android crashing android

Hay Guy, I'm using to connect to a nntp server, however running a simple nntp.connect(host, port) crashes the android. Anyone got any ideas? Do java packages work with android straight out of the box? or do they need editing? Thanks ...

Android - Sending data from a class to an activity?

Hi all, Have a question about sending data between classes and activities. I currently have a class that monitors outgoing class and gets the number of an outgoing call. I instantiate this class in my main Activity and run its method that retrieves the number. However I now have another Activity that I want to pass the number to. I...

Custom Content Provider - openInputStream(), openOutputStream()

The content provider / resolver APIs provide a complicated, but robust way of transferring data between processes using an URI and the openInputStream() and openOutputStream() methods. Custom content providers have the ability to override the openFile() method with custom code to effectively resolve an URI into a Stream; however, the met...

New on android programming - create a database If it doesn't exist

Hi, I'm new here in Android. I would like to have information about what is the best way to create a database if not exists, and manage few tables with inner join queries. Do you have any web page explaining this subject? Thanks in advance. Regards. Jose ...

Displaying and retreiving 'seconds' with TimePicker

Currently the TimePicker view shows only hours and minutes by default and I am retrieving the values using getCurrentHour() and getCurrentMinute(). Is there a solution to add seconds to the TimePicker view? ...

Can i download file without using the phone memory instead of virtual SD card in emulator?

In reference to question Can I do it without creating virtual SD Card. Is there any way to save the file in phone memory in internal memory? if it is possible without using the virtual SD Card, then how? ...

Android: how to catch the event when the soft keyboard pops up?

When the user presses editText, the soft keyboard pops up. I want to hide a view or 2 while it is on. How to do that? ...

Connect to Picasa from Android

Hi all, I want to connect to Picasa from an Android application (without interacting with any third-party application). I tried to Google it and found no tutorial / explanation. Even in Picasa Web API site there is no explanations for Android. I will really appreciate any tutorial / sample code / instructions. Thank you. Michael. ...

Android 2.1: How do I poll the RSSI value of an existing Bluetooth connection?

Hi, I need to know the signal strength of a Bluetooth connection to a remote device that I make with my Android 2.1 phone. From the SDK, I can see that I can determine the RSSI at the time I discover the remote device. But I can't see how to update that RSSI value over time. Can someone give me a hand? Thanks!! ...

andrid application save state

I am having trouble while developing Android application. i declare custom search critiera object into application context, from every activity i want to access search critiera object from application context and then want to change Search critiera object. oncrate() method i get searchcritiera and onresume i save this object into appli...

Android ContextMenu option with icon

Hi All I have a simple question - It is possible to add a menu item with an icon to a context menu ? I've searched this issue and all I found is that it is not possible, but in the Home screen of the Android device when I perform long-click a "add to home" context menu is being displayed, contains menu items with text and icon, so I fig...

Tool to see android database, tables and data

Hi, I am new to Android and i would like to know if there's any tool to see databases (.db) tables and data into these tables. Thanks in advance. Best Regards. Josema. ...

unable to mount AVD during installation

I'm doing a fresh installation of Eclipse/Android SDK. Reaching AVD installation trying to do android create avd --target 2 --name my_avd mounting is rejected geting following err msg: Error: Target is not valid. Use 'android.bat list target ids. using the .bat doesn't give you any answer Any help will be very much appreciated tk...

A native sdk function to scale Bitmap?

Hello! Is there some native android SDK function which takes bitmap and desired new bitmap dimensions and then returns scaled bitmap? ...

Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI

Hi, I have a question about bluetooth RSSI functionality on the Android (either 2.0 or 2.1): It's easy enough to get the RSSI value when a bluetooth connection is created, but how can you repeatedly get the RSSI value of a connection that is already active? It's really important to be able to do this, because this lets you determine i...

Android: Is software keyboard shown?

I need to do a very simple thing - find out if the software keyboard is shown. Is this possible in Android? ...

Force an android activity to always use landscape mode

Hi, I am using android vnc viewer on my G1. But for some reason, that application always in landscape mode despite my G1 is in portrait mode. Since android vnc viewer is open source, I would like know how is it possible hard code an activity to be 'landscape'. I would like to change it to respect the phone orientation. Thank you. ...

Text Entry on an Android Custom View

I'm dealing with a phone that has no physical keyboard and I'm using my own custom view for rendering. The device I'm working with, by default, seems to be in a T9 type entry mode where it suggests blocks of text. However, it never sends me the actual key events. How do I tell whatever soft-keyboard that pops up to enter 'dumb' key ...

How to circumvent this incredibly annoying Android AutoCompleteTextView bug

I am using AutoCompleteTextView (ACTV) in my app. The ACTV is vertically positioned around 100px from the top. When user clicks on it, software keyboard opens and the suggestions dropdown appears below the ACTV. Now I am getting to the bug - when user taps on some suggestion from the dropdown, the dropdown jumps above the ACTV! So if I w...

How to set focus on a view when a layout is created and displayed?

Currently, I have a layout which contains a Button, a TextView and an EditText. When the layout is displayed, the focus will be automatically put on the EditText, which will trigger the keyboard to show up on Android phone. It is not what I want. Is there any way that I can set the focus on TextView or on nothing when a layout is display...