
Has anyone tackled Signed Requests for Amazon Product Advertising API in PHP?

I am about to get stuck into fixing the Product Advertising API Signed Requests issue for PHP for a site I wrote a while ago. Is there a library out there already, or do I need to roll up my sleeves? ...

Better Capture to Session Affiliate Id from GET in PHP

Can someone help me clean this up and make it more logical? I'm fried right now and can't seem to get a good line of code written :) I'm trying to capture affiliate id from urls like ?aid=3056677. The idea is IF aff id is set in GET that takes precedence, the session and finally cookie with least. Also, we don't want to set an aff id th...

How can I read a QueryString in CodeIgniter?

I know it's been asked before, but I need it for affiliate tracking... How can I get the params AND the $_GET parameters outlined in that URL? ...

Creating an advertisement system for your web sites (my own AdSense).

I do not know the right term for this but say I want to have Ads on my web sites where there advertisers need to pay whenever users click on the web sites. How should one go about doing this? My approach is to link the Ad to a script file that will record the click in a database and redirect the user to the advertiser's site. I see one...