
Android programming. Application stopped unexpectedly.

I've just created a prototype of interface for my android app and tried to run it. Unfortunately I get an error that my app has stopped unexpectedly: This is layout mode of editing. Everything looks as I want so there shouldn't be errors: This is my main.xml code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:androi...

Android Extend BaseExpandableListAdapter

I am trying to extend the BaseExpandableListAdapter, however when once I view the list and I select one of the elements to expand, the order of the list gets reversed. For example, if I have a list with 4 elements and select the 1st element, the order (from top to bottom) is now 4, 3, 2, 1 with the 4th element (now at the top) expanded....

Looking for Suggestion on Multi-Consumer Service Development

How would I model a system that needs to be able to provide content in a format that would be consumable by iphone, Android or web browser (or whatever). All a new consumer would have to do is build a UI with rules on how to handle the data. I'm thinking something RESTful returning JSON or something. I'm really looking for suggestions ...

On Nexus ONE, getting RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE when trying to use SmsManager.sendTextMessage()

Hello, I've been successfully testing my app which sends a text message to another phone number. The problem came when I sent this to a buddy that has the NEXUS ONE. I added a pending intent to sendTextMessage() and saw I'm hitting: RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE. Any ideas?? Thanks, Jonathan ...

ImageView bounds are larger than expected in android layout

Hey all, This is a layout that I have defined in an app. As you can see, I would like the TextView "@details/image_time_counter" to be aligned with the bottom right of the image. Unfortunately, this is currently what shows - app - hierarchy viewer all - HV part 2. HierarchyViewer reports that the ImageView has bounds much bigger than w...

Basic Scolling Question

Hey guys, im pretty new to android platform and have a really simple question. Im putting buttons as layouts with text boxes, but im running out of room. How would i make it possible for the user to scroll down to view more buttons and stuff. For example, if i have 6 buttons, and 3 are in the field of view, i wanna be able to scroll with...

How to make button on LinearLayout dynamically ?

Hi guys, I am trying to make a button programmable way (no attributes on LinearLayout). In other words, button count on the View is dynamically. How to make it ? Thanks ...

Disable scrolling in webview?

Hi there, Until now I have been an iPhone developer only and now I have decided to give Android a whirl. Something I haven't been able to figure out on Android is how to programmatically prevent scrolling in a webview?? Something similar to iPhones prevention of the onTouchMove event would be great! Thanks in advance! ...

Is there anyway an app can use more than 16mb in memory?

I understand most Android devices have a 16mb limit (24mb on Nexus One) on the Java heap size. Is there any way a single app can use more memory than that? I know the native SDK doesn't have this limitation but I'd like to stick with Java. ...

Application lifecycle. How to run something only when application starts

I have a dialog popup to indicate how long I want an activity to run. Seems simple enough, but its difficult to determine when the activity is really starting. If the user opens the keyboard on a G1 and thereby goes into landscape, that reruns the activities onCreate method. I can't have a static for the class or even create an applicat...

Multiple button presses for Android 2.x

I am relatively new to this still, and I have been developing a small app that would benefit greatly from a user being able to press 2 buttons at one time. What is the best method for achieving this? I dont think that an OnClickListener works like that, and I have seen examples for doing this with an OnTouch event. However, I do not know...

Modify python USB device driver to only use vendor_id and product_id, excluding BCD

I'm trying to modify the Android device driver for calibre (an e-book management program) so that it identifies devices by only vendor id and product id, and excludes BCD. The driver is a fairly simply python plugin, and is currently set up to use all three numbers, but apparently, when Android devices use custom Android builds (ie Cy...

Passing a DefaultHttpClient between activites

Hi all, I am trying to maintain my session variables that I get back in a cookie from my website in my DefaultHttpClient by passing the client between activities. Simply put how can I pass this object between activities to maintain my session variables? Bundle.put... doesn't seem to support this object. If it does how does it work wi...

No such table android_metadata, what's the problem?

i use a existed slqite database, and copy it to /data/data/packagename/databases, The code learned from this blog: after copy the database, I open the databse. But the log message show the error: No such table android_metadata So i need creat a t...

Roadmap to Android development

Hello, I've done a little research, and am interested in developing for Android. I've never programmed before, and have no idea how to go from zero experience to developing for a mobile device. My interest is in eventually making some sort of 2d game. Is there a lesson plan for starting from the ground up? I would think one would ...

Use Contact API in Aapplication.

In my application i want to add new contacts to my application's database is there any way to use contact API. OR Is there any to use Contact Content provider to store application's contact info instead of using separate Database ...

problem with sql query, variable value not inserting itself.

the old query works, the new on doesnt. the android logcat gives me error as: Failure 1: no such column abcname. abcname is the value of a editview that im trying to get from a popup in android. i know that the first query will insert those values in the fields, as they are given in single inverted commas. the same query, i typed in the...

Maintaining both free and pro versions of an application

I want to create a PRO version of my application for Android and was wondering how to structure my repository. For know I have a trunk and feature branches. I'd like to put a pro version in another branch but maybe there is a better way? For example, maybe I should create two branches - one for free version, the other for pro? Pro vers...

Android SDK : Playing video using mms protocol

Hello, Using the Android SDK, is it possible to play a video stream using the MMS protocol I am streaming video from a PC using windows media. I can use Windows Media Player to play the stream by just inputting the following URL in Windows Media Player mms:// Is it possible to play the same stream using the Andro...

glow when touch the screen in android?

when i touch whereever in the screen that point will be glow(nothing but like a flash or glittering) for some time. how to do that? any example or idea?? i have to implement to put buttons on it. exactly when i touch the screen it will glow some time and then the button will appear on the point where i touched. ...