
How to best use GPS data?

Hello, I am currently developing an application that receives GPS data gathered using and android phone. I need to analyze that data in terms of speed, acceleration, etc... My question is: Can I trust the speed values returned by the phone? Or should I use the difference in position and time between two points to get the values I want?...

Android - Make sure activity is alive before firing Intent?

Hi all, I am currently firing an Intent to a Broadcast Receiver which in turns starts an Activity. Then from the same Service another Intent is fired to a Broadcast Receiver thats in the Activity. The problem is that the Activity isn't getting the Intent meant for it because it is fired before it is alive and the Broadcast Reciever is...

XmlPullParserException when, envelope); is called

Hi! Basically I am using kSoap2 classes for Android. The client app is consuming a web service. If required I can post the code. I surfed around to figure this out. I get following error message expected: START_TAG{}Envelope(posiiton:START_TAG@1:6 in when androidHt...

apk installation from web page

I'm looking for a sample web page (html code) with a link that will install an apk file directly on my phone by clicking on the link. ...

How can I detect if an Android MapView has been panned or zoomed?

I'm creating an Android app that searches for items based on the visible area of the MapView. Is there a way to set up a listener on my MapView to detect when a map has been panned or zoomed? ...

Android Positioning Progress Dialog or Custom Progress Dialog

Hi I don't know how to position the progress dialog(the one with the rotating image). When my application starts its display an full screen image and a progress dialog box. I need to moved the progress dialog box a little lower. Thanks Rajesh ...

How do I use the android media services to return that media to my activity?

Hi! I'm interested in capturing media to use in my activity in two ways: 1) capturing immediately from the supplied app. (like Intent camera = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); this.startActivityForResult(camera, PICTURE_RESULT); 2...

Restricting Android camera

Hello! Avoiding having to create a whole camera app myself, I am calling up: Intent camera = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); this.startActivityForResult(camera, PICTURE_RESULT); However, the camera is very advanced and beautiful :) but not for my purposes. :( Is there a way to restrict the camera to control size, resolut...

Screencapture in NetBeans for Android

I am thinking of making a move to Net Beans but one thing I cant figure out is how to take a snapshot of the screen. I know eclipse has this capability. ...

forum software with a simple RESTful API support

Hi all, I'm searching for a forum software which offers REST like API. It should be able to respond to simple calls like retrieve-post, add-new-post etc. and return the result set in JSON or XML format. Those that immediately come to mind are phpBB, Vanilla, and/or vBulletin. But I don't know if they have REST API. Also I don't intend...

Problem when receiving focus on a list (Android)

I have the following XML layout for a ListActivity. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <ListView android:id="@+id/android:list" android:layout_...

Android screen size

I see that the minimum screen diagonal size for Android is listed as 2.6". I am looking at custom building a device with screen size 2.2" to 2.4" and resolution 320X240. Want to know if Android works on smaller screens. Do I need to write any display drivers to support the smaller screens? Does physical size really matter? ...

Drawing circles in Android

Hi I' trying to complete an assignment. I need to be able to draw circles with the canvas in Android and also draw the ten previous circles while my finger moves. I have saved the coordinates in an arraylist and tried to use a for loop to draw all of the circles. Here is my code, I'm just looking for suggestions not answers if anyone...

Does View.removeAllViews() release memory?

I experienced OutOfMemory exception in my code, so I am reviewing the code. I have a question, does View.removeAllViews() release the memory that were used by the child views that were previously added into this the parent view? Thanks. ...

"RSA Premaster secret error" preventing android SDK install

I'm trying to install android, but the setup is telling me that there is a "RSA premaster secret error" preventing all platforms from installing. please tell me how to fix this and don't use jargon and acronyms please it's really confusing. ...

Android OS and postgreSQL

We are undertaking an Android project but need to connect to postgreSQL server which we use throughout our other projects. Any suggestions on a starting point for this? Is there anything out there (paid or unpaid) that will allow us to achieve this? I realize that this is a pretty general question, and although we have extensive experie...

How to use callbacks in my own code

Here I update my world to include the canvas size world.getViewPort().updateViewPortSize(width,height); Is there a better way to do this? Is there a way that I can automatically update my world object without having to manually call it in the setSurfaceSize method but instead call it from My world class? My guess is that I can use s...

Creating different Builds for the same Android Source Code

I have a Android project for SDK1.5 and now I want to convert it for SDK2.1 with some constant changes for the UI. Should I create a complete new Project or the existing project can be manipulated for including the lastest changes. I'm using Eclipse for Development. ...

Selecting a specific Tab in a TabActivity from a PendingIntent sent from a Notification

I've got a TabActivity with 4 tabs in it. I have a service that is running - this service runs even after my TabActivity has been destroyed. When the Service receives an event, I create a notification. The TabActivity may, at this time, be destroyed, or just running in the background. How can I create a Notification/PendingIntent t...

How to implement a background socket listener for Android?

I have an android app that listens for json commands over a socket. I am wondering how I can implement this as a background service. The service would receive the commands and depending on which commands they are, notify the user, or update data within the main program. Some code examples would be great if anyone has them. I've got a...