
AutoCompleteTextView problem in Dialog?

dear friends, i am trying to put Autocomplete text view in dialog but getting error on adaptor i have created new class extended by dialog and written following code. AutoCompleteTextView textViewCountry = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayA...

Notification question.

I want to show a notification when a call is active. I have done the first easy part. Notification starts when my call intent starts. Now to the tricky part, how can I tell my Notification that the call has ended? ...

Unit testing SQLiteDatabase code - how do I instantiate a DB instance outside the emulator

I need to run unit tests for code that references SQLiteDatabase for my Android code; however all my attempts to instantiate this object outside the emulator (on my desktop machine) have failed. JDBC on Android is not being recommended on the Net, hence it's out of the question (I could have provided mock objects very easily that way). S...

How to find out the memory footprint of my Android App?

Well, the title says it. It would also be handy to know how many memory is still available. I am writing a memory hungry application that tends to crash randomly (in native Code), and my suspicion is that it gets out-of-memory. ...

add buttons to ListActivity

how to add add,remove,back buttons in ListActivity .pl it's very urgent to me Thanks ...

How to use contacts API for Android 1.x and 2.x simultaneously?

Mi problem is that I need to implement Contact List in my application for both android 1.5, 1.6 and 2.x. I did it using the old Contacts API, not ContactsContract because of backwards compatibility with 1.x series. But when displaying my app on 2.x the contact list is not complete. In some devices it's shown as empty, and in some device...

Android - AIDL gen files causing warnings?

Hi, I have created some aidl files for IPC in my Android project. They compile and run file however in the generated .java files I am getting warnings of un-used imports as follows: The import android.os.Binder is never used /gen/com//phone/engine line 10 Java Problem Now I presume that they are there for a...

Examples for Robotium

Hi All, I found a tool for Instrumentation Testing called Robotium.It is easy and simple for black box testing of android applications. We can use it as follows: solo.clickOnText("Other"); solo.clickOnButton("Edit"); assertTrue(solo.searchText("Edit Window")); solo.enterText(1, "Some text for testing purposes") solo...

Android play raw Audio from C++ side

I need to be able to stream audio from a custom file format on the C++ side of the Android system. I am working on porting a custom media player and need to be able to open a custom file and stream audio from it. This is important as I do not think porting the whole player to JAVA is feasible from a performance stand point and moving t...

How to have an SlidingDrawer handle in another place than in middle of screen border?

Hi, I use in my application a SlidingDrawer. In some activities I would like to not have the SlidingDrawer handle in the middle of the screen border but aligned with the bottom of the screen (while I'm in landscape mode). My layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SlidingDrawer android:layout_height="fill_parent" andro...

Calculate the size of a list view or how to tell it to fully expand

I am currently trying to use a ListView inside of a ScrollView. I know from what I've read that this is looked down upon, but I'm trying to get the ListView to expand completely by showing all of its rows so there is no need for it to scroll. I've been struggling, however, with how to tell the ListView to completely expand to show all ...

How can I configure list view so that it can put focus to a focusable item within a list item

Hi, Can you please tell me how can I configure list view so that it can put focus to a focusable item within a list item? Android by default puts focus on the whole list item. Can I change it so that it can put focus to a focusable item within that item (e.g. a button)? Thank you. ...

ImageView.setImageURI does NOT work when trying to assign a R.drawable.X Uri

is related to: now my problem is that: ImageView imgView=(ImageView)findViewById(; Uri imgUri=Uri.parse("android.resource://"+R.drawable.image); imageView.setImageURI(imgUri); does NOT work . why? i know t...

How to test the low power condition on Android

Hi, I wondered if anyone had any ideas about how to simulate low power conditions on Android (ie the pop-up notification that occurs) on the G1, say. The adb am command lets you broadcast intents but, I think, maybe not system ones. Anyway, $ am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BATTERY_LOW Broadcasting: Intent { act=android.intent....

Web service platform for communicating with android app

I want to create a very simple rest-like web service to be used by an android application. The web service just needs to offer a way to add user entries to a simple database and retrieve other users' entries. What would you recommend as a platform to accomplish this? I was thinking google app engine might be a good way to get this go...

Android Permission Issue android.permission.READ_CONTACTS

Hello, All I am trying to do is read a contact off of my emulator and display it to the screen. I can't seem to resolve this error. Both of my packages ( and .MobileServiceCallContacts) have the permission READ_CONTACTS set in their manifest xml files. So any ideas as to what I've got wrong ? Here is the error mes...

On Android, how do I grant a LiveFolders the required permission of my ContentProvider?

On Android, for a content provider that requires the FINE_LOCATION permission, how do I create a LiveFolder? <provider android:authorities="gpstracker" android:name=".db.GPStrackingProvider" android:permission="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" > </provider> The LiveFolder keeps crashing in the at

Recovering deleted messages and data on a mobile phone

I want to design a mobile application/tool for recovering deleted messages/pictures/files from the phone. I have the choice to do that using Android or Symbian. what do you think is more easier provided that I have to use some operating system concepts to solve the problem and recover deleted messages. Also what are the concepts that I c...

How is an empty listview rendered?

If a listview is not given any items, how is it rendered? Will it still expand to fill the space in the layout allotted to it? ...

is it possible to replace the default "Force Close" dialog in Android?

I would like the users of my android app to have the option to email me the stacktrace of any uncaught exception that crashes my app. Originally I thought I would just wrap every entry point to my app in a try/catch block, but there are far too many of these even in my tiny app for this to be reasonable. So what I am really looking for...