
How do I successfully start a web aim session using the aim web server API on android?

(quick side question: if you were going to write an android aim client(just for yourself, not necessarily for mass consumption), is the server API the way to go? It's what I've been focusing on.) I've been having trouble getting a session started using the aim server API for some reason. I've gone so far as to copy code off the offici...

too few template-parameter-lists with stlport in Android-NDK

When trying to compile some c++ code with the Android-ndk in cygwin i keep getting the error" error: too few template-parameter-lists" many times. I am not sure if using the STLport would have an influence on this error but i have that installed as well. I doubt this had anything to do with the problem because i am pretty sure i was gett...

Going from a PreferenceScreen to a DialogPreference

My application has a setting menu which is actually a PreferenceActivity. When it's created, if a boolean value is not set I want to go to the DialogPreference which sets that. I tried doing it with an intent but the application force closed with this error msg: E/AndroidRuntime( 239): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: ...

Android Sample Apps

Can I use the sample apps and edit them to publish them on the market? ...

Android XmlPullParser UTF-8 problem

Hello all, I have an XML document built with org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer This document contains following XML prolog <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?> When I try to parse this document using import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; with following configuration code XmlPullParser pullParser = Xml.newPullPar...

Sending MMS into different Android devices

I need to send MMS. Into my hero this code looks ugly but works: Intent sendIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.SEND_MSG"); sendIntent.putExtra("address", toText); sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "subject"); sendIntent.putExtra("sms_body", textMessage); sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse(url)); s...

Replacing default Android L&F

I'm new to Android and was just wondering, if I wanted to develop something like HTC's Sense UI, what is the "entry point". I've gone through the developer docs and it seems those docs only refer to developing applications, but not replacing the Android default L&F. What's a good starting point? ...

Android: dynamically creating controls and orientation change

Hi, Currently I am working on an Android application that is dynamically creating controls. Everytime a user would click a button a new EditText appears below the button and the user can interact with the EditText. However if the screen orientation changes, the EditText's that the user created also disappears. Code sample of user c...

Locking down an android application. Ideas?

I'm toying around with an idea for an app that, in theory, a parent would install on a phone he/she gives to his/her child. So, main problem is, how would I be able to prevent the child from just uninstalling the application? Any ideas on how to solve this? I'm really doubtful something like this exists but thought asking here was a good...

How to display particular array of items from a database (SQLServer) in a Spinner of Android?

How to display particular array of items from a database (Mysql) in a Spinner of Android? ...

LDAP Authentication and Android

I'm trying to authenticate with a tomcat server through LDAP. Then after I'm authenticated send a basic GET request to get some data back (XML), and display it to the user. How would I go about authenticating with the server and then performing this request? Are there any good good guides or libraries for this? I'm pretty new with this p...

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

I wish to have one application that runs in the background, which knows when any of the built-in applications (messaging, contacts, etc) is running. So my questions are: How I should run my application in the background. How my background application can know what the application currently running in the foreground is. Responses fro...

Unable to fill List Layout in App

Hi all, I'm attempting to write my first android app and am having a little problem with filling a List Layout from a DB. The project itself is here: However the specific code I'm having the problem with is here: public void fillData(String fueltype){ ArrayList<String> items = new Arr...

Android emulator crashing on Windows 7 64 Bit

Hi Guys I am a newbie android developer and so far have only got Hello World running on my android phone. When I try to run my app in emulator mode I see the emulator window with the keyboard and answer / hangup buttons but I get a windows dialogue before my app runs sayingemulator.exe has stopped responding: Can anyone else get the...

Are Android app widgets (for home screen) allowed gestures?

I noticed that when I swipe my finger from left to right across a home screen widget, in simulator on a AVD, Android switch to the left home screen. I was wondering if its possible to prevent this behavior and allow home screen gadgets to listen and react to finger gestures (like swipe)? Its very critical for my widget UI design. Thank...

Android not playing Video .mp4

hi guys i have prepared a code to just play a simple mp4 file from my res folder... The coding is something like this... public class VideoPlayer extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(; Video...

What's a suitable html parser for Android?

What's a suitable html parser for Android? ...

Newbie Java developer questions - inter class communication with events

Hi All Please forgive the very basic nature of this questions - but we all have to start somewhere. I've done some googling but all answers seem to relate to UI Events. I am creating a very simple android app that will display your location on screen. I have my main class (HelloAndroid at the moment) that extends Activity and I have cr...

Using ViewStub with Tabs in Android Layout

I have read which explains how to use a viewstub as a lazy include for layouts. This works fine on a simple list view i have, but when I try to use it in my actual Tabbed layout, it disappears as soon as the tab gets any real content. I have set all tabs, and tab ...

how to communicate with embedded activity

Hello, In my current project I have a full screen TabActivity. Each tab content is handled by two instances of same ListActivity. Now, I put an extra int in intent to know which data should be displayed. So in onCreate method of my ListActivity, I check the int in extra and I build my query to obtain a SQLLiteCursor. I would like to dy...