? ...

How can I distribute a WCF Peer to Peer application over the Internet?

Can someone point me in the right direction? I wish to distribute a WCF peer to peer cloud over the internet. So far I've seen examples of how it works on the same subnet. I wish to push it a little further. ...

Get class property name

I have my winform application gathering data using databinding. Everything looks fine except that I have to link the property with the textedit using a string: Me.TextEdit4.DataBindings.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.Binding("EditValue", Me.MyClassBindingSource, "MyClassProperty", True)) This works fine but if I change the class' pro...

What does this do? tasklist /m "mscor*"

Saw this question here : What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know (More .NET Interview Questions) ...

C#: Getting maximum and minimum values of arbitrary properties of all items in a list

I have a specialized list that holds items of type IThing: public class ThingList : IList<IThing> {...} public interface IThing { Decimal Weight { get; set; } Decimal Velocity { get; set; } Decimal Distance { get; set; } Decimal Age { get; set; } Decimal AnotherValue { get; set; } [...even more properties and m...

Is there a better way to trim a DateTime to a specific precision?

What's the best way to trim a DateTime object to a specific precision? For instance, if I have a DateTime with a value of '2008-09-29 09:41:43' and but I only want it's precision to be to the minute, is there are a better way to do it than this? private static DateTime TrimDateToMinute(DateTime date) { return new DateTime( ...

How to declare a user-defined function returning node-set?

I want something like this: <msxsl:script language="C#"> ??? getNodes() { ... return ... } </msxsl:script> <xsl:for-each select="user:getNodes()"> ... </xsl:for-each> What return type should i use for getNodes() and what should i put in it's body? ...

How can you use "external" configuration files (i.e. with configSource) with an MSTest unit test project?

For simplicity, I generally split a lot of my configuration (i.e. the contents of app.config and web.config) out into separate .config files, and then reference them from the main config file using the 'configSource' attribute. For example: <appSettings configSource="appSettings.config"/> and then placing all of the key/value pairs in...

Deployment tools ENTERPRISE - what is the best for Windows environment?

What is the "best" tool for creating deployment packages/jobs/stuff for all "enterprise level" deployments..... GAC, COM+, Credentials, App pools, Web sites, registry entries, etc... It would be best if there is a way to "tokenize" the credentials and registry entries so that we can enter the appropriate credentials for the "next" enviro...

How to mock with static methods?

I'm new to mock objects, but I understand that I need to have my classes implement interfaces in order to mock them. The problem I'm having is that in my data access layer, I want to have static methods, but I can't put a static method in an interface. What's the best way around this? Should I just use instance methods (which seems ...