
jedit alters user and group of file

Hi there, I'm running jedit as root, to alter several system files in /etc, some of these files have different owners then root. When I edit such a file, and save them, jedit set user to root and group to root. Is there a option to set, that jedit keeps the file permissions? Thank you Alex. ...

any way to view ALTER TABLE after its been executed? -MySQL

In the same way SHOW CREATE TABLE tblname; brings back what was previously executed, is there anyway to view the SQL of an ALTER TABLE query? please help? ...

ALTER TABLE Sqlite: how to check if a column exists before alter the table?

Hello everyone! I need to execute in python a SQL query that adds a new column, in sqlite3. The problem is that sometimes it already exists. So previous to executing the query I need to check if the column already exists. If it does, then I won't execute the query. Is there a way in sqlite to do that? Or do I have to make it throug...

Procedure to alter and update table on hierarchical relationship to see if there are any children

I have a hierarchical table on Oracle pl/sql. something like: create table hierarchical ( id integer primary key, parent_id references hierarchical , name varchar(100)); I need to create a procedure to alter that table so I get a new field that tells, for each node, if it has any children or not...

How to change the primary key to be non-clustered?

Part-time reluctant DBA here. I want to change an existing primary key index from clustered to non-clustered. And the syntax is escaping me. This is how it's scripted out right now. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Config] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Config] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ConfigID] ) ON [PRIMARY] I am not...

Can I use ALTER DATABASE to rename a mysql database?

I am using PDO with PHP to create a new database and then a new user with privileges on that database. In case one of them fails, I want to rename the database and user so that they can be deleted later and the names are available. Is it possible to rename a mysql database using the ALTER DATABASE? ...

Drupal questions - customizing form_altered modules

This week I have figured out how to modify form elements in the location module using form_alter and the custom element hook_elements() see: see I was able to to hide elements using unset eg: unset($element['locpick']['user_latitude']); Also added css with ...

how to effectively modify index

Hej everyone, problem : I am looking for right way to convert an index from clustered to non-clustered Description : I have a table as below in sybase db: dbo.UserLog ------------------------ Id | UserId |time | .... ------------------------ This is hash partitioned using UserId. Currently it has 2 indexes UserId : non-clustered...

What happens if you kill a long-running alter query?

What happens if you kill a long-running alter query? Will the alter query simply revert? How long could that take (as a proportion of the time it has already been running)? What if that query is being replicated onto another server? Will killing the process on the other server revert the original server's alter query? We're running mys...

drupal hook_menu_alter() for adding tabs

I want to add some tabs in the "node/%/edit" page from my module called "cssswitch". When I click "Rebuild Menus", the two new tabs are displayed, but they are displayed for ALL nodes when editing them, not just for the node "cssswitch". I want these new tabs to be displayed only when editing node of type "cssswitch". The other problem ...

Add columns to multiple tables in schema

Hi, I need to alter multiple tables in a schema, for all tables prefixed with something, for example: ALTER TABLE "SCHEMA"."TABLE1" ADD ( "COLUMN1" CHARACTER(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DATA', "COLUMN2" VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'MORE_DATA', ); I need this to iterate over multiple tables, like SCHEMA.table1, SCHEMA.ta...

(hibernate) table altered after failed commit

I'm new to hibernate. I have a transaction that fails with a HibernateException, yet the table is altered after the commit. Here is the code: public StoreResult store(Entry entry) { Session session = HibernateUtility.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); try { ...

Add Primary Key to a table with existing clustered index

I have to work with a database to do reporting The DB is quite big : 416 055 104 rows Each row is very light though, just booleans and int ids. Each row is identify by 3 columns, but at my surprise, there is no Primary Key on it. Only a Clustered Index with a unique constraint. So Knowing that, I have 2 question. Could there be ANY g...

SQL Server, How to DROP COLUMN if condition is satisfied?

Hello all! I have been trawling google for answers to this but no luck. Any help would be great! I have a SQL table: tblFeedback. It stores answers to feedback questions. The Questions are held in a different table: tblQuestions. The questions on the feedback form can be changed via a user interface, therefore when the user edits the q...

When you alter a table how do you detect the data type of columns?

I am running MySQL and I need to change the data type of certain columns from an enumeration to integer. However, there are a lot of columns. (If this exists) What is the syntax to alter all columns at the same time that are enumerations. Here is how I am updating a single column to make it integer data type: ALTER TABLE table_name CHAN...

how to check and alter constraints

hi can anyone tel me how to check whether a primary key exists or not in a table and add a primary key if not exixts in sql server compact(.sdf).. i'm using this, IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY') BEGIN alter table [tablename] add constraint [name] PRIM...

Alter Colum Datatype from Int to Ntext and vice-versa

Hi Experts, I have a Sql table CREATE TABLE [UserTable] ( [ID] [int] NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [City] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] In this table column ID have the Datatype Int, I want to alter the data type of the ID column to Ntext, For that I am using the following Sql Query: ALTER TABLE UserTable ALTER...

How to alter the default value set to a column in a table in SQL?

How can you alter the default value set to a column in a table in SQL. I got an error from: ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN mess1 DEFAULT ('hi') What was the correct query? ...

How can you dynamically alter blogger content with jquery?

$('.body-fauxcolumns').load(''); I was experimenting with jquery and blogger and noticed that I can't change the content dynamically through manipulation functions. Am I doing something wrong? The code was placed into the header. How can you dynamically alter blogger content with jqu...

How to update Drupal Views 2 query with OR expression?

I'd like to add an OR expression to Drupal 6.x Views 2 query in the following way: Existing query: SELECT node.nid AS nid FROM node node WHERE (expr1) AND (expr2) New query - this is what I want to achieve: SELECT node.nid AS nid FROM node node WHERE (expr1) AND (expr2 OR new_expr) The question is how to update my existing query (...