
libriaries on Android

In native development, you can produce libraries - .so, .dll etc - that other libraries and programs can share. In Java, you can put your code in a JAR in the classpath and other programs and libraries can use it. So how can you do modular programs in Android? I get the impression from the documentation that each APK is a self-contain...

Positioning elements outside an Activity on Android

Is there a way to absolutely position an UI element on Android so that it is located outside an Activity? For example: can you create a fullscreen ImageView simply by moving/resizing an ImageView inside an existing regular Activity instead of creating a new fullscreen activity? EDIT: Re-reading my question I see I wasn't very clear abou...

ContentObserver on content://sms/ in 1.6+ ?

Hi, I have a content observer that polls content://sms/ in android 1.5 so that I get notified of changes in the sms database and can react to them accordingly. However in 1.6 this doesn't work, has the uri been changed from content://sms/ to something else? I have seen content://mms-sms/ popping up in the logcat on my 1.6 device but ...

Simple Android Database Query problem

Hi everyone, I'm new to StackOverflow but so far I love this site. I'm writing an Android application for RC cars. It uses an SQLite Database, and saves the model of the car (carname) as well as other variables. I want to be able to display only the records that have a certain model of car named in the carname column. So far I can only...

Hello i am using the android code to connect facebook but getting "Facebook Server Error + 104 - Incorrect signature"

Hello i am using the android code to connect facebook but getting "Facebook Server Error + 104 - Incorrect signature" exception at the place of onLoginSuccess function. code is given bellow .... public class FacebookConnection extends Activity implements LoginListener { private FBRocket fbRocket; /** Called when the activity is first ...

Displaying popup images on button click

Hi experts, Please refer the image given in the url My query is, How can I display the messages corresponding to the rounded buttons and the table row , when I click on the rounded button with question mark. I know, I have to use listener for the ? button ...

Android - Can I force BACK button to go 2 steps back in the Acitivty stack?

Android - Can I force BACK button to go 2 steps back in the Acitivty stack with some kind of code? I know I can override the onKeyDown method but I want BACK to do it's thing, just twice! ...

Excel-like vertical and horizontal headers for android

Hi all, I need to have excel-like headers. It means, that it has vertical headers (fixed horizontally), which can be scrolled vertically, and horizontal headers (fixed vertically), which can be scrolled horizontally. The contents should be scrollable both vertically and horizontally. To make it clear, I tried to 'draw' here. ...

What is likely cause of Android runtime exception "No suitable Log implementation" related to logging in 3rd-party jar?

I am creating an Android app that includes a third party jar. That third party jar utilizes internal logging that is failing to initialize when I run the app, with this error: "org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: No suitable Log implementation". The 3rd party jar appears to be using org.apache.commons.logging and ...

is there a default back key(on device) listener in android?

I am having two activities A and B. when i click the button in A that will shows B. when i click the Button in B it backs to A. i had set the overridePendingTransition method after the finish() method. it works properly. but in case the current Activity is B. on that time i click the default back button in the device. it shows the right ...

How to create Context Menu using XML file ?

I am using XML file for creating Context Menu for my ListView. (Please see below). I also want to set a header for this Context Menu. I read (at[email protected]/msg43062.html)that I can use menu.setHeaderTitle(myContextMenuTitle) in onCreateContextMenu Method. But I need to set this in XML ...

Android:What is LayoutAnimation?

Hello, I am working on implementing simple animations on Android development and being successful. I came across one called 'LayoutAnimation'. I couldn't figure out exactly what it is and how can we implement it? Could someone explain me (or) give me link to know about 'LayoutAnimation' and How can we implement it step by step procedure...

Casting and getting values from date picker and time picker in android

Hi , I have a date picker and a time picker in my app. Can anyone tell me how to get the values of the date and time that are selected??? What i mean to say is, for EditText we can declare as final EditText Name = (EditText) this.findViewById(; and we can cast the data of it by using Name.getText().toString(). So sim...

Connecting to internet thru my app

Hi Is there any way to start the internet through Wifi/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS from application?? Thanks and Regards. ...

Android to .NET - XML-RPC or KSoap?

We are designing an internal system that will have a .NET PC base station and many Android mobiles, communicating over WiFi. Can't decide between SOAP or XML-RPC protocol. Primary concerns are maturity, compatibility, and the minimizing of coding/integration, in that order. Which is best? Ben ...

Auto launch the video player in Android from the browser like an iPhone does.

Hi All, I have just created and iPhone web app, which has some x264 (mp4) video files on it. When I link directly to the file on the iPhone and the user taps the link, the video player is loaded and the video starts playing. Using the app on an Android phone causes the browser to download the video instead of just playing it. Is there ...

Android: How get the status-code of an HttpClient request

I want to download a file from and need to check the response status code (ie HTTP /1.1 200 OK). This is a snipped of my code: HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(myUri); HttpEntity httpEntity = null; HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpRequest); ... How do i get the status-cod...

How can i know what TextView was clickbale?

Hello, i have one doubt. I have an iteration of TextViews, and what i want is when i click in one TextView , i want stop the iteration and open a web, who can i know what TextView as been click on? i have this code: Iterator<TextView> it = text.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ test =; test.setOnClickListener(new View...

Android: howto parse URL String with spaces to URI object?

I have a string representing an URL containing spaces and want to convert it to an URI object. If is simple try to do String myString = " of swine - 13. Persecution Ascension_ leave nothing standing.mp3"; URI myUri = new URI(myString); it gives me Illegal character in...

Using hebrew with the android emulator

Hi I want to be able to run a "Hello World" application on my android emulator in hebrew How can I do that? is it supported? thanks ...