
android how to scroll to see all the widget of the view

Hello, In one of my androids activities, I have several widget in a vertical linearlayout. The length of this layout is bigger than the screen and thus I cannot see the widget at the bottom. In the Emulator, is there a special scroller to implement or a particular action to do to be able to scroll up and down ? Thanks a lot, Luc ...

Android SplashScreen

hi guys... I'm developing an application which basically downloads a lot of data at the start of the application itself and displays it in the ListActivity... wat i m planning to do is show a Splash Screen till the data is loaded... Till now all my attempts have been futile... i tried mentioned methods... but my problem is th...

Dumped XML Layout File padding positions not behaving correctly.

I've been trying to figure out how to make some sense of a dumped XML layout, and it's progressing 'pretty good'. The only thing I'm currently unsure about is the following: When I use the command: aapt dump xmltree <pathofapk> <pathofxmlfile> I get the following result: N: android= E: ...

What is the ideal place to cache images?

I am fetching a lot of thumbnails in my application from a remote server and lazy loading these in a list View. The image fetches run in a background AsynTask and when completed the fetched images are stored in a HashMap using SoftReferences. This works just fine but when the images in the cache gets GC'd the fetches have to be rerun. I...

Android draw with blur

Hi, I need do draw on Android's Canvas using Blur effect, it is a very simple feature, I need to draw a circular area, which is blurred (the foreground) and the background transparent, I can do everything with manipulating the colour alpha to do it with custom transparency but I need it to be blurred instead of transparent.. any ideas...

General question about AdapterView.OnItemClickListener

on methods like these kind, onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id), what's the difference between position and id. ...

Android - Loading, please wait

Is there a standard "Loading, please wait" dialog I can use in Android development, when I invoke some AsyncTask (downloading some data from remote service for example)? ...

Send data to HTTPservlet in android

This is the servlet code in java ME. protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); ArrayList<String> listName = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> listLongitude = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<I...

Sending long sms messages

Hi, I've got an app that lets users send sms messages. Works great when the message < 160 characters. After that, things work less-perfectly. Seems like there are a few options here: Manually break the message up into multiple SMSs, send each part as a separate SMS. Use the multi-part send SMS function (sendMultipartTextMessage()). Se...

Why does Android WebView display a black screen?

I've been banging my head against a wall this afternoon trying to get a WebView to work. Below is the code in the main class: public class fkyougoogle extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ WebView webview; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(save...

Putting data in the SMS sent intent?

Hi, I'd like to send an sms message. If the text is too long, I split it into multiple messages. I'm trying to put some extra info into the "sent" intent to know which part has been sent, and when all the parts are complete: ArrayList<String> messageParts = ...; for (int i = 0; i < messageParts.size(); i++) { sms.sendTextMessage( ...

Problem in executing program in android

I am new to android programming. I have installed the eclipse and android SDK. After doing all the settings. I have executed the HelloWorld program. The program, after execution is generating the correct strings.xml file also. But on execution of the code i am not getting anything on the emulator screen. Is there any additional settings...

Changing a TextView in another class from a Service

I have two classes, one is a standard activity, the other a service. I would like the service to update a TextView (via .setText) of the Activity on certain events that happen within the service. I've tried to achieve this by programming something like a setter-method inside the Activity-Class, but TextViews don't accept a static-refer...

What's the point of this synchronization?

What is the point of the synchronization here? Why not just use: mConnectedThread.write(out); ? The code snippet is from the BluetoothChat sample for Android (found here) /** * Write to the ConnectedThread in an unsynchronized manner * @param out The bytes to...

Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output

So I have this JSON, which then my activity retrieves to a string: {"popular": {"authors_last_month": [ { "url":"", "item":"OXYLUS", "sales":"1148", "image":"" }, { "url":...

Typeface for the clock on Android pattern lock screen

As the title implies, I am looking for the typeface for the clock when you enter in the pattern. Does anyone know of it offhand or know where I can find it in the source code? ...

View invalidation

I have a custom view and a button in a linear layout. If I press the button I get an onDraw request in my view code and if a release the button I do get another onDraw(). Does anyone know how to avoid this? Screenshot of the app can be seen on: ...

Disappearing Android code

I am using "Hello, Android" 1.5& 1.6 with the 2.1 android Java build. I type import android.os.Bundle; It disappears as soon as I finish typing!! Help, please.? ...

Strange behaviour of TableRow as a LinearLayout

Hello everyone. I've noticed a strange thing with a TableRow. <TableLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:stretchColumns="0"> <TableRow android:background="#9932cc" android:minHeight="40px" android:orientation="h...

Design of Android app to use web api

Hello, I'm starting an Android app which will have multiple Activities. It will be using a REST api with OAuth. I have tested the OAuth and have successfully parsed the returned xml. My question has to do with the architecture of designing a client like this. I have a HttpClient and OAuthConsumer objects which will be used from the var...