
android icon for touch screen jaava

hi i want create android appliction which has application icon to show a main screen with three touchable can i do this. ...

Android: I want to shake it!

I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Anroid application. All I find of documentation involves implementing the SensorListener, but Eclipse tells me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this "shake controller"? ...

RuntimeException when trying to use

Hi all, I'm trying to use a custom class (be.myname.rssreader.util.Global) extending, but when I try to use its accessors, I get the following exception: 02-23 11:42:12.973: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2050): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{be.myname.rssreader/be.myname.rss...

Android - Registering a broadcast receiver for two intents?

Hi, I was wondering is it possible to register a broadcast receiver to receive two intents? My code is as follows: sipRegistrationListener = new BroadcastReceiver(){ @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if(SIPEngine.SIP_REGISTERED_INTENT.equals(action)){ Log.d("SE...

how to keep text on imageview in android?

Hi all,i want to display text on image view. ...

How does context work on Android?

I know it will sound dumb or people will just say: read the documentations available. But i can't get to understand how Context works. Yes, android.content.Context Can someone help me?? thanks ...

how to get the hashtable object form a class to activity in android

hi I want to get the hashtable object from non activity class to activity class an android please reply to me thanks ...

How can i call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android

Hi, Normally Iam getting Wi-Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the settings->Wireless controls->wifi settings.I need to directly go to the Wi-Fi settings screen from my program when pressing on the Wi-Fi button which I had created.Contacts,Call Logs we can handle by using Intent.setData(android.provider.contacts...........)...

Android - How do you bind a ListView to a collection of custom objects?

I've got a class called PhoneContact with 3 properties: Title, Description and PhoneNumber If I have a collection of these, how would I go about binding these to a ListView containing a TextView for each property? ...

get current location

I'm done creating an android program that adds a marker to a location. But I need to show CURRENT MY LOCATION in the MAP. I know this is done thru location based services but I don't know how to incorporate it into my program Here is my onCreate command public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(save...

how to create fixed footer in android layout?

dear friends, i am using following code to display button at the bottom of activity. <RelativeLayout android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" > <Button android:id="@+id/btnGetM...

The sqlite database path

I already have a sqlite database. And i put it in the "assets" folder of my project. Then what's the path of this databse. I read the document form adnroid. It said all the database in android,the path is data/data/pack_name/database_name. It make me confuse. I just place it in the "assets" folder. So the path is data/data/assets/databa...

stop the notification service in android

In my application I am using the Android notification services by observe the API demos notification service control. It is working for start service but i am not able to stop service. stopService(new Intent(MyGroup.this,NotifyingService.class)); The above code is what I am using for stop the services. ...

how to match drawable id and data (from database) id in android?

Hi all,i want display images(5) one by one by using flipper.I added images in drawable. I get the Sites(5) from SQLServer.Now i want to match drawable id and sites corresponding aim is while clicking on image(5) the assigned sites(5) will be open. ...

Tab Layout tutorial incomplete?

Hi there, I've been trying to implement the tab UI described in this tutorial: I follow all the steps described in the process but I keep getting a runtime exception which I believe has something to do with the fact that nowhere in the tutorial I added t...

Developing Android networked game, is it feasible to use App Engine for a server

I have been looking into android development for some time and would really like to create a networked game. I also think this would be an excellent oppurtunity to familiarize myself with the app engine framework, but it seems more app engine applications are built around browser services. This is not nessecarily a problem for me, but...

Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip?

I've used the voice recognition feature on Android and I love it. It's one of my customers' most praised features. However, the format is somewhat restrictive. You have to call the recognizer intent, have it send the recording for transcription to google, and wait for the text back. Some of my ideas would require recording the audio ...

Problem using AudioRecord with 8-bit encoding in android

Hello, I have made an application that records from the phones microphone using the AudioRecord and 16-bit encoding, and I am able to playback the recording. For some compatibility reason I need to use 8-bit encoding, but when I try to run the same program using that encoding I keep getting an Invalid Audio Format. my code is : int buff...

how to track the screen in landscape or portrait view in android?

Hi all, I worked in a tabactivity, I set the gravity for tabs as bottom. If I change the screen from portrait to landscape, I can't see the tabs. How can I do it? I need an example please. Thanks. ...

How can the landscape screen orientation be restricted in android?

How can the landscape screen orientation be restricted in android? ...