
Triple Quotes? How do I delimit a databound Javascript string parameter in ASP.NET?

How do I delimit a Javascript databound string parameter in an anchor OnClick event? I have an anchor tag in an ASP.NET Repeater control. The OnClick event of the anchor contains a call to a Javascript function. The Javascript funciton takes a string for it's input parameter. The string parameter is populated with a databound val...

Nesting HTML- anchor tags

Today I was working on a tab navigation for a webpage. I tried the Sliding Doors approach which worked fine. Then I realized that I must include an option to delete a tab (usually a small X in the right corner of each tab). I wanted to use a nested anchor, which didn't work because it is not allowed. Then I saw the tab- navigation at P...

How to capture an anchor value from url in Ruby on Rails?

After updating or creating a record I use url helper to redirect to the part on the page where the record happened to be located: if .... redirect_to records_url, :anchor => "record_" + record_id.to_s end the resulting url will be something like http://localhost:3000/records#record_343242 I want to highlight the rec...

XHTML: <a> tag to multiple destinations in multiple target frames?

I'm working on a table of links within a site using iframes. I'm wondering if there's any way to code a link to go to two simultaneous destinations within two different target frames? I've been reading all afternoon and can't find anything close to what I want to do. Basically I want one link to present a photo in one iframe and some dat...

HTML anchor with name attribute in ASP.NET

I'd like to make anchors to every post in my forum. Every forum's post is rendered using repeater control. How can I render <a name="anchor_name"></a> in ...

jQuery Text to Link Script?

Does anyone know of a script that can select all text references to URLs and automatically replace them with anchor tags pointing to those locations? For example: would automatically turn into <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt; Note: I am wanting this because I don't want to go...

Programmatically scroll to an Anchor Tag

Consider the following code: <a href="#label2">GoTo Label2</a> ... [content here] ... <a name="label0"></a>More content <a name="label1"></a>More content <a name="label2"></a>More content <a name="label3"></a>More content <a name="label4"></a>More content Is there a way to emulate clicking on the "GoTo Label2" link to scroll to the ap...

javascript anchor- access to id on another html page

Hi, i have two html pages, when you click on something on the first html, it will go to the second one. what i want to do is to show text according to what you clicked on the first html. different texts are wrapped with different ids. here's how i wrote: <a href="secondpage.html#one"></a> <a href="secondpage.html#two"></a> <a href="sec...

How can you check for a #hash in a URL using JavaScript?

Hi, I have some jQuery JavaScript code that I want to run only when there is a hash (#) anchor link in a URL. How can you check for this character using JavaScript? I need a simple catch-all test that would detect URLs like these: Basically something along the lines of...

How to launch a file protocol URL with an anchor from Java?

From a Java program, I need to launch the default browser on a local HTML file, pointed to an anchor inside the file. In Java SE 6, the java.awt.Desktop.browse method will open the file, but will not honor the anchor, so something like the following opens the file at the top, but does not page the browser to the anchor: Desktop.getDesk...

Textbox anchored to a form on all 4 sides not displayed properly

I'm running into a problem trying to anchor a textbox to a form on all 4 sides. I added a textbox to a form and set the Multiline property to True and the Anchor property to Left, Right, Up, and Down so that the textbox will expand and shrink with the form at run time. I also have a few other controls above and below the textbox. Th...

javascript select() function with named anchor

I want to use the JavaScript select() function to highlight a text field on a form, but first I want to use a named anchor so the page will scroll to the proper section. The following code works pretty well in Firefox, (Unless you enter the same value twice,) but IE does not allow the highlighted text to be typed over (without a tab or a...

javascript regex to extract anchor text and URL from anchor tags

Hello, I have a paragraph of text in a javascript variable called 'input_content' and that text contains multiple anchor tags/links. I would like to match all of the anchor tags and extract anchor text and URL, and put it into an array like (or similar to) this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => <a href="http://yahoo...

.htaccess redirect with fragment

I need to issue a redirect, using .htaccess, to a URL with a fragment (also known as an anchor), but it's automatically escaping the #. At the moment I want a hard-coded fragment, but for the sake of others if you know how to take it from the URL too that would be good. Ideally I should be able to use QSA as well. For example: http:/...

Vertical center an anchor tag within a fieldset

I am trying to vertically center an anchor within a fieldset using CSS but it always appears to align to bottom. Is there any tricks to this? ...

Why do page anchors sometimes miss?

On an HTML page, a link like this: <a href="#pagelocation">Location on Page</a> ...should navigate to this spot on the page: <a name="pagelocation"> But in my experience, it sometimes misses - especially when linking from another page (like <a href="somepage.html#pagelocation">). By "misses," I mean it scrolls to the wrong spot on ...

CodeIgniter Table Class: How to add a link from a generated cell

I'm using the table class that autogenerates a table for me from an array of data from my database. So in my model I have: function get_reports_by_user_id($userid) { return $this->db->get_where('ss2_report',array('userid' => $userid))->result_array(); } In my controller I have: function index() { echo $this->table->generate(...

c# StatusStrip questions

System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip I have added a StatusStrip to my winforms app, but I am having a few problems. I would like to have a label anchored at the left and a progressBar anchored on the right in the StatusStrip, but I can't find a way to set these properties. I then thought that I may need to create two statusStrips and anch...

Is it possible to access anchors in a querystring via PHP?

I have a page that is accessed via a URL like this: I know how to access the id parameter using $_GET, however is there a way for me to access the #Page1 part? I have looked at the $_SERVER array and the REQUEST_URI ends at ?id=3. I know that I could also change the #Page1 to be an...

How can I create an empty HTML anchor so the page doesn't "jump up" when I click it?

I'm working on some JQuery to hide/show some content when I click a link. I can create something like: <a href="#" onclick="jquery_stuff" /> But if I click that link while I'm scrolled down on a page, it will jump back up to the top of the page. If I do something like: <a href="" onclick="jquery_stuff" /> The page will reload, whi...