
Android - Calling getJSONArray throwing JSONException with no stack trace

Hi all, I'm currently working on an android app that pulls a list of forums from a JSON feed. I'm trying to parse the feed and immediately upon calling getJSONArray a JSON exception is being thrown with no stack trace. The JSON being returned is stored in an JSONObject jobj with the format as follows: { "Forum": [ ...

The concept of an Intent in Android?

I don't really understand the use and concept of an Intent. I DO understand that an activity are one visual interface and one endeavour that the user can partake in. I THINK an intent is used to launch and communicate between different activities. If so, then how would you accomplish that? A code sample would be helpful. In analogy form,...

How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android?

Hi all, Here is my code import org.ksoap2.*; import org.ksoap2.serialization.*; import org.ksoap2.transport.*; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TextView; public class ksop2test extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ private static final String METHOD_NAME =...

how do "saved states" work? (Android)

I just read a pretty interesting article on how android (and i assume other OSs) work when low on memory. How is this done theoretically? Is it similar to Java's object serialization? ...

GPS timeout in android

In blackberry, we use a timeout to get the location, so that if it doesnt retun location in that much time period, we get to know. But in Android, there is no concept of timeout, can anyone please tell the alternative, that we can find out that after this much time there is no location update from GPS. ...

Why does my Opengl es android testbed app not render anything besides a red screen?

For some reason my code here (this is the entire thing) doesnt actually render anything besides a red screen.. can anyone tell me why? package; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import; ...

Calling a function that has 'Activity' as an argument.

I have stripped down my functions for simplicity: public static int countLines(String fileName, Activity activity) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(activity.getAssets().open(fileName))); return 3; } I am calling it from here: private CharSequence RandomRead() throws IOExceptio...

Android ListView in Activity getting Refreshed on Changing Orientation

I have Activity with ListView inside it and in the onCreate method of the Activity I have code for populating the Data of the ListView this Data is a server based and so populating includes calling Network URLs. I have the ArrayAdapter of the ListView in the Same Activity Class. Now the Issue I'am facing is that, in Rest all scenarios m...

Android SDK not updating the installed packages

When i try to do "update all" from Android SDK and AVD Manager thru' windows environment i got following error msg - Failed to fetch URL, reason: can anybody pls let me know of the correct link from where it will fetch the packages ? Thanks. ...

getting playlist of stations for internet radio application in android

hi all, I want to develop an internet radio application in android.I am new to this application. I am planning to get the list of station and put them in an xml file in sdcard and provide that in a listview so that when one item is get selected that station will start playing.The xml file should be updated if any new station is added. H...

How can I query the number of album in gallery

Hi, In android 2.1 sdk, how can I query the number and the name of each album in the gallery? And is there an way to launch an intent to allow user to see all pictures of a particular album in the gallery? Thank you. ...

activities stack

Is there a way to vizualise the activity stack, at some moment during debug, or normal run ? ...

can i write my own event on android:imeOptions="actionSearch" ?

dear friends, i am using android:imeOptions="actionSearch" in editText and my question is can i write my own event if user presses Searchbutton on Softkeyboard? actualy i want to perform functionality of softkeyboard search button similar to button we use on android activity. any help would be appriciated. ...

Android - Is there an SDK way to find out the exact amount of memory consumed by a process identified by its pid?

I would like to check the memory consumption of each running processes individually, cat /proc//statm is ok, but opening a shell for each check is time consuming, and maybe not the best way. any advices how to do it with the SDK? ...

Set FIX for GPS in android

Is there a way to set a fix for gps, or is there any way , wherein, in method onLocationChanged(), i can find if the gps is taking more time than 1 minute, then i can stop the listener. ...

activity parent

Hi, Can someone tell if why when starting an activity with startActivity(intent) , calling getParent() in onCreate() of the new created activity returns a nul ? Also how could I obtain the parent of an activity created in such a way ? Can a reference of the activity below the current activity in the activity stack be obtained ? ...

about finish() in android

Could someone provide a description of what happens when an activity calls its finish() ? Does it exits immediately or completes the function from which it was called ? ...

How to hide the title bar for an Activity in XML

I want to hide the title bar for some of my activities. The problem is that I applied a style to all my activities, therefore I can't simply set the theme to @android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar. Using the NoTitleBar theme as a parent for my style would remove the title bar for to much activities. Can I set a no title style item somewhere? ...

How can I use back button while loading a page in an Android WebView?

I have a link in my application that triggers a webview to open from webview.loadUrl(...). Sometimes it's takes quite a while to load the page, and in these cases I want to be able to use the built in back button on the phone to cancel the loading and go back to my application. How do I do this? Is there some way I can listen to the ...

Embedding more text into the mail body in SMTP Gmail sender

Hi folks, I am using Gmail sender function defined here to send a mail to the predefined mail id. But my problem is that i want to embed more text into the body of my mail... The Gmail sender is only accepting one sting to be embedded into the body of the mail. Can anyone tell me how to embed more strings into the body of the mail... If...