
Calling website with anchor breaks design

When I access the site with an anchor set (...#xxx) the image on top is shifted outside the viewport. Normal behaviour: Corrupted design: The top image is positioned absolute. There are some blank lines directly after the google-analytics code. If I delete them, it works....

Is there a compatible way to write href?

for example,in file test.php: <a href="someting/?start=1">go</a>; so that no matter where this test.php is, can be in Document_Root/Test/ directory, or can be in Document_Root/Production/ directory, the anchor will point to itself. ...

How to implement displaying the requested named anchor using JQuery / JavaScript / CSS

The page has a container div which holds multiple content divs. Each content div has a named anchor. Only one of the content divs is displayed at a time: Example: <style> .lurk { display: none; } </style> <div class="container"> <div id="c1"> <a name="#c1">One</a> is the loneliest number. </div> <div id="c2" class="lurk"> ...

anchor IE 6 bug

I created an anchor like this: <a id="create" /> and it works in IE 7 but not in IE 6. How do I fix it in IE6? Further Info: I am using c#. I am running it in IE6 and in an iframe. The screen just refreshes and the panel doesn't show. But if I don't use: Response.Redirect(Request.Url.PathAndQuery + "&New=1#create"); ...

Using xpath/xslt to get the anchor part of the page url

Hi I'm writing a template in xslt with xpath 1.0 and need to access the anchor tag from the url of the current page. For example, the url: http://localhost/destinations/london.aspx#accommodation I need to be able to get #accommodation and assign it to a variable. I realise I'm somewhat limited by using xpath 1.0 - has anyone got any e...

How to use 'hover' in CSS

I used the code below in order to fulfill this target: When mouse hover on the anchor, the underline comes out, but it failed to work, <a class="hover">click</a> a .hover :hover{ text-decoration:underline; } What's the right version to do this? ...

How to implement several image buttons on a single, highlighted line

I am making a user interface where I want each line to respond with a color effect when rolled over, coloring the entire background of that particular line in a given color. In addition, each line should contain several small symbols (buttons) that also should respond to user clicks and rollovers. The only way I know to do this using t...

How to link html pages in same or different folders ??

How can I link to html pages if they are in same or different folders without writing full path? ...

An Iframe, in an anchor tag. Yeah, I know. A problem with IE rendering.

This all started when I wanted a way to hide some content unless requested. I had already used the link:hover method for some tooltips, and wanted to take a crack at adapting it for this purpose. I'm avoiding the use of JS, because the nature of my site lends itself to use on cellphones--and even where JS is supported, it's loading is n...

Create a favicon for a link that is JavaScript?

I have a link on my site that is strictly JavaScript, that the users can optionally drag to their browser's link bar. Because there is no associated site with a Favicon, the link always gets a blank icon. Is there anyway to associate a Favicon with it at the time the user drags it? I am primarily interested in a Firefox solution, but IE ...

header Location redirect with anchor tag and IE7

Hey there! Here is my issue, it could just be a browser issue but any help/ideas would be awesome! Pretty much I have the following redirect: header("Location: page.php#images"); In most modern browsers it will redirect to page.php#images without any problems but in IE it seems to strip the #images. Has anyone come across this? So ...

Delaying anchor tag "jump"

Hello, is there a way to delay the "jump" to an anchor tag on page load using ASP.NET and jQuery? Actual problem is that i have a jQuery-function that on page load hides all divs of a certain class. Now, when i have an anchor tag in the middle of the page, and link to that anchor, when the page loads the "anchor jump" happens before jQ...

jquery click on anchor element forces scroll to top?[link text][1] I am running in to a problem using jquery and a click event attached to an anchor element. [1]: "This" SO question seems to be a duplicate, and the accepted answer doesn't seem to...

Expanding a hidden div by referring with an anchor from external page

I have a script which hides (display:none) certain divs in the list on page load. Div contents represents description of a book, and the whole list is some sort of bibliography. Every div has an id, for example, "div1", "div2" etc. <ul> <li><div class="hidden" id="div1"></li> <li><div class="hidden" id="div1"></li> ... </ul> ...

CSS - How to remove whitespace between anchored images

I have two anchored images on top of each other, separated with a line break. I want the images to sit directly on top of each other, but in Firefox there is a gap between the images. It works in IE7. The only way I have been able to fix this is by changing the line-height (which I don't want to do). <a href="image.jpg"> <img heigh...

How to make the HTML link activated by clicking on the <li>

I have the following markup, <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="#">Something1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Something2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Something3</a></li> <li><a href="#">Something4</a></li> </ul> The <li> is a bit big, with a small image on its left, I have to actually click on the <a> to activate the link....

Why do bottom padding and bottom margins not help to add vertical spacing between these links?

I have a div with links in it. And I'm lining them up one over the other with <br> tags because I couldn't figure out how to add vertical spacingn with CSS. I tried adding a bottom margin and a bottom padding to the a style rule but it didn't seem to have any effect (why?). I could add another <br> tag to separate them more but I have to...

how to enable or disable anchor tag using jquery

Please Help how to enable or disable the anchor tag using jquery ...

How to retrieve query string parameter and values using javascript (Jquery)?

Hi <a class="clickme" href="test.php?id=100&status=pending&time=2009" id="p_100">Click me</a> $('.clickme').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var stringId = $(this).attr("id"); var mId = stringId.substring(2) .... I can retrieve the value of id using ID of anchor element. I think I should be able to get it directly ...

window.location = #anchor doesn't work in IE

On this map: I have an anchor at the top, and I want the page to jump to the anchor when a link is clicked. I'm currently using window.location = '#top'; It works as expected in FF, Opera, and Chrome, but not in IE 7. I've tried all permuta...