
Android: Clicking an empty space in the ListView blackens existing items

Hello, My layout contains a ListView (the parent is a LinearLayout). I have defined a certain drawable to be the ListView's background. When I press an empty space below the last row, all the list rows turn black. I'd like to attach screenshots but for some reason it adding images here doesn't work for me... Can someone explain how to...

Can I create an activity for a particular task without that task coming to the foreground?

Here's my use case: The app starts at a login screen. You enter your credentials and hit the "Login" button. Then a progress dialog appears and you wait for some stuff to download. Once the stuff has downloaded, you are taken to a new activity. Exactly which activity you are taken to depends on the server response. Here's my problem...

AutoCompleteTextView with custom list: how to set up OnItemClickListener

Hi everyone, I am working on an app which uses tags. Accessing those should be as simple as possible. Working with an AutoCompleteTextView seems appropriate to me. What I want: existing tags should be displayed in a selectable list with a CheckBox on each item's side existing tags should be displayed UPON FOCUS of AutoCompleteTextView...

Does an Intent's extras still get flattened into a Parcel even if the new activity is being started within the same task?

I was wondering... So if you start a new activity via an intent, the intent has to be serialized and deserialized because you may have to send the intent to a separate VM instance via IPC. But what if the PackageManager knows that your new activity will be created on the current task? It seems like a reasonably Googly optimization wou...

Change font size in ListView - Android/Eclipse

How can I change the font size in a ListView element? In my main.xml file, I have tried several different values in for android:textSize (pt,px,sp,dp) and nothing seems to change it. Here is what I have currently for the in my main.xml: <ListView xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/li...

Do Android/webOS devices support multi-touch Javascript events?

On iPhone, iPod touch and (presumably) iPad, Apple has multi-touch event handling available via JavaScript in Mobile Safari. I know the Nexus One recently added multi-touch support via an update, and I believe webOS is also multi-touch enabled. Do Android 2.1 and/or webOS have access to multi-touch in the browser, or is this currently ex...

Can the adp2 device be flashed with 2.0?

Simple question...can the adp2 that I just bought through the Android Market be flashed with Android 2.0? I can't find anything anywhere. The HTC developer support only has system images for the adp1 and adp2 phones up to 1.6. If it can't I will be sending the phone back for a full refund. Thanks. ...

Problems with Acitivity LifeCycle with VideoView playback.

Hi all i've ran into another problems with VideoView. Then video is playing, and i put device asleep, using hard button, onPause is called. But it followed by 03-17 11:26:33.779: WARN/ActivityManager(884): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{4359f620 com.package/com.package.VideoViewActivity} And then i have onStart/onResume ...

How can I compile Android stock Mms App into an .apk?

I want to make some changes to the stock Mms Android application and install it on my device. However, I have problems with compiling the code checkout obtained from git. I have created a new Eclipse Android project with "use existing sources", setting the target framework to 2.1. However, Eclipse does not find some needed framework clas...

Does the ADT plugin automatically create an ant build file?

I created an Android project a few months ago and now have to automate the build process with Hudson. The Android dev guide mentions a build.xml file that gets created when you generate a project ( but I dont see one in my project. Will I have to create this by hand or can I ru...

Android - Wrapping a complete line, not just words

Hi all, Am currently writing an App for Android and in one of the layouts I have a users name and beside it a couple of tags. If both the users name and the tags are short enough, they fit neatly into one line. However, when either of the two are longer I want the name to stay fixed to the left, and the tags to drop to a line below an...

Can I update an image in the drawable directory from code?

I have a picture in res/drawable directory: res/drawable/picture.jpeg. Can I dynamically update this picture.jpeg from code? i.e. I want to use another picture to replace this picture in the drawable directory dynamically. If I can, what path should I use to access the picture? Should I use "res/drawable/picture.jpeg"? Thanks. ...

Stopping background services during an android activity

I am developing an android game right now, and it requires very precise timing and synchronization. That said, it is essential that there is no lag during the game. However I sometimes get lag spikes in the game, and I know its not the GC because I have run the ddms tool, and eliminated all the GC calls. However, I do see alot of backgro...

Android: videocamera, limit length of videos taken

I'm working in Android and starting the video camera activity using ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE. Is there any way I can limit the length (in time) of the videos the user can take? I think this is possible if you use MediaRecorder, but I don't really fancy doing that since it's so much more complicated than using the simple ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE...

Android:Multi touch doesn't work as expected?

Hi folks, Help me in resolving the below issue. I have three image buttons on screen. All these three buttons controlled under ontouchlistner as below. buttonOne.setOnTouchListener(this); buttonTwo.setOnTouchListener(this); buttonThree.setOnTouchListener(this); I override "public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)". Unde...

How to build an android app with external libraries using ant?

I have an existing project that builds fine using my IDE. I'd like to use the "android update" command to generate an ant buildfile for this project. The buildfile is generated fine, but the build fails because it's not building with some jarfiles I have in my libs directory. I'd like to figure out the proper way to tell ant to build ...

Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache

Heya Everyone, I have a WebView in one of my Activities, and when it loads a webpage, the page gathers some background data from Facebook. What I'm seeing though, is the page displayed in the application is the same on each time the app is opened and refreshed. I've tried setting the WebView not to use cache and clear the cache and hi...

How well does knowledge of J2ME generalize to other mobile platforms?

I'm considering taking mobile phone software development course at my university. The course uses J2ME with an emulator. I'm interested in software development for mobile phones, but I get the impression that J2ME is somewhat stale and limited in comparison to the newer platforms like the iPhone and Android. I'm most interested in Androi...

How to stop an activity with GL view. Application not responding

I have an activity that I want to programmatically stop after some elapsed time. I have a GL view running. My understanding is that the GLSurfaceView.renderer is running in its own thread, so I created a handler instantiated from the activity. In the GLSurfaceView I post a message. The handler then attempts to stop the activity with the...

How to build an android test app with a dependency on another app using ant?

I have a module called MyApp, and another module called MyAppTests which has a dependency on MyApp. Both modules produce APKs, one named MyApp.apk and the other MyAppTests.apk. I normally build these in IntelliJ or Eclipse, but I'd like to create an ant buildfile for them for the purpose of continuous integration. I used "android upda...