
Is there a way to update a database when installing/upgrading an app?

I have a main application, and a bunch of sub-applications (they are separate apps, which do not appear on the android home dashboard). I was planning on having a SQLite DB which the main app maintains, and get a list of available sub-apps from. Is there a way to update this main database as the user installs the sub-apps? Two alterna...

android Traceviewer

Hi I am Trying to use trace viewer by Debug.startMethodTracing("sampletrace"); Debug.stopMethodTracing(); And I pull the sampletrace to a folder from sdcard. When I try view the tracefile using the following command. D:\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools>traceview D:\trace\sampletrace.trace it is showing the following line Key sec...

Start all tab's activities for pre-cache

I have a TabActivity with three tabs defined. The first tab is light-weight and renders in acceptable time. But the 2nd and 3rd tab, does need a couple of seconds to get visually rendered, after I click them. I would like to launch them, after I've loaded my first tab, in background for pre-cache. Once they are loaded, I can switch quick...

How to linkify to in-built apps like Contacts?

I have an empty TextView set for my ListView. When there is no data, it shows the empty text, where I have description that they should go to Contacts application. How can I linkify "Contacts" word so when tapped opens the Contacts application? ...

browse data in Android SQLite Database

Is there a way for an Android user to browse the SQLite databases on his/her phone and view the data in the databases? I use the SoftTrace beta program a lot. It's great but has no way that I can find to download the data it tracks to a PC. Thanks ...

Computer Vision and AR libraries availabe for Android?

I am starting out as an Android Developer, and I would like to know if there are any Computer vision libraries or Augmented Reality libraries for the Android SDK, as I am planning to use these libraries for a mobile app. I have read that if I download the NDK, I might be able to "import/use" the C openCV, and ARtoolkit libraries, but I ...

Android: Send arbitrary objects within Activities?

I have read some question here but I didn't find a solution. I have read about Parcelable, Intents, and sharing specific data within Activities from the android dev docs (both dev guide and reference). Here's the scenario: I have one ListActivity that fills in an object parsing an xml file, it shows a list of values, and when clicked I...

Android RatingBar weirdness: Whenever I add a RatingBar to my layout, a bunch of the generated tags, (e.g., R.layout.selectgame) throw off errors as if they are undefined

Whenever I use a RatingBar view in my layout, I suddenly get all kinds of compile errors. I'm using Android 2.0, but I've also tried 2.0.1, and 2.1, without joy. I also get a message: Shader '' is not supported in Layout Editor, and an odd warning which may or maynot be related: warning: Ignoring InnerClasses...

Android and obfuscation

Is there anyone here who have real-world experience on this topic and is willing to share his experiences on subject? Links to guides/code/step-by-step instructions are highly appreciated. Thanks! ...

How do i add words to the suggestions on top of the soft keyboard

Is there any way to add words to the suggestions in the soft keyboard? For a specific Edittext field i would like to add a list of names to the suggestions that pops up on top of the soft keyboard in android 2.0. Does anyone know if this is possible? ...

Android mock location on device?

How can I mock my location on a physical device (Nexus One)? I know you can do this with the emulator in the Emulator Control panel, but this doesn't work for a physical device. ...

AsyncTask won't stop even when the activity has destroyed

Hi all, I have an AsyncTask object which starts executing when the activity is created and does stuff in the background (downloads upto 100 images). Everything works fine but there is this peculiar behavior which i'm not able to understand. For eg: when the android screen's orientation changes then the activity is destroyed and create...

Using resource values as layout attributes (config.xml)

Looking in the android sdk folders, I've found a file called values/config.xml. This seems to be somewhere that you can define values for later use in layouts and animations. Given the config.xml: <resources> <string name="config_somePadding">50dip</string> </resources> How would I reference this to use as the layout_height in a...

how mount userdata.img or userdata-qemu.img in osx

Disk Utility in OSX easily mounts an SD Card image as a device, but not so the other img files. I want to get the database I just created in the Android Emulator off the drive and into my osx file system. I updated my system with qemu using macports but no combination I try succeeds. Anyone figured out how to do this? Obviously one wa...

How to create a draggable overlayItem in Android 2.1

Does anyone know how to make a map overlayitem draggable so I can press and hold it and drag it across the map. I am trying to duplicate the draggable icon behavior that's available on the iPhone. One developer suggested a possible solution is to detect a touch event, get rid of the existing overlay item, draw your own copy of the icon...

Copying files from emulator drive to sd card

I see how to mount an SD card in the emulator, but I'm not sure how you move files back and forth between the userdata image and the SD card image. Can someone tell me how to do this? ...

How to rotate the screen to landscape (or portrait) by programmable way?

Hi guys. How to rotate the screen to landscape (or portrait) by programmable way? I am trying to make it independent when user rotates the screen. Is it possible thing ? Thanks in advance. ...

Can I update an Android provider.Settings.System value?

I can read settings like this, for example: final String mytest = System.getString(this.getContentResolver(), System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON); ...but can't seem to write to settings using putString, no matter what I've tried. Maybe it is the scope of this.getContentResolver()??? I'm a newbie, so who knows, maybe it can't be done, or it's just...

Sax parsing from web service

Hey, I am trying to parse xml file using Sax parser. The file has variable number of same elements. I want to count the number of times the element is present. And i want this count before parsing, so that I can declare an array of appropriate size. One way is to count them in a separately class with another parser (clumsy) and other ...

Would it make sense to have a separate Scala library in Android market?

As far as I understand it is necessary for people using Scala for Android applications to bundle the Scala classes they used with their application. Considering this adds hundreds of kilobytes to each Scala app redundantly, would it be possible to build a Scala library which can be delivered over the market, so app writers can just depe...