
How can I use Cocoa's Accessibility API to detect that a window is brought to front?

I'm using the Accessibility API to detect when a certain application opens windows, closes windows, when the windows are moved or resized, or made main and/or focused. However the client app seems to move a window to front without an Accessibility API notification being fired. How can my application detect when another application bring...

Cocoa accessibility API, can I click a window in the background without activating it?

I've been searching forever for a solution to this, so I thought I'd seek out the brainpower of greater minds than mine. I'm developing a Cocoa app that uses the Accessibility API to manipulate another program (it's a hotkey app). The app I'm controlling typically has multiple windows open, with some hidden behind others. What I would...

Is there an iPhone API that allows me to use VoiceOver directly in my app?

Hello all: I'd like to allow a user to press a button directly from my app and read what's on the screen using VoiceOver. Right now, my only option is bundling recordings of each page and just playing them when the user presses the button. VoiceOver would really simplify this process. Is it possible? Thanks! Thomas ...

How to get another application window's title, position and size in Mac OS without Accessibility API?

How can I get window's title, position and size if it does not support Accessibility API? Accessibility Inspector does not see it at all. Say, it's a xterm window in (X11->Applications->Terminal). ...