
MIDI plugin for Android Jet engine

The Android docs say that there is a MIDI VST and AU plugin that can be used in programs such as Logic. I can't find where these plugins are. Any ideas. I am trying to create some simple MIDI sequences for use in an app and finding it to be a pain. ...

Use a service to monitor when other activites/applications start or end

Hi, Is it possible to make a service running in backgroud to be notified when an arbritary activity/application is started and ended by a user? I want to use it to log how often and for how long different applications are used in Android. ...

How do I determine audio capabilities on Android?

I'm experimenting with Android's audio recording and playback. Is there a way to enumerate the available audio parameters on my device? Right now, when I pass a combination of parameters that the hardware (or emulator) doesn't like, I just get an error. So I am having to "guess": int bufferSize; int sampleRate; // does the audio hard...

Android: Populating multiple items in a listview row

I'm trying to populate a list, and my question is how do you bind the list row with multiple items. So far I have: String[] homeLists = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.homeItems); setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.home_item,, homeLists)); home_item looks like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:an...

Version of SQLite used in Android?

Reason: Im wondering how to handle schema migrations. The newer SQLite versions support an "ALTER TABLE" SQL command which would save me having to copy data, drop the table, recreate table and re-insert data. ...

Widget built from InputMethodService doesn't display GUI in landscape orientation

I am a noob, and I am stuck on one problem. I built a soft keyboard, which works fine in portrait orientation, but the GUI never appears in landscape orientation. My class extends InputMethodService. When I put exact same layout xml file in an activity, it displays perfectly well in both orientations. So, I think the problem lies in my...

Using NyARToolkit is it possible to get distance between camera and the marker?

Hi, I am doing a class project on Android OS 1.6. I am considering to use NyARToolkit (Java implementation of ARToolkit for Android). I need to know whether it is possible to get the distance between the camera and a fiducial marker. If possible, how can I get it? Please help. ...

does android 1.5 saves fpu regs on context switch

i'm asking 1.5 and up or is it dependant on what's in ".config" when compiled for my phone? (and yes, i know that android has to support processors with soft-float, but several libm on different phones do have hard-float libm) (please provide -if possible- any link to/file name of context switching function for msm 7200A/7201A) ...

What features for Android development are missing in Intellij9 compared to Eclipse?

Besides a drag-and-drop UI designer are there any other missing features when developing for Android? Does anybody have suggested plugins for Android development in Intellij 9? ...

Is there any facility to protect the contents of an APK from user modification?

I was thinking about this earlier and figured I'd ask. If I made an application that has lots of resources, what would stop someone from extracting and adding/modifying the resources I ship with it? Does an application that doesn't want its data manipulated have any sort of option to protect itself? ...

Recommendations for Android programming resources.

Hey Everyone, I am working on getting familiar with the Android SDK and I have having a hard time getting the UI side of things figured out. I am trying to create a menu, kind of like how apps are listed in the market place or how the contact list works. Where I would have basically a list view and treat each item in the list as a butto...

Android: is it possible to access a sqlite file that is bundled with my application?

I have a database that I have already populated locally. I want to bundle it with my applications and access it at runtime (never want to re-write it anywhere, nor write to the database, simply read). What is the path of a file that I have added to the bundle? And, can i use that path with a SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase ? ...

Whats Android file system ??

What is Android's file system? ...

How can you tell if any Activity in your application is foregrounded?

I've got an Android app which has a periodic background Service. I want this Service to react differently depending on whether any Activities in my application are open. The issue is that the Service just keeps itself running via the AlarmManager making it on kind of on a separate "track" from the Activities, so I don't know whether th...

How do I make a JQuery Slider-like feature on iPhone/Android web app?

In the iPhone or Android, if you have a JQuery Slider, it doesn't quite work (touchscreen will move the screen instead of drag the slider.) ...

onDraw() triggered but results don't show

I have the following routine in a subclass of view: It calculates an array of points that make up a line, then erases the previous lines, then draws the new lines (impact refers to the width in pixels drawn with multiple lines). The line is your basic bell curve, squeezed or stretched by variance and x-factor. Unfortunately, nothing sh...

Open-sided Android stroke?

Is it possible to create an Android shape object with stroke on only certain sides? Eg I have: <stroke android:width="3dip" android:color="#000000" android:dashWidth="10dip" android:dashGap="6dip" /> Which is similar to this CSS: border: 3px dashed black; How can I set the stroke on just one side? This is how I would ...

IntelliJ IDEA with Junit 4.7 "!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:"

When I attempt to run the following test in IntelliJ IDEA I get the message: !!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected: It should be noted that this is an Android project I am working on in IntelliJ IDEA 9. public class GameScoreUtilTest { @Test public void testCalculateResults() throws Exception { final Game game = ...

Reading in bytes produced by PHP script in Java to create a bitmap

I'm having trouble getting the compressed jpeg image (stored as a blob in my database). here is the snippet of code I use to output the image that I have in my database: if($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $size = $row['image_size']; $image = $row['image']; if($image == null){ echo "no image!"; } else { ...

Creating a Custom Compound Button Bar

I have to create a custom compound button bar control in Android like the one here. To create a button bar like this, I am thinking of extending a LinearLayout and add my buttons to it. The buttons have a black background but with a gradient fill; I am not keen on using PNGs since the color of the buttons can change at runtime. How can...