
class java.awt.Font error - Android

Hi all, When I try to edit project/res/main.xml using android layout editor in eclipse I get the error "Could not initialize class java.awt.font". I don't know, how to get rid of this. Thanks for any help. ...

Android Service makes Activity not responding

Hi, anybody knows what can be the reason for when i start a service from an Activity, the emulator shows a message "the activity is not responding?" Inside my Service i start 2 threads in order to make some tasks. can be this the cause of the problem? Thanks ...

Can't start adb

Running vista when I execute adb nodaemon server with ADB_TRACE=ALL it shows that adb can't bind to port 5037. Any suggestions what the problem is or where to investigate would be appreciated. ...

Android View.getDrawingCache returns null, only null

Hi, Would anyone please try to explain to me why public void addView(View child) { child.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); child.setWillNotCacheDrawing(false); child.setWillNotDraw(false); child.buildDrawingCache(); if(child.getDrawingCache() == null) { //TODO Make this work! Log.w("View", "View child's drawing cache is null"...

How to get the defined Contact Groups on an Android?

I would like to get a list of Contacts Groups already defined in the system, how can I do that? ...

Which Android API to distribute app under

There are a few other threads that are similar, but I can't seem to find a difinitive answer, so I apologize if this seems a little repetetive. Here's my situation. My Android app compiles and runs under 1.5 I want to use supports-screen in my Manifest. This means I have to compile with 1.6 in Eclipse or I get errors I set the minSDK t...

Reusing Default Components in Android(gallery)

When you open up gallery in android, and press on the picture, the options "share", "set as", "delete" will appear. How do I actually implement this on my own gallery instead of rewriting it myself? Also, will I be able to setup my custom file type in android? I am trying to create an application that opens up my file type via my own vi...

NotesDbAdapter example is for one table, how about multiple tables?

I've checked the NotesDbAdapter example, and I noticed that is for a single table only. (notes) 1) I am wondering how would this be done for multiple tables? For example I have 3 tables for now. How would I handle all the upgrade, fetch, delete from these three tables? 2) I see defined properties for the table columns public static ...

Working with android and ant scripts for building applications

I want to know if we can create builds using ant's build.xml and when i'm trying to do this an error is displayed SDK location not mentioned and besides that I'm unable to find file to mention the SDK Location My aim is that I want to use my exiting code and make a build for new Android SDK's with changes in the resourc...

DatePicker Widget (NOT Dialog) OnDateSet / OnClick event?

How do I know when the date has been changed in a DatePicker widget? OnClick does not fire and there are no other useful events. ...

Is there anyway to get javascript error on android or iphone mobile webkit browser?

I have built a website for mobile webkit browsers, there is an interval update to refresh data. But it turns out that the pooling refresh will stop at some time after run for a while (some minutes or hours, different by each time). I thought there may be something error occurred in my refresh data functions, but it works well in my lapt...

how to make columns in table layout spread evenly making maximum use of space available

I was just trying out with table layout to display some data.... The data is a 3 column data and i want that the columns should utilize the whole width available. But it seems that the layout XML code which i had used is just wrapping up the columns according to the content. Layout XML code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Tab...

android: how do i perserve the data in my arrayadapter/listview when change orientation?

as above, is it done automatically? My list was empty once the orientation chMYanges? and nope, i need the orientation change =) My adapter public class ResultsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<SearchItem> implements Filterable{ private ArrayList<SearchItem> subItems; private ArrayList<SearchItem> allItems;// = new ArrayList<SearchItem>();...

can help me to solve ListView?

i am new in android .i dont know to list items in androi?can anyone help me with this? ...

After I remove the apk, whenever I start Debug it tells me the package is not installed

I have my Emulator open, and using Command Prompt I remove my application. I didn't closed the Emulator. Then I go to Eclipse and hit Debug, but doesn't deploy the apk to the emulator, just tells me the package not yet registered with the system. New package not yet registered with the system. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt. Re...

How to change the height of a webview on Runtime??

I have a webview and a table containing 4 buttons. I have set the height of the webview to 400px, so that the buttons are displayed at the bottom of the screen, in portrait mode. My problem is, when changed to landscape mode the buttons are not visible. So I need to change the height of the webview on runtime, when orientation is changed...

Can't get theme attribute references to work in android

Hi, I'm very new (second day!) to android and working my way through the dev guide. There, it says that you can reference attributes inside the current theme from your XML by using the form "?...", for example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <EditText id="text" xmlns:android="" an...

Android Add-on site edit repository.xml

Hi! I have an Android Sdk Add-on that I want to publish on a site and make it possible to download via Android SDK and AVD Manager. Anyone who knows if there is a tool to generate the repository.xml file or do I have to edit it myself? BR ...

How to get a modified generated Android IInterface file in an apk?

I'd like to add a step to the Android build process in Eclipse, which will modify the generated IInterface files that are based on aidl files. I've written a custom rewriter, which does the rewriting. I inserted this rewriter as a custom builder in Eclipse between the Android Pre Compiler and the Java Builder. The problem is that the ...

Android: Why ArrayAdapter Displays null at first ?

When i populate an ArrayAdapter, at first the rows in the visible part of the screen will be blank except the first row, which will be an undesired result. Then when I scroll it down and then come back all the screen will be set correctly...please some one tell me why this behavior happens ? Code : homeListView = (ListView) fin...