
Is orchestration an ESB responsability?

Hi there! Is an Enterprise Service Bus (a tool that acts as a mediator, a message broker, a service enabler, schema transformation enhancer, transparent location provider, service aggregator, load balancer, monitor, and all that stuff) responsible to orchestrate services? What about putting an automated business business process with m...

Using Biztalk orchestration as a webservice

Hi! I published an orchestration in Biztalk as a webservice. Does anyone know how I can use XML serialization or something to load XML from a file and "convert" it to the messagetype the webservice expects? How do people usually use this webservices? I try to avoid using untyped messages since I use both XML and flatfile, and have re...

Garbage Collection in Biztalk, What would be the wise approach?

Our Biztalk 2006 application contains two orchestrations which are invoked on frequent basis (approx 15 requests per second). We identified possible memory leakages in our application by doing certain throttling threshold changes in the host. As we disabled the memory based throttling, the Process memory started increasing till 1400 MB a...

What is the SQL query for Orchestration debugger information (tracking data) in BizTalk?

By using the Orchestration debugger one can get useful time information on the left, regarding entering and leaving shapes. Unfortunately one cannot copy the information from that window. I would like to do some benchmarks and save statistics in Excel. Does anyone know the sql query to get the same data from the DB? I have tried to fin...

Orchestration vs Message Driven Architecture

What are the responsibilities of an Orchestration engine vs a Message Driven System. If I have to build a system which have to string together different independent components(cross-technology/platform components which need not expose a web service end point), which is the toolset to be chosen? Is there a better option? ...

Cosuming Biztalk 2006 R2 Orchestration exposed as a web service

Hi All, I have created an Orchestration which is exposed as a web service, the Orchestration basically receives an message type of employee, which has the Employee_Name promoted as a distinguised field to which I assign the value as below to the ModifiedEmployeeMsg in a Message assignment shape and send the ModifiedEmployeeMsg to the re...

Orchestration tool for modeling web request processing

Hello. BizTalk has an orchestration tool for the purpose of defining business processes. I have always wondered that we can likewise model even simpler things. For example, web request processing can be modeled as a process because it has a pattern and various business objects (or say services) can participate. I am curious to know about...

Help For Example... Biztalk

I am newbie in this Biztalk world and up to now i am able to read file and send that data to sql and vice versa using orchestration and by configurating physical ports in biztalk administration,but i want to receive and send data using sql-adapter in single orchestration,even if its not using single orchestation than also i want the way ...

Calling Web Service with primitive types within Orchestration - Can't map request message.

Hi everybody. I'm running into this problem when trying to call a SOAP Web Service from within a Biztalk orchestration. The Web Service is an abapi exposed by SAP as a SOAP Web Service, and the signature of the web method I want to call is something like this: Operation(param1 as System.String, param2 as System.String, param3 ArrayOfS...

What pattern to follow to make application behave w.r.t. the meta-data supplied and which orchestration tool to use to generate meta-data?

Hello. I would like my application to pick up meta-data from a store and use it during the runtime to emit desired behavior (as defined in the meta-data). Next, in order to generate this meta-data, I would like to build (or extend) an orchestration tool. So first, it there a generic framework / pattern / guideline available (mine is .Ne...

OutOfMemoryException Processing Large File

We are loading a large flat file into BizTalk Server 2006 (Original release, not R2) - about 125 MB. We run a map against it and then take each row and make a call out to a stored procedure. We receive the OutOfMemoryException during orchestration processing, the Windows Service restarts, uses full 2 GB memory, and crashes again. The ...

Starting mutliple orchestrations from parent orchestration and passing messages to them

Hello, I have a situation where a main orchestration is responsible for processing a convoy of messages. These messages belong to a set of customers, the orchestration will read the messages as they come in, and for each new customer id it finds, it will spin up a new orchestration that is responsible for processing the messages of a par...

Bizmonade - testing orchestration that receives ANY document

Hello, I have an orchestration that receives any document type in BizTalk (System.Xml.Document). It looks like Bizmonade always wants to use an orchestration that specifies a type of schema that is different from ANY. OrchestrationSimulator.Test<Dummy__Simulated>() .When(MessageReceived.FromFile<CanonicalInvoice>( Path.Combine(AppDom...

Approaches for Orchestrating Message Queues

Hi folks. I'm looking for some different perspectives for orchestrating messages through a number of message queues. For orchestration steps, would prefer to avoid some of the hard coded xml file solutions that are out there. Not BPEL; as the workers are not soap services. I was thinking of something a bit more dynamic such as defin...

Return a Message from a Called Orchestration

Hi We have a parent orchestration where we call a child orchestration. However, once the child orchestration has completed, we would like to return a message to the parent orchestration. What is the best / most standard way to do this? A) Just publish the message from the child orchestration to the messagebox and correlate this in th...

WCF service and Biztalk service configuration error

Hi, I have a WCF web service which calls a biztalk service( ie Orchestration). When i do the unit test i am getting following error: Test method Goudse.BcVerzekering.Bts2006.InkCol.Business.UnitTests.UnitTest1.VerzekeringFacade_Goed threw exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException: The binding at system.serviceModel/bindings/wsHttp...

BizTalk orchestration editor leaves errors in source code

I've finally tracked down an issue to bad code left in my ODX, presumably by Visual Studio I had a Construct Message with a Transform and Message Assignment in it ... Whenever I compiled, I was getting errors pointing at the assignment shape, and its usage of a distinguished promotion. I edited the Message Assignment ... removed the l...

FTP adapter from orchestrations in BizTalk 2009

Hello. I have an orchestration that receives an xml file with a ftp url. I want to send the url, username and password to the FTP adapter and retrieve the file. Is this possible from within an orchestration, or is the FTP adapter simply built for polling from a predefined server url? Regards ...