
Options for persisting data as a set of key-value-pairs with a common key and type

I'm toying with the idea to write another framework to make it easier to develop "bread'n'butter" applications (like create a class with N fields, get an editor for that for free plus the DB persistence). All data models can be converted into the Entity-Attribute-Value form: TYPE VARCHAR(32) ID LONG INT NAME VARCHAR(32) VALUE VARCHAR(6...

What are some social and technical solutions to sharing code and interfaces?

Background: I am a product manager for a medium size web hosting company and we offer a variety of complementary services besides just webhosting. Today our company has about a dozen 3-6 developer teams each working on different facets of webhosting (i.e. DNS registration, shared hosting, cloud computing, dedicated servers, resales, e...

Scrum - where do you do all the 'other' stuff?

With Scrum, there is the principal of user stories and these stemming tasks etc etc iterating around to a finished product - which is fine. But, let's say I have 100 features that need implementing, in the real world I can't put any developer on these until a lot of the normal ancillary stuff has been done - for instance, doing a UI des...

How do you apply Scrum to the design part of web development?

I'm starting to learn about Scrum, and I'm interested in trying it out with our development team. I have a lot of questions about it...but my biggest mental roadblock is in the actual graphical design. With our current development cycle [waterfall-esque], our graphical designer lays out the page with all the imagery and such based on a...

Pair programming means double cost per developer. Is it worth that money?

Pair programming in Agile requires us to double the salary paid to single programmer. Of course with such approach the quality of the code is far cry better, bugs are found much earlier and so forth, but is that still worth that money? Maybe we should pay the 2nd developer's salary to the few testers (the latter are usually much cheaper ...

Daily risk estimation for your team

Assume that you leads team of 4 developers. How often would you estimate the risk of the project? What do you think about the daily estimation? Do you think that the daily updates of the potencial problems (based on the morning stand-up meetings with the team) released as a short summary e-mail is good idea? Maybe you would consider an a...

Is agile scientifically proven?

Are there any scientific studies that have compared agile to other software development methodologies? I think agile is a nice way of working, but is there any scientific basis for it? I'm looking for something like this, except this study only deals with TDD. Have there been studies about agile in general? I'm asking this because I m...

Is there a better way to view/interact with workitems in TFS?

I'm in the requirements/design phase of building an application. We're using VS 2008 and TFS. I have a bunch of scenarios, and related tasks. Some of the requirements have changed, and I would like to go through and see which tasks need to be changed/deleted. It's very difficult to view the overview of the system using any of the exi...

what are Agile and Scrum development methodology ?

Hi, I keep hearing and reading a lot about Agile and Scrum development methodologies, but I have no idea of what they can be, or their use, what kind of projects are suited to this method ? Could you point me out to some useful information about it ? Where to start ? What are the advantages ? ...

Book for learning Agile.

I have search and found many recommend book that I have listed below. Agile Estimating and Planning (Robert C. Martin Series) The Art of Agile Development [Illustrated] (Paperback) Scaling Software Agility: Best Practices for Large Enterprises Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Professional) (Paperback) Agile Principles, Pa...

Information/knowledge flow within the team

I want to avoid the situations when my developers do not share the common knowledge (solutions for the problems they encountered, cool tips, common mistakes, shortcuts for achieving particular goal, configuration issues, partial requirements, etc.) with each others. I'm taking about the situation when such lack of communication is accide...

Agile Student Project Team?

I've been reading about the various forms and aspects of agile development, but all focused on the corporate environment. I am on a student project team at my university, and I'd like to see if some agile concepts could work in an environment other than 'everyone works full/part time'. We do have our own project server, with Subversi...

How to educate a development manager about the difficulties of software design?

I have had a few development managers who don't seem to understand or appreciate the difficulties of software design and implementation. Such managers believe that processes and methodologies completely solve the problem and I have a tough time explaining to them that it is not so and that you cannot read a book on the latest process fa...

Is there a tool for software engineers to track their Requirements -> Design Docs -> Source?

So I recently finish my 3rd year software engineering project. The project was a game. It was not easy in the least. The most challenging project I have done. After some reflection I noticed that the major problem our group had was: Our SRS rarely matched our Design Diagrams Our architecture was not well defined And Lastly our c...

How to get users/clients implicated in iterative development?

What do you do when your (external) client's users don't have the time/will to actively participate in iterative development? How do you "force" them to get implicated? Remember that often they must do this while still completing all their regular duties and that the IT department, who sponsors the software project, doesn't have the pow...

How to vet an Agile/TDD/DDD coach?

Although I am fairly comfortable (certainly not an expert) with TDD, DDD, and Agile concepts, I am working with some contractors who are not. They're smart guys though and given the limitations of our project they agree that techniques from these schools would increase our chances of success. We are not looking to go full blown but TDD...

Project manager programming background

Do you think that project manager should have programming background? Do you consider this role as a natural way of evolution for the skilled/leader programmers (as an alternative for architect role)? Or maybe you believe that PM should be just a good manager with a basic understanding of the programming concepts and a fundamental knowle...

How did you sign a contract to an Agile project? (not how you think you would, how you did)

To execute an Agile project you first need a contract. No contract – no project! No project – no Agile, SCRUM or whatsoever! The contract, if we are talking about mid to big projects, must have well defined safety triggers. I.e. customers want to be very much sure, that if we agree on ending a project in time = T, budget = B and scope =...

Paying off technical debt in Agile

If you are using agile, the idea is to always be doing incremental refactoring and never build up large technical debt. that being said, if you have an agile team that is taking over software that has a decent amount of technical debt, you have to fit it in somewhere. Do you go and create developer user stories . .for example . As a...

Are there success stories of OpenSource projects using Agile/Scrum methodologies?

Most succesful , and large open source projects seem to follow the Benevolent Dictator style organization. But I was wondering if there are any success stories with agile development in Open source. When refering to Open source I mean large net-community driven development, not established teams doing Open source under the same roof. ...