
Did anybody know how to create skin for Android game aiMinesweeper?

Hi! I found that game aiMinesweeper support skins. I have a images but i don't know how they have to be packed. Try to find any documentation about this, but nothing. Please help! ...

Design Clarification in Android. List Activity vs Activity

I have a simple question. I am trying to design a simple Android app, which based on keywords searches something and shows a listing view of results. Currently it merely searches SMSes in the cellphone. Here are some of the things I am faced with: I have a simple first page with a textbox and a submit button. It's rendered by "Activit...

how we can adjust the screens to both droid and android symultaneously

Hi, When i give the scrollbar height as 320sp in andoir ,it is okay for my application in android but in droid the same code for that scroll bar but it is too small in that how can i adjust ? Give me some suggestions.Thanks in advance? ...

Can we use any feature of linux in our app?

Since Android is built on Linux Kernel.Are there any functionality of Linux which we can use in our application? ...

Android - Clicking on notification in status bar binds the intent with the target activity

I have created an activity which sends a number of notifications to status bar. Each notification contains an intent with a bundle. Here is the code: String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE; NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(ns); int icon = R.drawable.icon; long when = S...

How can I access files in the /sys folder of milestone/droid from java?

I want to access files in the /sys, to be exact in the /sys/class folder. I just need to read some values there. I tried the Context.openFileInput method, but got only exceptions and I understand this is not the right way. thanks for replying! ...

How do I efficiently extract the text from an MS Word document on Android?

How do I extract the text of an MS Word document on an Android device? I could use this: However, the jar is 12MB which is unreasonable for Android apps which are usually less than 1MB. ...

Create Android Applications using Xcode?

Hi, I'm using Xcode for a while, and I'd like to start developing Android Applications. However, the SDK is for Eclipse. I personally don't like Eclipse, because of the UI and it starts to suck on my iMac. I was wondering if it is possible to create Android Applications with the Xcode Tools so I can stay with my old friend Xcode (and ma...

Populating a ListView from a SQLite database in Android

Hi, I am trying to populate a ListView in a separate class with data taken from a SQLite database held in another class. What would be the easiest way to do so? Thanks ...

Image won`t fit screen

Hi, I have a 320x480 image which I`d like to fit the whole screen. This is the main.xml code <ImageView xmlns:android=""&gt; android:id='@+id/splash_medium' android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:src="@drawable/wallpa...

How we see the total content in EditText in android

Thank u But after the Edit Text I use the Icons also .So,when i give Wrap_content for that Edittext The icons are displayed only half ,In below my code is there see that one once <TableRow android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <TextView android:id="@+id/TextViewEmail" android:text="E...

Start Android intent from email

Hi! I need a good way of sending information TO the Android device that doesn't use a special server that has XML data. I would like to base this around email functionality. Lets say I send an email with some special text/link that when clicked starts and intent on the phone. I don't want to replace the users current email application....

Android: imageview and datepicker, Set image based on datepicker output

i have been developing iphone apps for a while now. I just started on android and have about half of my app done. My app calls the native datepicker which the user selects the date then on the selection of the date a particular image is show in the format 2010-3-24, same as android output. I have used the date picker tutorial to get t...

Android - need UI help/advice

I have been working on Android for the past couple of months getting to know how various components work. One area I am completely lacking in knowledge is any sort of User Interface or graphical interface creation. As an excercise I have been asked to break down the HTC call screen into what components it contains and rebuild as close ...

Android - map acticvity - unespected resume

I've implemented the following tutoral: I thought everything was fine with my code, but soon i realized sometimes i would got an error: Unexpected resume of i've found a solution here: howe...

Android LinearLayout Visibility issues with Animation

Hello, I am trying to swap two LinearLayouts by setting their visibility properties to "VISIBLE" and "GONE" respectively. I am also using an animation while the layouts are being swapped. The animation completes successfully and I see the correct layout. However, the previous Layout which has its visibility property set to "GONE" still ...

Image not found exception while posting to twitpic using httpclient

Hi group, I am using commons-httpclient-3.1 jar file to Post multipart file to twitpic , iam getting Image not found exception here is my code HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(100000); PostMethod method = new PostMethod("http://twitpi...

Android Repetitive Task

In an Activity, I need to call a web service every 30 seconds or so, and use the data to update the UI. Is there a recommended approach on how to schedule a repetitive task? Thanks ...

adb command not found in linux environment

While implementing the BluetoothChat application .apk inside G1 device, it always pops up a message: $adb install -r /home/parveen/workspace/BluetoothChat/bin/BluetoothChat.apk -bash: adb: command not found I am not getting clearly why this error is popping up every time. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Praween ...

Making a triangle shape using xml definitions?

Hi, Is there a way that I can specify a triangle shape in an xml file? <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="triangle"> <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="#FFF" /> <solid android:color="#FFF" /> </shape> can we do this with a path shape or something? I just need an equilateral t...