
Down state on clickable TextView

Hey guys & gals- I have a clickable TextView with a drawable as its background. I'm looking for the right way to implement a down-state drawable so the background changes when the user presses down. I have been able to almost perfectly replicate this behavior by listening for MotionEvents and changing the background when the user is pre...

Android - Debugging on device

Hi, How do I install the app that I'm making on an actual device? I'm on Mac Snow Leopard with a Nexus One phone and I've followed the steps here So I added: 1. android:debuggable="true" 2. Turn on "USB Debugging" on your device. However, when I go to the terminal...

How do i get a .wav sound to play ? [Android]

Im making an app, and i want it to make a sound when a activity is opened , the sound file is in R.raw.sound_file , if someone could do some example code to make my app play a sound that would be great :) ...

Android Load Image from Drawable

Hi, i need to create a object Image from import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image; using a file .png placed in drawable folder. How can i do that? Thanks ...

Why does the app signature change in Android after a classpath change?

I have an Android project that branched into three different applications, app-1, app-2 and app-3, that apply some customizations. Currently there is a lot of code duplication, making maintenance a nightmare: do the changes in one of the branches, and then merge the other two. So we create a library project, named app-core, that factors...

Dropping PendingIntents

Is it ok to drop PendingIntents in android if they are never used. Such as in an AppWidgetProvider where a PendingIntent that was never used be overwritten by a new PendingIntent. Or should we call cancel on all unused PendingIntents to clean up memory appropriately? ...

Can one get the list of following blogs from blogger api or gdata api?

I have been looking for a solution, but the only format that I can get a response to the profile API is in HTML. That is not very reliable for getting something like a list of the blogger's reading list. I have been able to get the default/blogs with my auth token and have the result returned in JSON. I then used that to get the autho...

Android Remove SeekBar Background

Is there a way I can remove the background bar image in the SeekBar android widget? I just want it to show a slider with no progress bar behind it. Any help? ...

How get Android 2.1 SDK to recognize new class: SignalStrength

The new Android 2.1 SDK (version 7) has a new class called SignalStrength: I updated my SDK in Eclipse to include the 2.1 add-on, and now I am trying to use this new class. However, when I go to do an import android.telephony.SignalStrength, it can't find it. ...

What are some techniques to create scrollable areas?

I'm getting started with OpenGL ES on Android and I'd looking to learn some techniques to have a game map larger than the visible area. I'm assuming I've somehow got to ensure that the system isn't rendering the entire scene, including what's outside of the visible area. I'm just not sure how I'd go about designing this! This is for s...

How can I pass a Bitmap object from 1 activity to another

Hi, In my activity , I create a Bitmap object, and I need to launch another activity, How can I pass this Bitmap object from the sub-activity (the one which is going to be launched)? Thank you. ...

Why the letter case inconsistency between src and res/layout?

I called my main activity Main, and Eclipse created and res/layout/main.xml for the layout. Is there any reason why Eclipse dropped the uppercase "M" for the layout file? Was I wrong to use upper case M for the name of my Main class (a Java convention, types start with uppercase, objects with lower case)? ...

Android Class which extends Dialog, how to clear TextViews before it is displayed

I have a class that extends, the layout is done in an xml file, and the setup (button listeners, etc) is done on the onCreate method. My problem is that whenever the dialog is displayed, then dismissed, and displayed again, the Editable TextViews are still populated with the information that was displayed previously. ...

Android: Prompt user to save changes when Back button is pressed

I have an activity that contains several user editable items (an EditText field, RatingBar, etc). I'd like to prompt the user if the back/home button is pressed and changes have been made that have not yet been saved. After reading through the android documentation, it seems like this piece of code should go in the onPause method. I'v...

download Android SDK components without the Android SDK manager

is posible download Android SDK components without the Android SDK manager? in windows xp ...

How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners

In android, ImageView is a rectangle by default. Is it possible to make it a rounded rectangle (clipped off all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles) in the ImageView? If yes, can you please tell me now can I do that? ...

How to retrieve XML attribute for custom control

I've created a combo box control with a edittext and spinner. I'm trying to let the android:prompt attribute be passed onto the spinner, which means I need to catch it in the constructor which passes my the AttributeSet and set it on the spinner. I can't figure out how to get the value of the prompt. I'm trying, int[] ra = { andro...

Listview dsplaying Issue

I am using LinearLayout to display ListView Adding Button at the Top. Then adding Listview bellow the button. Problem is that Listview take the entire screen at the time of scroll. At the time of scroll the first cell of the ListView went in the Background of the button. Is there any solution to strict the List below the button? ...

Android SlidingDrawer in Eclipse IDE

I am trying to design an application for Android that makes use of the SlidingDrawer, but I have not been able to use the form (layout?) designer to add this element without producing an exception "IllegalArgumentException: The handle attribute is required and must refer to a valid child." As of March 17th, I believe I have everything u...

GpsSatellite.getSnr() - What is the value range?

I'm building a Sat-View that draws a small bar-chart for available satellites and their signal strength (or better: their signal-to-noise-ratio / SNR). The javadoc doesn't say what value-range to expect for the SNR. The NMEA-Standard says 0-99, but even in best conditions my G1 doesn't reach that value. I also read that different manufa...