I'm still stuck with the inline Tree-like-eiditing of related models on same page.
I've got three models, A, B and C.
Class A
Class B
fb = foreignkey(A)
Class C
fc = foreignkey(B)
In admin.py I'm doing something like
inlines = [inlineB]
inlines = [inlineC]
I want that when I edit/add model A, I sh...
I am using Visual Studio 2010 ultimate and have a solution that contains a website project. Under XP Pro evrything built fine. I moved over to a new machine running Windows 7 Ultimate, and now when I go to build the website I get the following error meesage:
------ Build started: Project: C:...\WebSite\, Configuration: Debug Any CPU -...
Hi all,
I have a situation where I've overrided the admin_change.html template for a given model. I've created a file such as:
Then, in the overrided change_form.html template, where I am editing an existing object instance, I want to have access to that model instance varia...
I have an application which needs to be run as admin for all of the features to work correctly. I would like to be able to install the app and create shortcuts with that option automatically toggled on. Is this possible? I'm using InstallAware 9 to create my installation.
This is a general problem of how to launch a program without inheriting the admin privileges on the installer. For this particular installer I'm using AutoHotKey, but if I know how to in general I think I might be able to figure out how to do it in my case.
I know how to launch a script with Admin rights what I don't know how to do is ...
We have a repository running on subversion 1.6.6 on Ubuntu server. While adding a new file to the working copy and committing it to the repo, we get the error
Can't open file '/var/svn/mobilesync/db/txn-current-lock': Permission denied
What is the issue and what can I do about it ? Is it a matter of a lock created by a previous proces...
I've written a custom admin filter, now I'm looking for tests of the builtin filterspecs...where can I find those? A
jmoritz@laptop:~/workspace/django/django$ grep -ir testcase . | grep -ir admin
returned only the admindocs tests...
I'm trying to upload files for an article model. Since an object can have multiple images, I'm using a foreign-key from file model to my article model. However, I want all the files to have unique titles. Herez the code snippet.
class Article(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
class Files(models.Model):
Hi all,
I want to add a custom button near 'Add model_name'. When i click on the newly created button i should like to show a custom form where I cans elect a model out of a select box. When i click on save I want to save this model and chance some parameters so it's a 'add' but without selecting all options again. I give a clear exampl...
I have a django web application that's running on apache 2.2.14 and I want to run the admin application over https.
Having read considerable discussions on using a proxy, writing middleware, running alternative wsgi scripts, the chaps in #httpd came to my rescue. The solution is so simple, I was surprised I didn't find it online, so ...
I just got control over a linux server.
The previous admin installed DirectAdmin.
However, mail isn't functioning right.
DirectAdmin says it has made some accounts, but the IMAP server doesn't respond to those logins when I try to login with SquirrelMail or Roundcube.
I then uninstalled all mail packages and installed postfix and c...
I have two tables, tasks and projects. And every task has a project (and every project can have N tasks).
When adding or editing a task, projects are displayed as dropdown as it should, but dropdown is ordered by ID (or no ordering at all). Because i start to have plenty of projects, is there a way to get projects in a dropdown in alpha...
Hi guys!
I have created a new menu in my backend, and added some children. One of these children named "Manage Pages" must retrieve all the products that correspond to the attribute sets that begin with "CMS_" and should not have a price column.
I have done this so far:
<?xml versi...
In the admin interface of Magento I need to modify the tables in the Sales / Order / View order so that it shows, besides the products name, their manufacturer as well.
I'm trying to look for the file to modify to make that happen. I thought I would find a section with all the columns that are displayed in app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Block...
I want to use the latest jQuery (and jQuery UI) versions on my admin interface (editing a specific post type that I created).
I tried this:
// jQuery 1.x
wp_register_script('jquery1x', 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js', false, null, true);
// jQuery UI 1.8.4 PTBR
Hi All,
Is it possible to share admin area (having admin controllers,modules and views) among multiple projects. I want to design admin module having common functionality like admin user-role management, modules management etc. that will be shared with multiple projects. There can be possibility one of project may hold custom admin func...
I'm trying to create a custom report in the Magento back-end; my strategy is to first make my new module mimic the existing Reports/Sales/Orders functionality in the admin panel, and then make the required changes once I've seen how the pieces fit together. I've added my new menu item, and the module loads the basic admin layout and some...
I have installed magento in my local Xampp. After installing I have tried to login in Mozilla (both in front end and admin side). Does any one know how to login magento in fire fox.
I'm looking for oracle admin tool like SQL Buddy (here). I just want to use the browser to test my querys.
I'm logged in as admin, and go to view a user's account page. How can I get the id of the user I'm viewing, rather than the $user->uid (which would be the admin user id)?