
Best strategy to write hooks for subversion in Windows

What is the best approach to write hooks for Subversion in Windows? As far as I know, only executable files can be used. So what is the best choice? Plain batch files (very limited but perhaps OK for very simple solutions) Dedicated compiled executable applications (sledgehammer to crack a nutshell?) Some other hybrid choice (like a b...

Can you modify text files when committing to subversion?

I want to ran the following script on text files that are being committed: # Send the commands H and w to ed # ed will append newline if the file does not end in one printf "%s\n" H w | ed -s $1 # Strip trailing whitespace sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//g' $1 # Convert tabs to 4 spaces sed -i -r "s/\t/ /g" $1 I see subversion has a start-com...

Is it possible to track allocation/deallocation in C#?

As far as I can tell, this is isn't possible, so I'm really just hoping for a left field undocumented allocation hook function. I want a way to track allocations like in _CrtSetAllocHook, but for C#/.net. The only visibility to the garbage collector/allocation appears to be GC.CollectionCount. Anyone have any other .net memory mojo? ...

Which is the most useful Mercurial hook for programming in a loosely connected team?

I recently discovered the notify extension in Mercurial which allows me quickly send out emails whenever I push changes, but I'm pretty sure I'm still missing out on a lot of functionality which could make my live a lot easier. notify-extension: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/NotifyExtension Which Mercurial hook or ...

How do I implement the Post Commit Hook with Trac & SVN in a Windows Environment?

I'm running in a windows environment with Trac / SVN and I want commits to the repository to integrate to Trac and close the bugs that were noted in the SVN Comment. I know there's some post commit hooks to do that, but there's not much information about how to do it on windows. Anyone done it successfully? And what were the steps you...

Multiple keyboards and low-level hooks

I have a system where I have multiple keyboards and really need to know which keyboard the key stroke is coming from. To explain the set up: I have a normal PC and USB keyboard I have an external VGA screen with some hard-keys The hard keys are mapped as a standard USB keyboard, sending a limited number of key-codes (F1, F2, Return, +...

How do I run a script when ip-address changes (most likely using a dhclient hook) on a (Ubuntu) Linux machine?

Hi, I have a script which contacts a few sources and tell them "the IP-address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is my current one". My test web server has a dynamic IP-address through DHCP and amongst other things it needs to update a DDNS entry when its IP-address changes. However it's not the only thing it does, so I will need to run my own custom scr...

Can i run a script when i commit to subversion?

I'd like to run a script that builds the documentation for my php project. It is basically just using wget to run phpdoc. ...

C#, Get other application text from TextBox and TextArea?

Good morgning, I would like to be able to analyze text where I am writting whatever the application I am. Example, If I am here, typing in this TextArea, I would like to be able to get the text, same way if I were in the Subject Textbox in my Outlook. I have search Google without success, maybe it's because it require Win32API call. T...

Hooking syscalls from userspace on Windows

I'm patching connect() to redirect network traffic as part of a library (NetHooker) and this works well, but it depends on ws2_32.dll remaining the same and doesn't work if the syscall is used directly. So what I'm wondering is if there's a way to catch the syscall itself without a driver. Anyone know if this is possible? ...

How to manipulate DLGTEMPLATE programmatically?

What? I have a DLGTEMPLATE loaded from a resource DLL, how can I change the strings assigned to the controls at runtime programmatically? I want to be able to do this before the dialog is created, such that I can tell that the strings on display came from the resource DLL, and not from calls to SetWindowText when the dialog is initiali...

How to correctly use SetWindowsHookEx & CallNextHookEx

I can correctly setup up a windows hook, but I get confused by the line in MSDN that says "Calling the CallNextHookEx function to chain to the next hook procedure is optional, but it is highly recommended; otherwise, other applications that have installed hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result. Y...

Hooking into Windows File Copy

I want to write my own file copy program that will run when the user chooses'Paste' (Ctrl+V) in Windows Explorer. Some programs like CopyHandler and SuperCopier are doing this. But I don't know how. Please help. ...

Is there a windows implementation to python libsvn?

Because windows is case-insensitive and because SVN is case-sensitive and because VS2005 tends to rename files giving them the lower-case form which messes my repositories' history, I've tried to add the pre-commit hook script from http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/case-insensitive.py. Sure enough, the script use...

How to hook a global PASTE EVENT?

I am developing a software that needs to know when the PASTE EVENT (through the context menu or ctrl+V) happens (only for files / directories). More or less, something like it happens with TeraCopy or Copy Handler. When you copy and then paste, it is TeraCopy thats handles the pastings. I know more or less how to capture the COPY EVENT, ...

Hooking into Windows with C# to Produce Windows 7 New Feature

I just saw a really useful UI feature of the forthcoming Windows 7 ( visit http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2008/10/windows_7_walkthrough_boot_video_and_impressions-2.html and scroll down to the video entitled Super Scientific Video of New Window Resizing Feature) In a nutshell you can drag a window by the title bar to the top of the screen to...

Subversion hook does not accept certificate permanently

I hope someone will be able to answer my question. I have Subversion set up, served by Apache2+SSL, doing web development. I want a post-commit hook that runs svn update on my testing server, so when someone commits, it will automatically update the testing site. The hook doesn't work because the certificate is a self generated one and...

Hooking sycalls from userspace on Linux

Is there any way to catch all syscalls on Linux? The only solution I know of is using LD_PRELOAD à la fakeroot, but that only works for dynamically linked applications. Furthermore, this approach requires enumerating all syscalls which is something I'd like to avoid. ...

Run a script when either locking or unlocking Windows XP

I have a Windows XP machine and a Linux machine running Ubuntu. I share the keyboard/mouse from the Windows machine via Synergy. What I would like to do is lock/unlock the Linux machine whenever I lock/unlock the Windows machine. So I'd like to be able to run a script of some description when Windows either locks or unlocks the screen. ...

How to detect drag operation at windows global scope?

When I drag a folder at the edge of the screen in Windows XP, it become a toolbar, containing the files in the folder. How can windows detect there is a drag operation? If I want to write a application to detect drag operation in system scope, How can I do this? And another problem: how can I disable this windowsXP function, it is reall...