
show dialogue in map overlays

in my applcation i am using the map overlays when i click on overlay image it should display android Dialog from that dialogue user choose the options please help me Thakq Aswan ...

Prevent Context Menu from closing on clicking item (specifically checkbox item)

If I have a checkable item in a Context Menu or ordianry Menu, how do I prevent the menu from closing when the item is selected? ...

How can we have a dictionary service in android apps?

Is there any API available for dictionary service for android like that of Maps, Weather,etc.? How we can have a dictionary service in android apps? ...

onActivityResult in the main activity is not called even though the sub-activity executes setResult() and finish().

Hello all, I have written a simple app which has an 'About' screen (activity) that is shown when the user selects the 'About' item in the Options Menu from the main activity. The 'About' screen has a button named 'Close' on it. The behaviour I want is that when the user clicks the 'Close' button, she/he should be taken to the previous...

No space left on Android Emulator

I have been developing my app for around two months, in the last week i have started getting the following error when trying to compile and run the app from Eclipse: Unable to upload file: No space left on device The APK comes out at 3.6Mb and the emulator is a recently created fresh one with 512Mb SD card and oth...

How to create a closed (circular) ListView ?

Hi, I want to create a customized ListView (or similar) which will behave like a closed (circular) one: scrolling down - after the last item was reached the first begins (.., n-1, n, 1, 2, ..) scrolling upward - after the first item was reached the last begins (.., 2, 1, n, n-1, ..) It sounds simple conceptually but, apparently, the...

unlock android emulator from cmd line

I would like to run android emulator from cmd line - unlock it and control it. Is this possible ? I know how to operate from eclipse? ...

emulator-5554 disconnected

Hi when i start my android emulator. it takes some times then will show the emulator-5554 disconnected message ...

Android Custom Adapter with Bar Progress

Hi, i have a custom adapter for an arraylist. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal"> <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/downloadprogress" style="...

Show dialog while loading new screen

I have a front screen with a button which opens a second screen. The second screen can take a few seconds to load so I want to display a dialog while loading. My problem is the dialog does not display while loading second screen, but it displays when I return to first page from the second page. If I comment out the "startActivity" to ope...

Android schedule action

To make some action for some time I found that there are several choices: use AlarmManager use ScheduledExecutorService use Handler's method postDelayed What is big difference of all this? What is the best practice of making schedule action? ...

Why i get errors, putting SeekBar on widget layout?

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android = "" android:id = "@+id/widget" android:layout_width = "fill_parent" android:layout_height = "fill_parent" android:background = "@drawable/widget_background" android:layout_gravity = "left" > ...

Button with custom XML layout.

Hi! Is it possible to create a button with a custom xml layout? I have this layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:padding="1dp" android:background="#7e7e7e"> ...

Filtering data using combobox in android?

I need to filter the required information from list of data. I am really looking to use combobox for it Does the android provide a way to make a combobox to filter the data? I have read on android developer forum that you can build custom components but I don't have any idea how does it work for combobox? ...

Is there anyway to put Android WIFI (droid handset) into permiscuous monitoring mode?

For a Computer Science Information Warfare class a few years ago I wrote a python script that ran on libpcap promiscuous packet capture files to parse out facebook chat traffic (earlang tuples passed in clear text), and thought an interesting project would be to port the program to Android. I would like to rewrite it in Java but can't...

how to show Progress control or gif in android?

dear friends, when i call webservice on clicking button it waits to load records on new activity and shows activity blank during that time period can any one guide me how to show progress during that time period? any help would be appriciated. ...

intent to play playlist/album in android player

Is there an intent to play the whole playlist or album in android player? As for an album, it is possible to browse songs using ACTION_PICK: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.EMPTY, ""); intent.putExtra("album", id); activity.startActivity(intent); However replacing ...

Open sqlite database failed ....

I put my sqlite database file in the "assets" folder And i write a DAO calss to get data from database,But the information from log.e means i can not open the database. public class GetData { private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.SGMalls/databases/mallMapv2.sqlite"; private static SQLiteDatabase myDataBase; public static ...

Block incoming calls

my VoiP-client would like to block all incoming calls to the phone while my own call is taking place. Is it possible to do this somehow? ...

Start a Service from activity

In my app i have an activity from which i want to start an Service Can any body help me? ...