
problem about sqlite databse, no such table: ...

I open a sqlite database and use rawquery to get data. But the log.e show the information: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: types: But, I really have this table. And i also try to use the other sql ,But also get the error message such as android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: malls: I am ...

Android - Ringtone wont stop playing

I currently start a Ringtone on Android and it plays fine. However when I try to stop the ringtone it doesn't stop or atleast doesn't stop straight away, it will keep in playing until it just plays out. Here is how I set up the Ringtone: int rm = audio_service.getRingerMode(); int vs = audio_service.getVibrateSetting(AudioManager.VIBR...

how to hide keyboard after typing in EditText in android?

dear friends, i have a textbox and button aligned to parent bottom. when i enter text in it and press button to save data. keyboard does not disappear. can any one guide me how to disappear keyboard? any help would be appriciated ...

how to show full EditText after appearing Keyboad in android?

friends, i am using following layout and tring to enter text and then saving the data but facing one problem when i click on EditText to type something. keyboard appears and covers half of layout of EditText and button. but when i type in it it shows completely.before typing in it keyboard covers half of Edittext layout. can any one g...

Invalid column _count when using Contacts.Groups._COUNT to get Contacts Groups?

Problem 1. I have this class: public class ContactGroups { // Form an array specifying which columns to return. String[] projection = new String[] { Contacts.Groups._ID, Contacts.Groups._COUNT, Contacts.Groups.NAME, Contacts.Groups.NOTES }; public Cursor getList(Activity act) { Uri contacts = Contacts...

Adding a button underneath a listview on android

So Ive been trying to add a button underneath a listview in android, the problem is that the button does not appear. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <AbsoluteLayout android:id="@+id/widget0" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android="

Data exchange with remote server in Android

Hello! I'm building an application for android which collects user data. Also I'm going to build a website which will use that data where users can have an account and synchronize data with phone and website (I guess it's quite common setup). Site will be using MySQL database, but I want it to be database independent using some kind of...

How would I have a dynamic Activity based on Web Service input?

I'm looking to have an app that calls a web service, and the return from that WS would specify a specific puzzle to play (sudoku, arithmetic, logic, problem solving, memory, etc). I think that each puzzle should be its own Activity, but I don't know if they should be nested in my main app Activity, separate Activities, or something else...

Problem when trying to get Contracts Group ~ Unknown URL content://

Problem when trying to get Contracts Group Uri contacts = ContactsContract.AUTHORITY_URI; //Log.v("23",contacts.toString()); // Make the query. Cursor managedCursor = act.managedQuery(contacts, projection, // Which // columns // to // return null, // Which rows to return (all rows) null // Selection arguments (...

how to save cached data to sqlite DB (android)

hey , I want to cache google maps, and put them into the memory, using sqlite DB,so that I don't have to always use the internet connection! is that possible? and if it is possible I would like to know how? thanks ...

How can I detect if someone clicks outside of a specific LinearLayout

I've got a LinearLayout with a bunch of buttons on it. This panel is always hidden unless a menu item is chosen. When the LinearLayout is shown, I want to detect if the user clicks anywhere outside of the panel so that I can hide it again. Is there a way to do this, maybe with detecting focus changes? I've tried to add an OnFocus...

Any intents to show a single image with zooming/panning?

Hi, I have a png and a jpg image on disk. I'd like to use any built-in intent (if any are available) to view the image (just a single one at a time). Something like this: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setImagePath("/blah/myimage.jpg"); startActivity(intent); is there a built-in intent in android to do this, or do I have to wri...

Motion Events in android

I am trying to simulate Mouse events in my instrumentation testing I have the following code but I am getting the following error java.lang.NullPointerException at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runMethod(Instrumentation...

Dismiss dialog after screen orientation change

1) I launch a background task (via AsyncTask) new FindJourneyTask().execute(); // FindJourneyTask extends AsyncTask 2) Still in the main thread (just before new thread is launched) I create a dialog with showDialog(dialogId) // this method is in FindJourneyTask protected void onPreExecute() { showDialog(DIALOG_FINDING_JOURNEY); }...

Reading and writing a file

Hi, I downloaded a jpg from the net, I'd like to save it to disk then load it again. I'm trying something like this: Bitmap bmp = ...; // loaded from net. File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "tmp.jpg"); OutputStream out = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(Uri.parse(file.getAbsolutePath())); bmp.compress...

How to add manually contacts group to Android database?

I want to define some Contact Groups. I am wondering where and how does Android store the groups. Maybe in a Sqlite database? If so, will be able to run a insert on it? Otherwise how do you add new Contacts Group via the emulator? ...

Android: Youtube and ACTION_SENDTO?

I'm writing an Android app where users can upload video to Youtube. I'd like the Youtube tag field to be pre-filled with a tag that I set. I'd also like the UI to work like this: user clicks on an Upload button, user goes straight to Youtube upload intent (rather than picking from a Chooser), tag field is pre-filled for them. Is this ...

Android Service - Can it pop an Activity?

I have three separate applications A, B and C. All of them use service S. When A, B or C connect to service S and service S must start, it must gather credentials from the user using form F. I want the user experience to go like this: From the Android main menu, the user taps one of the applications; A, B or C. Form F appears beca...

Excessive number of touch events slows down Android app

I'm writing an Android game that needs to receive touch events. My problem is that, whenever the user drags their finger along the screen, so many touch events get sent to the touch event handler (which I think runs as a separate thread) that my frame rate plummets! What's the best way I can limit the number of touch events that are hand...

Android Asynk Task

Hi, is a good practice to have an Asynk task with a loop like this inside? while (true) { check queue and request API Because i need to wait for my Activities and service needs to comunicate with the APi. Thanks ...