
What is the best 32bit hash function for short strings (tag names)?

What is the best 32bit hash function for relatively short strings? Strings are tag names that consist of English letters, numbers, spaces and some additional characters (#, $, ., ...). For example: Unit testing, C# 2.0. I am looking for 'best' as in 'minimal collisions', performance is not important for my goals. ...

Are 64 bit programs bigger and faster than 32 bit versions?

I suppose I am focussing on x86, but I am generally interested in the move from 32 to 64 bit. Logically, I can see that constants and pointers, in some cases, will be larger so programs are likely to be larger. And the desire to allocate memory on word boundaries for efficiency would mean more white-space between allocations. I have al...

MySQL ODBC 32 vs 64 bit

I have a 32-bit application that must run on a Windows x64 server using a 64-bit version of MySQL. Should I use a 32-bit ODBC driver or a 64-bit ODBC driver? Or should I install a 32-bit version of MySQL too? ...

Windows 32 or 64 bit using HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432 Node

I'm looking for a very simple way of determining if the version of Windows the customer is using is 32bit or 64bit. I know there are ways using .NEt but I'm looking to avoid them. I simply want to use something similar the below pseudo code and want to know if this method can be reliable. If Registry Key exists (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Softw...

In 64 bit systems, a 32 bit variable occupies less space than a 64 bit object?

The .NET Framework allocates less memory for a Int32 than for a Int64 in 64 bit systems? ...

How know when my mongoDB database overhead ?

I installed a MongoDB database on my server. My server is in 32Bit and I can't change it soon. When you use MongoDB in a 32Bit architecture you have a limit of 2,5Go of data, as mentionned in this MongoDB blog post. The thing is that I have several database. So how can I know if I am close or not to this limit ? ...

How to create a registry key in 64bit view from a 32bit application, using native Windows API

I'm kind of a noob when it comes to windows API. I try to create a registry key in the 64bit view of the registry, from a 32bit application using System::Call "${RegCreateKeyEx}(${HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE}, 'SOFTWARE\SecureW2\Methods\Default\Profiles\26\ConfigData', 0, 'REG_BINARY', 0x00000000L, 0x0100, NULL, .r5, .r6) .r3" (It's nsis scr...

Which Eclipse for Android ?

Should I use 32-bit Eclipse or 64-bit Eclipse for Android development? Im on a MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo). Does it matter which version for Android coding? ...

32 bit unsigned int php

Hello! Does anyone know of a class/library/etc. that can simulate 32 bit unsigned integers on a 32 bit platform in PHP? I'm porting a C lib into PHP and it uses a lot of integers that are greater than the maximum for 32 bit signed int. ...

Why is abs(0x80000000) == 0x80000000?

I just started reading Hacker's Delight and it defines abs(-231) as -231. Why is that? I tried printf("%x", abs(0x80000000)) on a few different systems and I get back 0x80000000 on all of them. ...

OutOfMemoryException Processing Large File

We are loading a large flat file into BizTalk Server 2006 (Original release, not R2) - about 125 MB. We run a map against it and then take each row and make a call out to a stored procedure. We receive the OutOfMemoryException during orchestration processing, the Windows Service restarts, uses full 2 GB memory, and crashes again. The ...

Setting processor to 32-bit mode

It seems that the following is a common method given in many tutorials on switching a processor from 16-bit to 32-bit: mov eax, cr0 ; set bit 0 in CR0-go to pmode or eax, 1 mov cr0, eax Why wouldn't I simply do the following: or cr0, 1 Is there something I'm missing? Possibly the only th...

64bit registers on 32bit binaries: At what an extend are they used? [dependence to OS, Machine considered]

Any tips to programming would be appreciated. ...

Find most significant bit (left-most) that is set in a bit array

I have a bit array implementation where the 0th index is the MSB of the first byte in an array, the 8th index is the MSB of the second byte, etc... What's a fast way to find the first bit that is set in this bit array? All the related solutions I have looked up find the first least significant bit, but I need the first most significant...

fast way to check if an array of chars is zero

I have an array of bytes, in memory. What's the fastest way to see if all the bytes in the array are zero? ...

Loading PNG textures to OpenGL

Hello, I'm working on a game, and all of my graphics use magenta as transparent/magic color. They are all 32-bit and the magenta is just for conveniency. Anyway, I would appreciate if someone could advice me what library should I use to load my images (I need to load them in GL_RGBA format, both internal and texture specific). ...

Checking if file is 32bit or 64bit - on Windows

I'm compiling a program on my 64bit machine, but I'm not sure if it produces 32-bit or 64-bit output.. How can I check if a file is 32bit or 64bit on Windows? ...

Can Windows handle inheritance cross the 32-bit/64-bit boundary?

Is it possible for a child process to inherit a handle from its parent process if one process is 32-bit and the other is 64-bit? HANDLE is a 64 bit type on Win64 and a 32 bit type on Win32, which suggests that even it were supposed to be possible in all cases, there would be some cases where it would fail: a 64-bit parent process, a 32-...

How to exclude source files from cmake created visual studio projects based on target architecture?

I have a Windows Driver Kit solution that builds the dll for a printer driver. I then convert the binary to C-code and include it into my source so that the dll can be extracted at run time and I don't have to distribute two files, just the .exe. However, I have to build the dll for i386 and amd64 resulting in two dlls, and thus two c ...

Python: get windows OS version and architecture

First of all, I don't think this question is a duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208828/detect-64bit-os-windows-in-python because imho it has not been thoroughly answered. The only approaching answer is: Use sys.getwindowsversion() or the existence of PROGRAMFILES(X86) (if 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ) But: ...