Multi-threaded access to MySQL using ADO.Net

I'm developing an ASP.Net web application which makes use of MySQL via the MySQL-Provided Connector/NET, which is an ADO.Net-compatible interface. My understanding of ASP.Net is that concurrent requests will be processed in separate threads, so my code will need to be thread-safe. I can't find anything in the MySQL documentation that ex...

2 Resultsets in Datareader

Hi, Is it possible to store more than 2 resultsets in Datareader?I have different methods which returns datareader,can i store resultsets of them in the same datareader? (I use vs 2008 ) ...

Adding an arbitrary transactable service to an ADO transaction

Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to create my own services that I can use in an ADO transaction. For example, I'd like to make some database updates in an ADO transaction make some arbitrary updates in some arbitrary service that I create either commit or rollback the transaction, and have my arbitrary service understand that the ...

PostgreSql + C#:Design Time Support in VS2008

I've installed Npgsql Data Provider for .net and I've executed gacutil -i Npgsql.dll as the user manual said, but I can't use the Dataset designer. When I add a TableAdapter to the designer, It ask me for a new connection, but the options are Access, MS Sql, or SQLite (other dataProviders that already i have installed). There's no op...

How do I set the timeout when filling a temporary table based on a complex query?

How do I set the command timeout in the following situation? Just to clarify, I have already set the connection timeout in the Connection String, but I also need to set the command timeout because I want the query to be able to run 5 minutes if it needs to, but it times out in less than a few minutes. String reportQuery = @" compli...

Datareader speed problem in vs.2008

Hi, I have 20 different methods and use datareader to read and get result from these functions in the same event.In top of page I create datareader and then begin to load it step by step(It uses same connection and same data access function).Till 15.function datareader loads without problem but after 15,it loads slowly(record count is a...

What database technology to use for legacy application?

I am looking for advice. I know stackoverflow likes "answerable" questions, I hope this is. I have a large legacy (Windows) application, using a proprietary (ISAM) database. I wish to investigate moving it over to using a SQL database: primarily MS SQL Server, I wouldn't mind Oracle flexibility but that is only a "would be nice", and ...

how to bulk insert into existing database table using 3.5

Hi, I have a table in database which already have 100 records. Now I have to insert 100 more records to it. Now which object we have to use? whether dataadapter or sqlbulkcopy? ...

ADO.Net Not Recognizing Column in Select Statement

I have a query that executes fine in TOAD, but when bringing back the results with either an ADO.Net DataReader or DataAdapter/DataSet, it's not recognizing a column in the select statement. See the query below... the column in question has its data coming from a dynamic table or sub-select or whatever you call it. I don't see why this...

Can ADO.NET create its own basic validation by reflecting the database structure?

I am now to the stage of adding validation to a simple app for editing a few SQL tables via data-bound controls. I can see that the BindingSource knows the limits of the table's structure: if I enter, for example, letters in a field that should contain only decimals, up pops a DataError exception with the message that you can only enter ...

In SQL Server 2008, what default date should I use if I don't want it to be null?

I have columns that are of datetype, that I use for things like created, lastmodified etc. I don't want these columns to allow for nulls, is there a best practise in terms of what I should use for their unused, initialized state? e.g. should I use whatever value datetime.minvalue is? ...

Help with DataAdapter - DB doesn't update?

I have a data adapter. When I check the function at runtime I see the changes, but nothing happens in the database. How do I debug this? What went wrong? OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(); string queryString = "SELECT * FROM tasks"; OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(cn.ConnectionString); adapter.SelectComm...

Copy a DataTable to memory and restore it later

I would like to do something like this (pseudo code): var Customer = select * from customer from my database doManyThings Restore varCustomer to Database I can't use LINQ-to-SQL because I have a hierarchyID. How do I this using DataTable, DataReader or other options? ...

BeginExecuteNonQuery without EndExecuteNonQuery

I have the following code: using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("blahblah;Asynchronous Processing=true;") { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("someProcedureName", sqlConnection)) { sqlConnection.Open(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWi...

Is ADO.NET Entity framework database schema update possible ?

Hi All I'm working on proof of concept application like crm and i need your some advice. My application's data layer completely dynamic and run onto EF 3.5. When the user update the entity, change relation or add new column to the database, first i'm planning make for these with custom classes. After I rebuild my database model layer wi...

sqlite provider - which is the most popular to use? (e.g. phxsoftware, devart, mindscape)

Hi, Regarding starting to use SQLite within C# Visual Studio 2008 for a winforms application, it seems from the sqlite site you have to download a sqlite provider, and there are numerous listed (in .net section of sqlite wrappers) QUESTION - Which is the most popular/robust sqlite wrapper that people are using? Some from the ...

[.NET] How to talk to a database in a portable way?

I'd like to start an application that makes heavy use of a database, and is supposed to run on Windows under .NET as well as Mac/Linux under Mono. Having done some research, I've realised that neither LINQ-to-SQL nor LINQ-to-Entities are production-ready in Mono at the moment (here and here). According to the former link, LINQ-to-SQL ma...

How expensive is SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters?

What is the cost of calling SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters? I understand that a round-trip is required to the DB server to get the parameters. After this is called, will the information be cached by the provider, or will it be re-queried EVERY time this method is called? ...

In what situations is the prepare method of a SqlCommand object useful?

Does any body know that in what situations the prepare method of an ADO.NET SqlCommand Object is useful? ... - what are the constaints on database connectivity for use of DataSet and DataAdapter?

Hi, Re, I get the concept generally of DataSet and DataAdapter. What's not clear if I may ask is: Q1 - What constraints are there on whether the database connection need to remain open or not? Can I close the connection but still work with DataSet? If so what needs to be in place to perform an update? Does the DataAdapter ...