
How have you implemented SCRUM for working alone?

I am working alone at the beginning of a sizable open source project and would like to leverage some of the core ideas/methods from Scrum to help manage my time and remain focused on development and deploying early, demonstrable functionality. I would like to hear from others who have used Scrum alone and what you have found particularl...

How to hook Pivotal Tracker to Redmine?

Our company is currently using Redmine, it's great for general tasks / troubleshooting (operation) but for development, I would like to adopt a more agile tool... and I found it in pivotaltracker. I googled but couldn't find any info., so that gave me a good excuse to try StackOverflow. Has anyone done it? I'm thinking of using Pivota...

Which are the Extreme Programming "core" practices?

Recently, I began reading about agile methodologies and XP in particular. I am a bit confused, though, about what are considered the practices involved in extreme programming. More precisely: Wikipedia reports 12 practices, which I someway believe to be the "classic" ones. Both Kent Beck and Ron Jeffries indicate 13 practices (you can ...

Agile and code release

Do you know of any agile process that is created for code releases? One of the main theme of agile is frequent releases and each company/client would have their own test/approval processes that control code releases. Most of the time these slow down the pace of "frequent releases" Currently we have a proprietary tool based workflow. The...

Using Robot Framework for ATDD

I would like to hear other people's experience with using Robot Framework for automated acceptance testing. What are its major strengths and weaknesses as well as any comparison with other frameworks (mainly Fitness and Selenium)? The code that will be tested is real-time, legacy code, mainly in C++. ...

How to define variable for Trac TicketQuery?

Using TRAC TicketQuery template for sprint to show what's going on. How would I type name of current sprint only ONCE, when template needs it in multiple location? For example "Sprint1" is needed is 6 places: = New items = [[TicketQuery(milestone=Sprint1,status=new,format=table,order=priority,col=id|summary|priority|component|owner|t...

Using a Kanban board per developer

I have been trying to get our software department to adopt some kind development process methodolgy. We only have 9 developers, and about as many projects. Currently, we can only be described as chaotic. Or perhaps 'crisis driven development' as I've seen another SO user call it. Using Kanban seems like a it could be a good fit for ...

What initial modelling/design activities on Agile Projects do you do??

When developing an application using agile techniques, what if any initial modelling/architecture activities do you do, and how do you capture that knowledge?? I'm not after a bullet list about XP, Scrum, Crystal, DSDM..etc as I'm familiar with the methodologies. But what do you do above and beyond the guidance given by these. I find I...

Scrum meeting - dealing with the last question

In the 5/15 minute scrum meeting the 3 questions are asked. For the last question "what impediments are getting in your way" If a dev has problems - the xyz is going to have problems, this is likely going to draw the meeting out past 15 mins and could go into a hour long discussion. Is it the scrum masters job to help this user, is th...

Languages and development methodologies

Having never worked with Ruby on Rails, I looked it up on Wikipedia. It says It is intended to be used with an Agile development methodology that is used by web developers for rapid development. This got me asking how a given language/framework can be more appropriate for given development methodologies. Are there certain la...

How do I manage specs in Scrum ?

Referring to this buddy question, I want to know how one can manage specs in Scrum process ? I'm facing this problem while assigning tasks to my team for the sprint. Needless to say - I'm new to Agile/Scrum. Currently, we are using our own specs sheet to map StoryId to SpecId and vice versa. I'm getting the felling that Scrum is more ab...

Agile methodologies. Is it a by-product of mind control techniques?

The more I read about contemporary methods combining scrum, tdd and xp, the more I feel like I already seen the methods. I am not arguing that agile approach is much more progressive than older rigid structures like waterfall, what I am saying is that it seems to me that agile methodologies are ideal to be used as a nest for a brainwash...

F# - specific agile tools

Possible Duplicate: F# development and unit testing? Are there any F# - specific agile software development tools? I'm thinking of things like a unit testing framework. ...

Using Agile development when building websites

Is it possible / plausible to apply Agile development to the website building process including planning, design and development? ...

Agile - When does it work well, and when doesn't it?

Our team is debating whether we want to become Agile or not. None of us are really fluent in Agile. I'd like some thoughts on when Agile works well, and when it doesn't. To give a little background, we are a small group of developers, six in total. We have far more work that we can handle. Our priorities change often. What is a high pri...

Do the ideas of traditional software engineering conflict with the newer agile development techniques?

So as a developer I am seeking to improve not only my coding skills but my design and management skills. Because of this I'm starting to pay more attention to software engineering practices but i'm not sure where agile development fits into the picture. I can appreciate agility in projects but I wonder whether this conflicts with the tra...

Agile version control?

I'm trying to work out a good method to manage code changes on a large project with multiple teams. We use subversion at the moment, but I want more flexibility in building a new release than I seem to be able to get with subversion. Here's roughly I want: for each developer to create easily identifiable patches for the project. Each ...

How to keep my functions (objects/methods) 'lean and mean'

Hi, in all (Agile) articles i read about this: keep your code and functions small and easy to test. How should i do this with the 'controller' or 'coordinator' class? In my situation, i have to import data. In the end i have one object who coordinates this, and i was wondering if there is a way of keeping the coordinator lean(er) and...

Open Source projects that use agile methods or have tried them

I'm preparing a short talk for a conference in august and I'm looking for open source projects that are using agile methods internally or have tried them in the past. My goal is to talk about the things that work well and what won't work and promote the agile methods a little bit, because I think certain agile techniques are a good fit,...

Design and Implementation stories for one feature in Scrum?

If I divide development of a particular feature into multiple stories: First one for a high level design of the feature, Based on first story I create other stories to develop the different stand-alone pieces that compose the feature, Does it mean I'm doing waterfall? Furthermore - if I divide development of the previously identif...