
Activity Not found Exception while trying to send a mail...

Hi, I have written a code snippet to send mail when a button is clicked. But when i click the send mail button i am getting an ActivityNotFound exception in the logcat... Here's the code... public class appointments extends Activity { List<Strings> appnt=new ArrayList<Strings>(); ArrayAdapter<Strings> adapter=null; EditText name=null;...

Android: RTL support - digits embedded in a right to left sentence (Hebrew)

Hi There, My application displays Hebrew text which comes from a Web Service. When a sentence contains digits (in the middle of it), the digits appear in a mirror view: 29 appears as 92, 21:45 appears as 54:12 and 2,000 appears as 000,2. Also, when a sentence starts with digits or English characters, they get thrown to the end of the se...

[Android] SocketException (The system call was cancelled)

Hi. I am working on a android project and I need to connect the gPhone with the PC using UDP socket. The same operation, sending a message to from gPhone to the PC, returns different results in different time: Sometimes succeeded and sometimes throws a SocketExcepton(The system call was cancelled). Can anyone tell me what possibly result...

Send XML file to web server in Android

Hi, I am planning on converting some longitude and latitude values to XML and then sending the file to a web server to display on a Google Map Interface. Is it possible to send an XML file to a web server through my own application in Android? Thanks ...

how to add bouncycastle algorithm to android

Hi friends, I am trying to write a small application using bouncycastle algorithm, from the ( it says we have to import and add the provider during runtime by the following code import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider(...

what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android

I am developing App in Android. I don't know the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android. who knows? ...

How do I display each view once as they are loaded, in Android?

I have an Android application that works off of a smaller database, around 300 entries. To view the database, I have created a custom view that contains individual rows of data. Then I query the database, and add each line to a newly created custom view. The problem is that it takes a little white for all of this to be created/loaded, s...

image format in android

can any one tell me which is the image format used in android phones? ...

Programmatically find device support GPS or not?

I am trying to find some code which will help me to find out if the device which I use has GPS or not? I don't want to know if GPS is enabled or disabled. I just want to know if the device has GPS hardware or not through my program. ...

Updating an application OTA

I'm developing an application that will be available from a website (market probably as well). The problem I'm having at the moment is how to handle the updates to the app. I know how to check the version against the current one and I know if I need to update it. Question Is there a way I can download an APK from the website a...

Using WebView setHttpAuthUsernamePassword?

Hi, I'm trying to do basic authentication to view a protected url. I want to access the protected url which looks like this: So I do the following with a WebView: mWebView.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword("", "", "[email protected]", "mypassword"); mWebView.loadUrl("

Android game goes blank after pressing home and restarting

I am making an Android game with an Activity called Game, a SurfaceView called GameView and a Thread called GameThread. The Game's onCreate(), I make a new GameView, which makes a new GameThread, where all the game logic and canvas drawing is carried out. However, I'm having some lifecycle difficulties. When I press back and restart it,...

gridview selector in android. how???

i am having a gridview. when i select it, the selector(orange color) will shows like square. i want to set that as rounded corners. how to do that? ...

How to avoid Black Screen on starting an application

hi, When i start my application initially ,i get a black screen which stays for a few seconds before my main activity starts.In case of iphone an image with name default is displayed for that split second.I am not sure how to do the same in android.Any help .I tried as below in vain <activity android:name=".Index" ...

Creating Service with Bluetooth activation in Android

Hi I want to create a service in Android which will initially ask user if they want to start Bluetooth and set the Bluetooth discovery. My question is: Can I launch in the service following activities? if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActi...

What is the best way to wait for a GPS location fix?

Hi, Using my Android application, when a user does a certain action, a background service is started that fetches the current GPS location and saves it in a database in addition of doing some other stuff. In that service, I use the requestLocationUpdates() from the LocationManager class and wait until the onLocationChanged() of my Locat...

Variable cannot be resolved

Hi, I am trying to create an item list, diffrent for each i and j variable. My code is: if (i == 0) { if (j == 0) { final CharSequence[] items = {"4:45", "5:00"} } else if (j == 1) { final CharSequence[] items = {"4:43", "4:58"} } else if (j == 2) { ...

Exporting a SQLite database to an XML file in Android

I know this is possible but I'm not really sure where to start. Has anyone been able to achieve this? Thanks. ...

Android - how do I display a list of items in an HTML-like Ordered list?

Still new to Android I want to display some data as an HTML-like ordered list (non-actionable). Example; Item One Item Two Item Three I feel I am missing something obvious. Thanks, JD ...

Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default android app

Hello, I followed this stackoverflow thread to implement EmailSender using Javamail on Android. But I am still getting this exception: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 465 I am using Android 1.6. What might cause this problem? Any help is appreciated, thanks. ...