
Crash in ListView at AbsListView.obtainView for ListActivity

Hello: I'm watching content updates on a ListActivity using a ContentObserver as follows: protected void onCreate(Bundle savedState) { super.onCreate(savedState); ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(TrackHeader.CONTENT_URI, sTrackListProjection, null, null, null); startManagingCursor(cursor); t...

What's the better way to pass resources?

Hi, Need some advice from you experts out there. I've just started with Android programming and while I finally got what I want my "Hello World" to do, I feel as if I'm bludgening my way through rather than grasping concepts. I created three EditText boxes. Below those I created three Spinners. Pick a number in the Spinner and it wi...

How Can I Adjust The Size Of Context Menu in Android?

How Can I Adjust The Size Of Context Menu in Android? ...

Visual Resource(s) for android.R.* ?

Hello everyone. I'm trying to find a website or a list of websites that I can reference when trying to integrate some of the built-in Android resources into my applications and I'm wondering what everyone else uses. For instance, I want to find a site that lists all the different animations in "android.R.aim" and shows what each animati...

How do you save your Activity's state when exiting? Android

I have a basic app with text inputs, a spinner input, and a second spinner input whose array depends on a setting changed in the Options menu. Currently, when I press Home or press Return while in my app, I either return to the desktop or cycle back through old inputs i put in recently. How can I prevent my app from opening multiple in...

My intent putExtra into two different names with different value. But I get same value in another activity?

I have two names which suppose to get two different string value. Why S0 and S1 all get "ABC"? DF="" DWF="ABC" Alarm.putExtra(com.Md.AlarmReminder.D0, DF); Alarm.putExtra(com.Md.AlarmReminder.D1, DWF); In another activity: Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); s0 =extras.getString(com.Md.AlarmReminder.D0); s1 =extras.getString(c...

Heap size overflow issues with sound clips

I'm creating an android app that involves multiple short sound clips. At the moment, I'm using SoundPool to load my sound clips once a 2nd activity is begun by the menu activity. The problem I seem to be having is that once this secondary activity begins, the loading of the sound clips causes multiple heap size overflows and then after a...

IP Camera implementation in Android(View live video from IP Camera)

Hi All, I have a requirement to implement IP camera's for my client's Organization(May be 5 or more). I need to provide facility to view these camera's preview in their Android mobiles. I found an application already available in Android Market(IP Cam Viewer) and it is what exactly my Client asking. Can anyone suggest me the best IP c...

Android singletop singleinstance and singletask

Hi I've an design issue in implementing different types of launchmode for different activities. I've 5 Activities. VideoList VideoDetail FavoritesList VideoSearch VideoPlayer When the user starts the app it goes to VideoList that displays list of videos. Clicking on any of the Videos take them to VideoDetails.There are two button i...

Regarding seekbar drawables

i actually used that <clip> to set the drawables for the seekbar as : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:id="@+android:id/background" android:drawable="@drawable/progbar2" /> <item android:id="@+android:id/SecondaryProgress"> <clip android:dra...

Identify which AlertDialog triggered onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)

I'm creating a dialog as follows: @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch (id) { case DIALOG_1: return new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.s_dlg1) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, this) .create(); case DIALOG_2: ... ... } return null; } @Override public void onCl...

Detecting collisions and and walking around obects

hi, I am writing a program for an Android phone (Which uses Java as the programming language) I am writing a game that needs objects to - move around - other objects. For example: if an object was to move from point A to point B and there was another game object in the way, it would move around it. I also need to detect collisions wi...

Android: how distribute paid application when paid Market is not available in my country (OBSOLETE)

WARNING: this question is now obsolete, as Android Market includes much more countries and such services as PayPal Mobile Payments Library are available. Hi! I'd like to sell my Android application, but I live in Poland and in my country* Android Market supports only free apps (we cannot sell and we cannot buy too). What is the best wa...

how to add the icon, bold text, normal text in android list

hi how to make list with image, bold text and normal text an android ...

Proper location to install Android SDK on Mac

Hi, What is the best (most proper) location to install the Android SDK on Mac? I've seen in some posts that somewhere in the Home directory is advantageous. Some seem to have placed the SDK in the Applications directory. Thanks very much. Prembo. ...

[Android] How to change DB location for content

Dear All, I want to change setting in native application (i.e. SMS) by pointing it to different content location. Ex - At given fraction of time, native application is pointing to list of SMS ( I want to point to different location, that might be

Android - Can't create simple rectangle shape... UnsupportedOperationException?

Hello, I'm having trouble creating a simple rounded rectangle using XML. Every time I try to add the "corners" element to the custom shape I get: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at at at...

How to enable HSDPA programmatically in Android ?

Hi, I have a small issue. Is it possible to enable or disable HSDPA connection programatically in Andoird ? If so, how to do that? I didnt find any API in TelephonyManager. Please help me in this.. Thanks in advance... ...

implement in android

I want to develop an application which does payment processing through But everytime I get unknown error. Please help me.... Firstly i fill all the textboxes and use these values on a button click event. My code is: txtAmount=Double.parseDouble(Amount.getText().toString()); txtFName = FName.getText().toString(); txtLNam...

Facing issues with Android AR (augment reality) application in HTC magic

Hi, I have developed a simple AR application in Android. This application shows the camera preview in portrait mode with some overlaying static images and texts. I have tested this application on my HTC Hero and it works fine on it. I shared this application with my internet friend who has HTC magic (and he does not know anything about ...