
Character "|" in sms

I programmly send sms message with "|" in string, and receiving it android make it unreadable. Can I make something with this? Thanks. ...

how to load dynamic array from vector in android?

how to load dynamic array from vector in android? ...

How to get device longtitude and latitude programatically in android?

I m new to android development i dont know to how to get the latitude and longitude of device by programatically?If u can provide some code snippet to get the latitude and longitude. ...

Android Process Synchronization

Are the processes in android asynchronous? If they are asynchronous then how can we conclude when the activity or process is finished or completed its execution. ...

Limit size of cache directory.

I have some questions about the cache directory in android. Does anyone knows the limit for each app's cache directory? Also what will happen if there is not enough disk space to cache data? All I know is when the device runs low on storage, the files here (cache directory)will be the ones that get deleted first and each app has its o...

Android Market Application Updates

Hi All, Quick question about android market application updates. If I have an app on the market and release an update, is there a way to ensure that the users download the new update? I.e. Does the app tells the user there is an update, or does it stop working until they download an update? Or should I be writing code in my apps to s...

how to run Specific activity in android emulator?

dear friends, i have created 4 activities in eclipse now i want to run activity 1, 2,3 ,4 repectively one by one in emulator for testing. can any one guide me how can i run those all??? when i press run button it only runs first activity. any help would be appriciated. ...

Can Android apps request additinal permissions at runtime?

I'm working on an app which contains some scripting support. The scripts executed by this app might require all sorts of permissions in the future, but it's difficult to predict which ones. Is there a way to request additional permissions at runtime (like iPhone apps sometimes do) instead of specifying them all in advance in AndroidMani...

Image compatibility in iphone and android

I developed UI for iphone apps and now want to use the same UI in Android apps. I read that Android use dip for image resolution and i also read that 1 dip=1.5 pixel.I simply multiply the image size by 1.5px. Now the problem is that the image is blur and not as clear as in iphone apps.So will some body suggest me how should i make a desi...

Simple Image Sharpening algorithm for Android App

I am looking for a simple image sharpening algorithm to use in my Android application. I have a grayscale image captured from video (mostly used for text) and I would like to sharpen it because my phone does not have auto focus, and the close object distance blurs the text. I don't have any background in image processing. But as a user, ...

find map by providing country,city and street

in my application findlocation opptions is there.can u please help me how to find out the corresponding map by providing the country,city,street or pincode. please help me ...

Android - Service wont stop?

Hi all, I currently have a Service that runs fine when I start it but when I try to stop it using the stopService method its onDestroy method doesn't get called. Here is the code I use to try to stop the Service stop_Scan_Button = (Button) findViewById(; stop_Scan_Button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickL...

want to draw a line or path on google map in HelloMapView

Hello, I'v been busy for a long long long time finding out how to draw a line between two (gps) points on the map in HelloMapView but with no luck. Could anyone please tell me how to do so. Suppose I use the HelloMapView which extends MapView. Do I need to use overlays? If so do I have to override the onDraw() method of the overlay an...

Android Views - How to Configure a "Loose" Piece of View Element Through XML?

Hi all, This is what i'm trying to achieve: Use a TextView in a TabWidget (i.e. call TabHost.TabSpec.setIndicator(View) instead of TabHost.TabSpec.setIndicator(String)). And i want to configure that TextView in XML instead of building it programatically. So initially, in my layout XML, i had: <TabHost android:id="@+id/mainTabHo...

Pop-up bar on selected list item

I'm trying to find out how I can create a pop-up menu bar, after I press on a checkbox item, so I can do multiple things like delete.. I've taken this idea from the Android videos:Google I/O 2009 -...Interaction & Visual Design with Android (link: , the 25:58 min. Here is a ...

How to create Transparent Activity in Android?

I want to create transparent create on another activity. How can I achieve this? ...

XPCOM support in Android webkit browser?

Does the Android WebKit supports the XPCOM framework or NPRuntime API`s as like Firefox? How to implement JavaScript in the Android WebKit plug-in? Update: I am writing a media player plug-in for the Android WebKit browser and my plug-in needs to get the command from the web page through JavaScript (some actions like play/pause/stop/re...

Constant id for all the items of a ListView making OnClick method useless

Hi, I'm quite new to android and i'm facing some trouble with managing listviews... I'm generating a ListView properly but all the items in it have the same id, so when I click on any of them, they all do the same thing (which is not what I expect of course...) I'm loading data from XML URLs, parsing them with a SAX parser. Here is my ...

Manage cache of MapView

Hello, I've made an application based on the Google Maps API. The problem is that my application is made to be used in the wild, in places where there is no network. So I would like to manage the cache in order to ensure that specific tiles are saved and available during the trip (I'd like to redirect them in database but any method ma...

Is the Android 2.0 emulator Bluetooth enabled?

Hi I want to know whether Android 2.0 emulator is Bluetooth enabled.If it is not enabled, then how can i test my bluetooth application.Please any body knows the solution help me. ...