
can 32 bit exported jar file be executed using 64 bit java libraries?

I export try.jar file using 32 bit java libraries. On the client site, I have 64 bit java libraries. Can try.jar behave 64 bit executable? For example, I have Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); s = rt.exec("someExecutable"); the someExecutable binary is in 64 bit and using this code with 32 bit java libraries seems to be not working...

Signed und Unsigned Integers in Preon

I want to use Preon for project that communicates with a server written in C. The protocol depends on the native endianess of the machine (you can solve with thisjava.nio.ByteOrder.getNative() under the assumption that the JVM has the same endianess as the server) and uses uint64_t for data lenghts and int32_t for status codes (a negativ...

cannot assign a value to 64-bit integer on 32-bit platform

After switching from 64-bit to 32-bit platform (both of them are CentOS) I get integer constant is too large for ‘long’ type error for the following line of code uint64_t Key = 0x100000000; Casting the value does not help. What am I doing wrong? Thanks ...

Problem with using driver on Vista 64bit

This is a chronological continuation of this question. I have simplified my board so it runs well with the DDK version of BulkUSB on 32bit versions of XP and Vista, but I'm not able to install it on Vista 64.(built with amd64 fre) I've been able to make windows recognize the files it needs to install, using both BulkUSB and USBSamp, but ...

linux g++ linking 64 bit shared library code to static libraries

Context: I can create a shared object library which is linked to a static library without any problems on 32bit linux. When I attempt the same build on 64bit linux, I see this linker error: relocation R_X86_64_32S against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC This error is quite common on...

NUnitForms and 64-bit

Has anybody had any luck getting NUnitForms working in a 64-bit environment? I'm particularly interested in Windows Server 2003 x64. Whenever I try to run my unit tests I get the following error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : The parameter is incorrect This seems to be related to the MouseController.Press() method. ...

porting linux 32 bit app to 64 bit ?

Hi , i'm about to port very large scale application to 64 Bits, i've noticed in that in the web there some articles which shows many pitfalls of this porting , i wondered if there is any tool which can assist in porting to 64 bit , meaning finding the places in code that needs to be changed.... maybe the gcc with warnnings enabled.....

Windows Server 2003 64 bit cmd.exe error

I'm having trouble calling the Microsoft Cabinet Maker utility (makecab) from a batch script on a Windows Server 2003 server. The batch script is being run by Hudson (continuous integration service) installed as a windows service on the machine. The hudson.exe (64-bit) process spawns a java.exe (32-bit) process, which spawns a cmd.exe ...

Get effective executable filename

A .NET application (managed) runs on Windows 7 64 bit. It is actually running on a 64 bit environment. The application inspect running process (for example, calc.exe) which is located in c:\windows\syswow64\calc.exe. So, why the function Process.MainModule.Filename returns c:\windows\system32\calc.exe? Is it possible to get the effe...

Cannot configure WSS 3.0 on Windows 7 x64

On my windows 7 ultimate x64 (no active directory installed) i've 1. installed successfully sharepoint foundation server 2010 (wss4.0) - the basic install. 2. Using Bamboo Solutions i've installed wss3.0 with sp2 successfully but i cannot configure it using basic or advanced installation methods. I was able to install Sharepoint ex...

Questions regarding "warning C4312: 'type cast'"

This is the code I have: HWND WebformCreate(HWND hParent, UINT id) { return CreateWindowEx(0, WEBFORM_CLASS, _T("about:blank"), WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, hParent, (HMENU)id, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); } This is the warning I get: warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'UINT' to...

mix N bits with next N bits (e.g each 4bits) 00001111 -> 01010101

As the title of this question tells I want to know the best way to mix blocks of bits within an integer (especially 64bit unsigned) for example I have 8bit integer, where it's bits are 0000 1111 mix 4bits by 4 bits = 0101 0101 example 2: 0010 0110 0 1 1 0 right * left* = 00011100 mix 4bits by 4 bits = 0001...

Why is the 64-bit MSBuild loading 32-bit extensions?

I'm attempting to build a project using MSBuild (v4.0) on a 64-bit machine. For some reason, MSBuild is attempting to load a 32-bit extension, and I cannot figure out why. I've reduced the problem to the smallest set in order to demonstrate the issue. Using the following MSBuild project file: <Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.co...

What are 16, 32 and 64-bit architectures?

What do 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit architectures mean in case of Microprocessors and/or Operating Systems? In case of Microprocessors, does it mean maximum size of General Purpose Registers or size of Integer or number of Address-lines or number of Data Bus lines or what? What do we mean by saying "DOS is a 16-bit OS", "Windows in a 32-...

Windows service runs as 64 bit when ran as domain account

I have created a windows service and compiled on 32 bit. I deployed the service on 64 bit machine. Now, when I run the service as local system account it runs as 32 bit while if I change it to run as domain/network account it starts as 64 bit service. Can anyone please help me on what should I do so that it always runs as 32 bit?? ...

How to use Bison (Yacc) to produce 64bit parser in C++?

Can anyone shed some light on this? From Bison's documentation, I didn't see anything related to this topic. Thanks very much in advance. Mark ...

How to get default volume on Mac OS X 64-bit?

Hi everyone, What's the way to get default volume on Mac 64-bit? I have a code like that: GetVolParmsInfoBuffer buf_64 = { 0 }; status = FSGetVolumeParms(vol_ref, // use default volume The problem is that I can't pass 0 in vol_ref. On Mac 32-bit I could write: GetVolParmsInfoBuffer buf_...

Is there any way for an MSBuild project to determine whether the 32-bit or 64-bit version of MSBuild is running?

After having found the answer to my question about the 64-bit version of MSBuild attempting to load 32-bit extensions, it has now become necessary for me to determine whether the 64-bit or 32-bit version of MSBuild is running so I can load the correct version of the DLL. I can check the $(MSBuildBinPath) variable against a list of known...

64Bit Edition for Netbeans and Glassfish

Why Netbeans or Glassfish doesn't have 64bit Edition Version to improve performance? Of course these both applications use JDK 64bit but why there is no any 64bit edition for improving their internal processing? I think eclipse published in both 32 and 64 bit, isn't? Regards ...

Is it that hard to port an application to 64 bits?

I was surprised to read that Adobe discontinued the 64 bits version of Flash for Linux. While there is a new 32 bits version, and Adobe advises users to use the 32 bits version of Firefox instead. Was wondering, as I didn't have to do that yet, is it that hard to port an application to 64 bits? Besides the libraries changes and the reco...