
How do I use 3des encryption/decryption in Java?

Every method I write to encode a string in Java using 3DES can't be decrypted back to the original string. Does anyone have a simple code snippet that can just encode and then decode the string back to the original string? I know I'm making a very silly mistake somewhere in this code. Here's what I've been working with so far: ** note...

Encrypted data size while using Triple DES

I intend to use TripleDES in one of my project. I was doing some experiments to be comfortable with it. I understand block size of triple DES is 8 bytes so I assume that if give 8 byte of data, I should get 8 bytes of encrypted data. But what I get is: Input Size | Encrypted Size . | . . | . 6 bytes | 8 byt...

Using MCrypt to Decrypt a Ciphertext (3DES CBC Mode)

I have a ciphertext, encrypted in 3DES CBC mode, and I'm having some trouble decrypting it. I have the following information (not actual values): <?php // Three 16 character long keys $key1 = '1234567890123456'; $key2 = '6543210987654321'; $key3 = '6549873210456123'; // The initialisation vector $ivec = '0102030405060708'; // A token ...

how to use RSA to encrypt files (huge data) in C#

I'm new to encryption. I need to implement asymmetric encryption algorithm, which i think it uses private/public key. I started using a sample of RSACryptoServiceProvider. it was ok with small data to encrypt. But when using it on relatively larger data "2 lines", i get the exception CryptographicException "Bad Length"! //Create a new ...

how to wrap/store the key of TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider

I'm using DES encryption, and I want to store the key of TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider. But the key consists of (Key + IV), I was trying to save them in an XML file using XmlTextWriter Convert.ToBase64String(...) but there was an exception due to IV contains invalid characters "=" in XML. Is there a better way to store symmetri...

Why does changing one bit in a Triple DES key or initial value not give different encrypted data?

I'm using pyDes to encrypt some data. I wanted to demonstrate that if you change even one bit in the key or initial value, the encrypted data would be totally different. I set up the 16-byte key to change the last character by +/- 1, causing at least one bit to be different. However, even when I do that, the 3 different instances of e...

Implementing des-ede2 in vb.net

Can anyone help me getting started with this? We have a current keygen for a set of our apps that's using des-ede2 in C++. I need to make my vb.net app validate keys generated by that keygen. Anyone have any ideas where to start? I'm googling like mad, but hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you! ...

iPhone --- 3DES Encryption returns "wrong" results?

Hello fellow developers, I have some serious trouble with a CommonCrypto function. There are two existing applications for BlackBerry and Windows Mobile, both use Triple-DES encryption with ECB mode for data exchange. On either the encrypted results are the same. Now I want to implent the 3DES encryption into our iPhone application, so...

.NET TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider equivalent in Java

Hello nice people, Please, just don't ask me why. I just have this code in .NET that encrypt/decrypt strings of data. I need now to make 'exactly' the same funcionality in java. I have tried several examples for DESede crypt, but none of them gives the same results as this class in .net. I even though on making a .net webserbvice behi...

TripleDES Encryption - .NET and ColdFusion not playing nice

I'm trying to exchange encrypted data between my ASP.NET application and another developer's CF app using TripleDES. Here's his CF code (fictitious key and IV of course): <cfset variables.theKey = "rpaSPvIvVLlrcmtzPU9/c67Gkj7yL1S5"> <cfset variables.theIV = BinaryDecode("password","Base64")> <cfset variables.theAlgorithm = "DESEDE"> <...

Which library would you consider on linux for DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm)?

I need a 3DES encrypt/decrypt library for my project. Do you know an implementation working on linux ? Linux is the target platform, but I essantially compile/debug on Windows. Therefore it could be really appreciated if it could work on Windows, while not mandatory. ...

Does WCF + net.tcp support 3DES?

I currently have an open WCF service running w/ netTcpBinding; however, I need to encrypt this channel. Does WCF support 3DES, or should I just handle the encryption/decryption on my authorized client/server? Thanks; ...

Is DES or 3DES still being used today?

I've written a DES implementation as an exercice and am now wondering if and where (triple-)DES is used today. I've read about banking cards using it, but I can't find any reliable source for it. ...

How do I encrypt/decrypt a string of text using 3DES in java?

How do I encrypt/decrypt a string of text using 3DES in java? ...

Triple DES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?

I need to encrypt a string on the iPhone and send it to a .Net for decryption using Triple DES. I am able to encrypt/decrypt on the iPhone and with .Net, but I get different results in both platforms. I use the very same code as the encryption/decryption with AES between .Net and iPhone in here The only thing that I changed .net is t...

using DES/3DES with python

what is the best module /package in python to use des /3des for encryption /decryption. could someone provide example to encrypt data with des/3des on python. ...

iPhone 3DES encryption key length issue

Hi, I have been banging my head on a wall with this one. I need to code my iPhone application to encrypt a 4 digit "pin" using 3DES in ECB mode for transmission to a webservice which I believe is written in .NET. + (NSData *)TripleDESEncryptWithKey:(NSString *)key dataToEncrypt:(NSData*)encryptData { NSLog(@"kCCKeySize3DES=%d", kCCKeySi...

Creating a Cerificate for Bouncy Castle Encryption

I am trying to create a self-signed certificate to use for encrypting an email using bouncycaste. What would be the best way to generate a certificate? I have tried using openssl but I have had problems with certificate. Here is the code I am using to encrypt, I am using 3des. SMIMEEnvelopedGenerator gen = new SMIMEEnvelopedGenerator...

How to perform Triple DES calculations in Ruby in hexadecimal?

Hi Guys, I'm trying to do some triple DES encryption in Ruby. I'm trying to replicate the results from this page: http://da.nmilne.com/des.html I'm trying to replicate those result in Ruby. I suspect the problem is the key is supposed to be a string, but I need to pass in a Hexadecimal key. Either that or the string being encrypted...

iPhone 3Des Encrypting matching Java and .NET key issue, SecretKeySpec?

I'm trying do some encrypt something using 3des on the iphone that must match the results from java and .NET. the code i have is: + (NSString*) doCipher:(NSString*)plainText:(CCOperation)encryptOrDecrypt { const void *vplainText; size_t plainTextBufferSize; if (encryptOrDecrypt == kCCDecrypt) { NSData *EncryptData = [NSData dataW...