
Android MapView - tiles not loading with Debug API key

Hi All I am having some issues getting tiles to load into my MapView in android development. I have searched and looked at similar problems on here but with no luck so far. I have looked at the instructions here and have got hold of my debug API key. I have entered this into my MapView. I have checked that my emulator and my debug dev...

How to add manifest permission to android application?

I am trying to access http link using HttpURLConnection to download a file, but getting this warning in LogCat WARN/System.err(223): Permission denied (maybe missing INTERNET permission) I have added android.Manifest.permission to my application but its still giving the same exception Any suggestions? ...

Open an image in Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically

Hi all, I am trying to open an image / picture in the Gallery built-in app from inside my application. I have a URI of the picture (the picture is located on the SD card). Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance. ...

How should I call the onDraw() method of an Android view 30 times per second

For Android, I have a custom view which I fill up with primitive shapes in the onDraw() method. Coming from a Processing background, I expected the draw method to be called automatically 30 times per second, but its clear that that's not how android views work. So how should I go about calling this method 30 times per second? ...

Backup and restore sqllite database to sdcard

How can I backup my database to the sdcard automatically in my app? And afterward, how do I restore it? ...

TabWidget - How to set position of indicator text?

Hi, i'm trying to use TabHost and TabWidget in my Android application. This is my layout main.xml: <TabHost android:id="@+id/mainTabHost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android=""&gt; <TabWidget android:id="@android:id/tabs" andr...

Image, saved to sdcard, doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app

I save an image to the sdcard and it doesn't appear in the Gallery application until I pull off the sdcard and return it back. Do you have any idea why is it so? Seems like the Gallery application has some cache that isn't updated on file save... Actually, I also want to open the just-saved image in Gallery application and have no suc...

for science project I'm direct messaging twitter with twitter4j lib and android 2.1 but app immediately crashes

Hi, I'm a complete beginner in java but I need to make this application to send commands over twitter. I'm using the twitter4J library and android 2.1. I finally have my code with no errors but when the app starts in the emulator, it immediately crashes. Has anyone done this before? CODE(main file): package edu.shs.SHSSRP; import t...

Android Bluetooth Issue

phone: nexus one droid api level 7 droid version 2.1 We have a data monitor that operates by emulating a serial port over bluetooth. When interfacing with a macbook the OS handles the identification of the service endpoints and provides to nodes in the /dev directory, tty.device and cu.device respectively which both stream binary data....

Android Plugin for Eclipse problem

I am using a laptop with Windows 7 Home Prem x64. I have installed Java JDK1.6.0_18 and Eclipse Gallileo. I have downloaded and installed the latest version of Android SDK with several Platforms loaded and a AVD defined. I can install the Android Eclipse plugin from the remote site stated in the instructions. The plugin installation perf...

Android TimePicker hour field disappears after orientation change

I am using a TimePicker under API 1.5 and when the orientation is changed on my device (a stock G1 running 1.6 - though NOT on the 1.5/1.6 emulator), the hour field goes blank. It still remembers the hour, it just doesn't show it. Is there any workaround for this? The same problem was described by someone else here: http://groups.googl...

Change Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green

How do I do this per selected list item. I tried adding this to android:background <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:state_focused="true" android:state_pressed="false" android:drawable="@color/android_green" /> <item and...

GUI-Touch screen calibration application code sample

Hi, I'm looking for code sample for start writing touch screen calibration application. the idea is when or each time user press on the image the image will move to different place on the screen. maybe in further this will call ts_calibrate Thanks in advenced ...

Changing android widget setup preferences after creation?

Say my app has a widget and I use a configuration screen to do initial app widget setup and set a few preferences. I want the user to be able to change those settings by simply going into my app's settings screen and clicking an intent preference to open up the same options the user was given when the app was created. Can I use the sam...

Java's equivalent of [self performSelector:foo afterDelay:2]

hi, i am developing an android app i need to go from one activity to another in that first i need to change the colors of button then a delay (so that the) and then call this same function(the one i am in rite now) in objective-c it is done with [self performSelector:foo afterDelay:2] so i need to the its java equivalent. ...

How to stop Eclipse from trying to run XML files?

I'm mostly using Eclipse for Android development these days, and have developed good muscle memory for Ctrl-F11 to run my app. Problem is, if I happen to be editing an XML file (like manifest or layout) when I hit that key combination, Eclipse does something that I find inscrutable... It attempts to "run" my XML file, creating an erroneo...

Unable to get zoom buttons to show on MapView

Hi All I have been trying to get this seemingly simple problem fixed for about half a day now. I have a working MapView and I just want to show the default zoom keys and have them there all the time. They do not appear at all - it's not that they appear then go away. Code: public void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ) { super...

Add marker on touched location using google map in android

How do I add a marker on a particular location in the map? I saw this code that shows the coordinates of the touched location. And I want a marker to pop or be shown in that same location everytime it is touched. How do I do this? public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event, MapView mapView) { if (event.getAction...

Android Opengl ES tiling engine, smooth scrolling

Hello, Following this : I got a simple 2D tiles generator working, im reading an int map[100][100] filled with either 1's or 0's and draw tiles according to their tile id, 0 is water, 1 grass. Im using some basic Numpad control handler, using a c...

Is there an Android XML reference?

Hi, I'm learning to develop applications for Android but I need to know the XML tags to get my programs to work. They are documented in the javadoc but I would prefer a quick reference. EDIT: I was talking about the Android GUI XML-files, sorry that I didn't make this clear. ...