
servlet not in root application's servlet context

I have a war file that I have to deploy as root on glassfish. Deploying the application with "/" as its context root happens successfully. But when I try to run that application by http://localhost/, it throws a 503 saying the requested service() is not currently available. The log file server.log has an error saying "javax.servlet.Servl...

How to retrieve params from GET HTTP method using* and Glassfish?

I just installed Glassfish V2 on my local machine just to play around with it. I was wondering if there is a way to retrieve a param passed in by the GET HTTP method. For instance, http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/resources/helloWorld?name=ABC How do I retrieve the "name" param in my Java code? ...

How do you deploy a WAR that's inside an EAR as the root (/) context in Glassfish?

I have an EAR file that contains two WARs, war1.war and war2.war. My application.xml file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <application version="5" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://java.sun.c...

tool for reading glassfish logs?

Hey guys. I'm dealing with huge glassfish log files (in windows, eek!) and well ... Wordpad isn't cutting it. Are there any tools out there that can handle these log files in a more intelligent manner? Functionality that would be welcome: View all lines of a certain log level (info, warning, severe) Show logs between two timestamps ...

Glassfish: web application deployed with non-root context interperetes requests relative to domain1/docroot

The webapp uses Spring MVC. <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping"> <property name="urlMap"> <map> <entry key="/*" value-ref="defaultHandler"/> </map> </property> <property name="order" value="2"/> </bean> <bean name="defaultHandler" c...

Glassfish: Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors - invalid bit length repeat

I'm trying to deploy a .war trough the server's web interface. Getting the same error when deploying it as an exploded directory with IDEA. What is the solution to this problem? ...

JPA - Unknown entity bean class

Hopefully, I can explain this issue properly. I have 3 classes that deals with my entities. @MappedSuperclass public abstract class Swab implements ISwab { ... private Collection<SwabAccounts> accounts; ... } @Entity @Table(name="switches") @DiscriminatorColumn(name="type") @DiscriminatorValue(value="DMS500") public class DmsSwab ...

Track completed downloads from glassfish

I want to be able to track completed downloads served by my glassfish server. I couldn't find a 100 percent correct solution using servlet life cycle listeners. Does anyone have a better idea? ...

Why use Glassfish instead of Apache? What's it strengths and weaknesses?

Sorry for my ignorance here, but when I hear the word webserver, I immediately imagine Apache, although I know people use Microsoft's IIS too. However since I've been hanging out here at Stackoverflow I've noticed lots of people use Glassfish. Which made me wonder, why would I want to use Glassfish (in the sense that I'm interested, but...

Startup Deployment Architecture- Running Glassfish V3 Prelude without Apache...

So am I crazy for considering doing a beta/production release on Glassfish V3 Prelude? Since all of my content is dynamic, I'm not even thinking of bothering to set up apache in front either. Doing so complicates the setup by requiring something like AJP or mod_jk and will not offer us much in terms of capability. So there will be thre...

NullPointerException getCommandLinkOnClickScript

Im using the latest updated version of Glassfish server and JSF 1.2. There are several command links on this JSP that have null as values of their params. I read about the known issue with command links that do not handle null values ( But this page loads fine the first ...

Would you, at present date, use JBoss or Glassfish (or another) as Java EE server for a new project?

If you started a new Java EE project today which is to be finished in about a year, which application server would you choose and why? Part of your answer should include your arguments for your decision. And also how much experience you have with the Java EE server you choose and with the other available servers on the market. These are...

How would you compare Apache Tomcat & Glassfish as production servers?

I have a J2EE-based system which is running currently on Apache Tomcat. We are in discussions to move our production servers to the Glassfish server. Can someone share their experiences with either of them? ...

Any reason to use JBoss 5 over Glassfish v2/v3 Prelude?

JBoss 5 has just come out of beta after 2 years, giving us a JEE 5 compliant container... several months before the release of JEE 6 (JavaOne in May or thereabouts 2009). We've had Glassfish v2 for awhile and now have Glassfish v3 Prelude. Is there any reason to JBoss 5 over these? I've had the feeling for the last year or more than J...

How do I use jtracert to analyse an application running on Glassfish?

I'd like to generate sequence diagrams of a running java ee application using jtracert. How do I do this? ...

glassfish and web service call timeout

I have a ear/ejb project in netbeans that I am deploying on glassfish. I need to set a timeout for incoming calls from to our webservice. How would I go about doing that? Currently, the app has the timeout set to like 2 minutes, I want to do the same thing... ...

Advantages/disadvantages of Glassfish v3 Prelude vs Springsource dm server for Web applications?

Both of these appservers are at least in part OSGI based. One (Glassfish) is obviously J2EE while the other isn't. Now I'm at the stage of choosing a platform for a new project and the natural choice is Glassfish v3 Prelude. This does raise the issue of perhaps we should be using S2AP instead. The question then is this: does the spri...

Netbeans Resolve missing server

I've encountered a problem with my Netbeans 6.1 IDE. After an unsuccessful update, Netbeans stopped recognizing Apache and Glassfish servers and requested me to resolve a missing server error, after which I opened a window to add a server, except there were none listed. Trying to add servers in the list yields no results as there isn't ...

Would you recommend Java/Glassfish/Metro for brand-new project?

I developed in ASP.NET 2.0 for some time, and for slightly less time in Java/Spring/Hibernate. Right now I start developing new web-service and am confused with the choice of: .NET WCF 3.5 versus Java/Metro. From one side, WCF seems like a brilliantly developed solution, a masterpiece of software frameworks, with all the support for fu...

Glassfish failover without load balancer

I have a Glassfish v2u2 cluster with two instances and I want to to fail-over between them. Every document that I read on this subject says that I should use a load balancer in front of Glassfish, like Apache httpd. In this scenario failover works, but I again have a single point of failure. Is Glassfish able to do that fail-over without...