
How to write articles about software applications. Where to find free examples?

A lot of you have starting to write programs since college or even earlier. When you were on university the level of professionalism increased. If you have to write an article about your software application how do you do it? I'm not talking about a documentation or help manual. I'm talking about an article/paper for academia world. ...

how to manage a compiler project ?

I am a CS student and I have a compiler project this year. I want to know how to manage my project with my three partners. I know that the compiler has many level and process, and I want to make use of these features to mange my project. Thanks for any tips/pointers/resources you can provide for me to start. ...

Writing a Search Engine in half a year

As a part of my final-year project in undergraduate Computer Science I am looking to write a search engine that ranks websites on validity of standards. I've read several articles and posts about writing a search engine and how difficult it can be, but I'm feeling ambitious and hope that within 5-6 months I would be able to have a workin...

Is it possible to do CS independent research out of school ?

I am a undergraduate student in Computer Science and wants to pursue a PhD. Since I don't have a good GPA, I've heard that I need to get some research experience to enhance the chance of getting admission. However, Due to personal reasons, I'm taking an year off school to go to Substitute Military Service. Because of the nature of the J...

Suggestions for an open source Final Degree Project

Note: I'm not completely sure if this question really belongs to StackOverflow so feel free to vote for closing if you think not. In Spain we have to undertake a final project when we end the computer science degree. The project must not be trivial and can relate to any computer field from Software Engineering to Computer Architecture, ...

Are there any good resources on real world practical uses of programming theory?

Can anyone recommend any good material that seeks to provide a real world perspective on programming theories? I'm speaking from my perspective as a long time professional software engineer slash ex-cs student. When I say real world, I mean stuff like "Why should I use interfaces? Doesn't that go against DRY principles? It just seems l...

suggest ideas for my final year project,I am good at java/j2ee.

suggest ideas for my final year project,I am good at java/j2ee. ...

Is becoming BCS Chartered IT Professional (CITP) worth it? - UK

Hi, I had a pub debate with a friend about this and I couldn't see the point. From what he said it sounded just like a "qualification" you achieve for working for 10 years in the industry. You have to fill in a lot of forms saying that you are working on harder projects (showing personal development). However your CV and references fr...

In the field of game programming, what are some interesting topics?

Brief (unnecessary) background: I am in a graduate school focused on game development, and we have been given an assignment to work on throughout the next term (I have until the end of summer term). We get to choose the topic we would like to focus on and I figured the SO community would know some interesting topics. Interesting could...

speech recognition project

hello im making my final year project i.e. speech recognition.but i dont have nay idea how to start.i will use c#.plz can anyone guide me how to start.what shoul be the first step? thnx ...

I need to review 2 seminal CompSci papers in a chosen topic, suggestions please

I come from a multimedia background as opposed to a pure-CS background so I would find a heavy CS-paper about subjects like algorithms hard to review. I'm interested mainly in web technologies, particularly areas like web standards, push technologies (comet, web hooks etc..), social graphing, online data portability. Other topic suggest...

Classic Academic Textbooks

I'm familiar with both the Wizard Book: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and the Dragon Book: Compilers: Principles Techniques and Tools However, I'm curious to find out which other classic academic textbooks people would consider essential reading for a programmer. ...

Errors in database migration scripts

The following databases exist for each internally and independently developed software (web-based or client-server) application for a company: Development (D1 and D2) Integration Staging Testing Production The Production environment is shared between applications. Migrating applications requires: Run a script that changes the Prod...

What Should Be Taught to CS Students that's Not Being Taught?

Possible Duplicate: Why dont they teach these things in school? Question for those who have worked with their fair share of recently graduated CS students: If you were able to lecture a class while they were in school, what subject would you talk about? Why is this important for them to know? I'd like to know what should be ...

Looking for a useful programming language for university class

I am a university student who is going to be taking a programming language course in the upcoming semester. One of the course requirements is to specialize (for the course) in a language in which you have no prior experience and is not covered in the course. I've begun looking through lists of languages, but I would like to get some feed...

How beneficial is this subject combination for an undergrad CS student?

I'm an undergrad Computer Science student and studying online. There is a lot of self study, independent research and practice i have to do myself. I wonder how beneficial would it be to choose this subject combination in programming: Data Structures OOP Assembly Language & Computer Architecture Although i also have the option to tak...

Project ideas for automated deduction/automated theorem proving?

Dear Stack Overflow brethren, I'm a second-semester junior who will embark upon my thesis soon, and I have an interest in automated deduction and automated theorem provers. As in, I'd like to advance the art in some way (I don't mean that pretentiously, but I do want to do something productive). I've Googled pretty far and wide and so...

Software Engineering undergraduate project ideas

There were a similar posts at << Computer science undergraduate project ideas >> << Ideas for Software Engineering Thesis Project >> << Senior computer engineering project ideas ? >> << Final Year Project(Software Engineering) Idea >> So I read all of them and my answer wasn't fit to those. Actually I'm looking for some ideas whi...

Soon to be PhD in Computer Science - Which Path to Follow?

I am going to submit my PhD thesis within the next six months. My PhD is on managing the availabiity of large-scale distributed systems, so I have some experience actually building non-trivial systems (+ I have four years experience working as a programmer). I am now trying to figure out what I should do following the PhD. I enjoy res...

Learning how to program real things.

How would you guys recommend I actually learn to program real things? I mean, I know how to do basic academic things. I can implement a templated stack/queue/map/etc. data structure in C++ or Java or whatever. I can make a text-based hangman game or whatever. Etc etc. But how can I learn to program something real, something useful? I'v...