
Customizing Django Admin Interface functionality

I am new to django and have gotten a bit stuck on trying to make the admin site work as I'd like it to. I am wondering if for making the admin functionality I want it is better to make a custom admin app with a template inheriting from admin/base_site.html, using the frontend login with a redirect when is_staff is true. The initial d...

With all the easy Django utilities, tools, configs, settings, etc. is there REALLY no easy way to define the name of a custom App in Admin?

How can I make LadyGagaApp into "Lady Gaga App" when displayed in Admin. Option #1 is to explain how to make this happen in the definition of the app, or in settings, or in init, etc. Option #2 is to point me to the admin template page where this can be overridden with an example. Many thanks all. /Joe ...

Symfony 1.4: Problems displaying a field depending on the credentials user in the admin generator

Hi everyone, I'm working with symphony 1.4 with the Doctrine ORM. I want to display in the edit and list action some fields of a form depending on the credentials of the user. An example, if the user has admin credentials, the filed secret_notes will appear and it could be modified. Otherwise it doesn't appear and it couldn't be modifie...

Is there a clever way of integrating POST/GET ajax calls into the Django Admin?

I am considering doing this via a REST API, since I might be needing it further on in the project. But perhaps there's a better way of doing this? ...

Add a select box on the right admin filter in django - how to do ?

Hi, I want to used select box on my admin filter on django. FOr now django used list_filter on the admin model, and add a list of all data list_filter = ('data') and show : filter data - data1 - data2 - ... but if i v thousand data, i see a big list drop down my admin page... Is it possible to show a select box with the lis...

Django, extending admin's templatetags

I want to add an templatetag to the django admin, how can I go around extending the existing tags without needing to fudge in django.contrib.admin.templatetags? Update: Using {% load mytemplatetags %} in the admin templates breaks my server for some reason (im using nginx and throws me a bad gateway for that page). But the file mytempl...

How to use Custom JS with Django inline

I have Django application with inline in place: class Account(models.Model): ContractNum = models.PositiveIntegerField(unique=True, blank=True, null=True) LastName = models.CharField(max_length=50,) FirstName = models.CharField(max_length=50, ) class Subscription(models.Model): Account = models.ForeignKey(Account, relat...

Use Django admin modules inside own forms

In the Django admin i have a customized changelist with added search and filters. I have been looking alot but cannot seem to find a way to use the whole "changelist module" outside of admin. So i can embed it in one of my own pages. I do not need any of the authentication or anything like that. I just want to show a table (for a conten...

Django admin template with dynamic forms using jquery

I'm developing a questionnaire app. The question model has a "type" field, lets say A and B. The "question" model is set as foreign key to two other models, ModelA and ModelB. Its easy enough to add ModelA(or ModelB) as inlines for questionadmin. But I want to dynamically change the inline fields which are shown on admin page, depending ...

How do I run multiple websites on the same server with the same code base in PHP?

I have created a custom, specialized CMS with a number of clients on it, each with their own domain name, website, admin area and database, but all residing on the same server. Whenever I get a new client, I simply copy all of the code over, change 3 lines in a config file, and then all of their styles/data is taken out of the database...

Having problems getting Extension to the Admin Console to work while following Google App Engine Tutorial for Java

I've been working my way through a Google App Engine tutorial. I entered the code as shown in section 8.2 and then tried to visit "Static List" from the administrative console. When I click the link, I get: Error: Not Found The requested URL /static.html was not found on this server. I tried to modify "<page name="Static List" url="/...

MS SQL database Admin/IDE

I'm using MS SQL for a project, but have always used MySql in the past. MySql has a really nice interface which lets you build queries, offers help, backup etc. What free programs are there for MS Sql that can do this. I'm currently a student so I have free access to MS Sql but the only interface I have for it right now is Visual St...

PostGreSQL without password prompt : .pgpass ignored

Hello all, I'm trying to enable root (Ubuntu 8.04) to use psql command without password prompt (for scripting purpose). Everything worked fine with PostGreSQL 8.3, but I migrate to PostGreSQL 8.4 and the login without password doesn't work anymore. I've a correct .pgpass file (the same used for 8.3), the right of /root/.pgpass are 0600...

Django: InlineModelAdmin to reference its own Model

So I am trying to setup an entry posting system, where the user can select a bunch of related entries when creating an entry. And it would be wonderful if I could use the InlineModelAdmin for it. But it keeps wanting a foreignkey, which for some reason I'm unable to set up properly. Here's a simplified setup of my situation: ...

Active MQ Web Admin Console Not Working

Has anyone found a work around or seen the issue of admin console not working in ActiveMQ 5.4.1 & 5.4.0? I'm using the out of the box config. I turned on logging at the DEBUG level and I don't see any jetty startup errors, when I go to http://[myIp]:8161/admin I get this HTTP ERROR: 503 Problem accessing /. Reason: Service Una...

Django: MultipleChoiceField in admin to carry over previously saved values

I am having troubles to carry over previously selected items in a ModelForm in the admin. I want to use the forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple widget since that is the most straightforward UI in this usecase. It works as far that when saving, the values are stored. But when editing the previously saved item, the values previously saved in this...

Different sessions for admin and application in Django

Hi Folks, I'd like to have different sessions for Django admin interface part and application itself to be able to login as admin to admin interface and as usual user to application part. Any ideas how to archive that? Thanks. P.S. Sure, I can use 2 different web browser instances, any other ways? ...

Wordpress url error on form actions on unix web server (~...)

Hello all ! I have an error with my wordpress installation... I explain myself.. : My wordpress is now on an unix based server with directadmin to manage my domains... I have configured a new domain on witch I can access by : http://ipaddress/~username... Then, for my personal needs, I access to this website through another domain name u...

django: custom name for model in admin site

I have an app which includes a model "QuesTags". Now when I create an entry for this model in, the admin displays this model as "Ques tagss", which IMHO is totally unpalatable. Is there a way around( ex. short_description ) to display a custom string instead of parsing the original model name? ...

Django popup window for Inlines

I've got a problem here. I've got three models, A, B and C. Class A Class B fb = foreignkey(A) Class C fc = foreignkey(B) In I'm doing something like AdminA inlines = [inlineB] AdminB inlines = [inlineC] The troubles start appearing on Add page of Model A. Basically, Model B is just a placeholder for di...