
html table horizontal spacing

How can I set an X spacing between html table's columns? Using cellpadding or cellspacing I got vertical spacing too (and I don't want it!). I can't use CSS. Suggestions? ...

Tools for creating text as bitmaps (anti-aliased text, custom spacing, transparent background)

I need to batch create images with text. Requirements: arbitrary size of bitmap PNG format transparent background black text anti-aliased against transparency adjustable character spacing adjustable text position (x and y coordinates where text begins) TrueType and/or Type1 support Unix command line tool or Python library So far I've...

javascript in html spacing

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> DynamicImage1(xx) DynamicImage2(yy) DynamicImage3(zz) </SCRIPT> This snippet of JS is in my html. (Each function will display a different value based on the input parameter.) How do I set the spacing between these images? I would like them all on the same row (as they are by default) but with spacin...

sIFR - line height issue in Firefox 3 only?!

I'm trying to use sIFR to create a tag cloud effect for a homepage I'm working on. There are 4 lines of text, with various font sizes and font colours within each line. I suspect sIFR purists would say this creates too many movie clips to be safe, but it really is the effect we're looking for and it's the best option we have which is g...

strange border spacing in html/css

I'm trying to create a horizontal menu with a thick border bar that shows over the hovered item. However, for some reason there's a small gap at the right end of the bar in Firefox and Chrome. Strangely, IE displays it without the gap. Firebug doesn't show any reason for this gap. I tried using simple divs and still it appears. I've dis...

HTML/Text Spacing Problem

As you can see from the image above, I'm having a few problems. The Image, if the above won't load I'm using CSS to keep everything in place... do you know what could be causing this? ...

iText cell borders cutting through text

I am writing a program that generates a pdf or rtf file with a table in it, using iText. I used the iText class table and cell, rather than the more specific RtfTable or pdfTable so that either file can be generated at the end. I needed to set the cell padding to a value of -1, or else there was too much space between each row of data ...

LaTeX Double Spacing

I am using the acm LaTeX template and I have trouble making my paper double spaced. My LaTeX document looks like the following: \documentclass{acm_proc_article-sp} \usepackage{setspace} \doublespacing \begin{document} ... \end{document} When I compile the above document using pdflatex, I get the following error message on the line th...

Need to have spacing between end of div and beginning of paragraph

I have text within a paragraph tag that that fits snug on the bottom of a div, which you will see in this picture: I could put some padding at the bottom of the div to fix this, but there might be multiple divs, depending on how many items are on that page. What I need to do, is put some spacing betwee...

Spacing Problem

I have a div with margin and padding in it. And I want to hide the content inside the div. I am using js to show, hide process. The problem is when I tried to hide the content, it gets hide but the spacing or the gap remains the same. Firefox renders properly, but not in ie. How can I solve this issue in ie using css? ...

LaTeX: set custom line spacing except for some document parts

Hi, I need to have a 1.5 line spacing within my document but without some parts like the TOC, title page etc. When I use this command to set the line spacing to 1.5: \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.50}\normalsize the documents line spacing is set to 1.5. How can I exclude some parts of the document from that setting? Thanks for ...

Why do bottom padding and bottom margins not help to add vertical spacing between these links?

I have a div with links in it. And I'm lining them up one over the other with <br> tags because I couldn't figure out how to add vertical spacingn with CSS. I tried adding a bottom margin and a bottom padding to the a style rule but it didn't seem to have any effect (why?). I could add another <br> tag to separate them more but I have to...

CSS horizontal menu - equally spaced?

Hi all, I guess this is a common question but haven't found any good answer about it, and questions around here are not exactly my case. Also, this is my first question so please don't be too harsh on me. lol I have a standard CSS menu, made with UL and LI tags. I need them to get to cover the whole page, horizontally (not my real case...

Can I make spaces between HTML tags not screw up relative positioning?

There is a line break between two <img> tags, and they are indented in the document for nice-formatting. But I'm using relative positioning and z-order to place one image (part of the layout) overtop of another. I have something like this <img style="position: relative; z-index: -1;" width=a height=b> <img style="position: relative; z...

LaTeX: Avoid new paragraph?

I use the \todo command from the \todonotes package. I'd like to layout my source to put \todos separately from the previous paragraph: Some text. \todo{make note} But I don't want \todo to start a new paragraph, or it screws up the spacing of the document. Is there a command to avoid this? If there were a command/package to consum...

How do I change the amount of whitespace between sections in Latex?

How do I modify the distance between the end of a section and the header of the next section in a Latex document? ...

Extra space in Sifr

I'm facing a problem with Sifr. It is taking extra space on left side in all browsers except IE7. When I select the text it is showing on blank character on beginning of text which is (I assume) the reason for that space. But it's all ok in IE7. Can anybody please help? ...

Change spacing of snaplines in Visual Studio 2008

Is it possible to change the amount of space snaplines put between controls in a WinForms project in Visual Studio 2008? For example, when I slide a textbox up to another textbox (one above the other), there's 6 pixels of space between the controls. I'd like there to be 5 pixels of space between them when they snap to each other. Than...

Good table practice - best way to do headers in a table?

I basically have a table of data and I want to set the spacing so it's not all cramped together. However I want the title bar of the table (first row) to ignore the cell padding rules. Is there a good way to do this? Or do I have to create a seperate table or something for the header? ...

Increase too-tight icon spacing in NSOutlineView

I'm writing a Cocoa application that displays the contents of an archive file in an NSOutlineView. I provide custom icons for an NSBrowserCell in the outline column, but I haven't been able to get the spacing quite right — the folder icon always appears too close to the disclosure triangle, as shown below. (FWIW, Versions and BetterZip b...